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Interesting thing I found out from the comments
Vietnam contracted out to build Metro lines in HCM City and Hanoi at roughly the same time (~2011/2012).
Hanoi went to Chinese company
HCMC went to Japanese company.
Both are delayed and over budget (Hanoi at 1.8X, HCMC at 3X), but at least Hanoi has been running since 2021, but HCMC is yet to be put into full service.

I don't know enough about these projects besides that, anyone from Vietnam can talk about it more? Do people like the Hanoi line? Are people blaming China for the budget? (If so, what do they say about Japan? lol)
Well, depend who you ask! If ask fair mind who know how real world work then Hanoi line is good. Overbudget is most concerned and criticism but like any projects of any country it unavoidable. Clean and fast, help solve the nightmare traffic of Hanoi a lot. Otherwise then you just a traitor,Vietjian, dog for Chinese just because you dare to speak good about Hanoi line. Lol. Funny thing is online forums full of China hater used to mocking Hanoi line relentless but when Hanoi line put to use while HCMC line nowhere to see then bunch of Jap criticism appears. They pointed out Jap technology just same as Chinese(for Vietnamese the Jap technology used to be some kind of alien technology), just over budget slow as fck and nothing special same as other.


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China is in Arctic, China is in Ukrainian battlefield, China is everywhere & has achieved the technological breakthrough of being omnipotent. :eek::eek:
President Xi is totally the new Buddha or something like that.

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This is hilarious:
Finland's Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen says that while the country is seeking "like-minded" partners to invest in its critical minerals industry, all are welcome.
"If we look at China, if we look at the developments in the Indo-Pacific, I think it's very natural that not just NATO but also individual countries in Europe, such as Finland, start looking also in that direction,"

Translation: I would only go out with like-minded, smart, handsome, white, and rich guys, but all are welcome. Actually doesn't matter what my friends think, I'm so desperate, I am also looking in your direction.


Registered Member
For the Native Americans/Indigenous history it's even worse and the propaganda and bullshit history is far more insidious and malicious.

White westerners constantly acted like DA NEw W0RLd was this untamed land with scattered barbarian savage natives who never got past hunter-gatherer Neanderthal levels of technology, but the truth is that the entire Americas both North and South and also Central had numerous flourishing and quite advanced civilizations numbering in easily in the tens if not hundreds of millions. Basically, even the worst predictions would have their populattions flourishing at the same numbers or about the same numbers as Europeans. Likely more because the continents of either Americas are absolutely massive compared to Euorpe (excluding Russia of course since they wanna call the Russians ORKSSSSS).

There is one notable example of an indigenous city that was literally CARVED into the mountains and caves of pure rock and stone in the American Southwest. It's one of those red hot desert rocky places. Anasazi I believe.

This level of engineering is far more impressive than almost anything europe produced until industrialization since these guys built all of this with no metallury basically and they didn't have horses for labor either.

Similarly, other Mesoamerican civilizations had incredible surgery and medical practices using only obsidian tools. Tools whose edge was so sharp that they are basically not even beaten by today's technology except for extremely high quality medical grade surgerical or industrial tools. Not to mention that mesoamerican math, astronomy, and their calendar was better than Europeans by a long shot until industrialization once again. Actually the mesoamerican calendar pretty much still beat everybody else's in the whole world right up until modern science came around. And even then we were basically just proving with physical evidence what they already knew centuries if not thousands of years ago.

White westerners also act like they had such superior military prowess against them when the truth is that westerners spreading their filthy disgusting diseases and germs and shit all over the place was pretty much the number one reason why the indigenous could never organize a proper resistance. Along with poisoning them alcohol (I still consider the closest the west to have ever come to destroying China was using Opium as a weapon), and also almost rendering buffalo extinct...which is akin to starving the indigenous to death since that was both their primary source of food and also their entire culture revolved around buffalo/bison so much.
Do you have any books as recommended reading?
Western white US vassal getting slapped by India lmao

Also quite funny how the concept of "hiding your strength" doesn't apply to India.
What do they call this Indian diplomatic strategy? Tiger Diplomacy? Bollywood Diplomacy?


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Anglos are the most shameless gaslighting pathetic empire to have ever graced humanity’s history books. They deserve to be in decline for the sheer level of weak sophistry
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I say either Huawei is allowed full access to the five eyes plus compensation and Anglo government no compete contracts to Huawei for the next decade, or watch the Anglo companies try to compete against the scientific powerhouse of the civilisation that have humanity gunpowder and 5G
I would just let them continue spending major cash uprooting their existing systems to install second rate Ericsson systems, and delay their own development.


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India’s elderly population will double and overtake the number of children by 2050​

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India is getting the China treatment (literally) by MSM.... India will grow old before growing rich....haven't heard that before... but the timing of these articles are Impeccable.

And MSM journalists and Western politicians can expect the monitor lizard treatment on Twitter X.


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Trudeau needs to be a man and stand up to Indian bullying.
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I've always thought India is a bit like Gollum in lord of the rings...

What a pity that Bilbo did not stab that vile creature, when he had a chance!”

“My heart tells me that he has some part to play yet, for good or ill, before the end; and when that comes... may rule the fate of many”


Registered Member
I would just let them continue spending major cash uprooting their existing systems to install second rate Ericsson systems, and delay their own development.
Indeed. Yes, China would lose potential influence on being embedded on their foundational tech stack, but having an extra (minimum) 5 year lead (on top of what it already has) on them would be much better from an economical and tech perspective