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Registered Member
Bribing American officials is just as easy.

How many are caught up in Drug/prostitution scandals?

There are also many famous honeypots, Anna Chapman, Fang Fang, etc.

Human beings have the same weaknesses in China or the USA.
I dont think these people reached to US cabinet. that has much more in depth scrutiny. very few US secretary of state has resigned and they still in public life dealing with Foreign countries after they no longer in office.
even Lavrov who does not really have soft power with Armenian diaspora but Putin keep him as long possible due to his personal connections with so many in global south.


Registered Member
I dont think these people reached to US cabinet. that has much more in depth scrutiny. very few US secretary of state has resigned and they still in public life dealing with Foreign countries after they no longer in office.
even Lavrov who does not really have soft power with Armenian diaspora but Putin keep him as long possible due to his personal connections with so many in global south.

Ok, then Stormy Daniels?
She is not a foreign operative, but bad enough


Registered Member
Ok, then Stormy Daniels?
She is not a foreign operative, but bad enough
it depends how much US president has access to details but i am sure these things are known but they let it go otherwise no one will pass background check. US president comes from political system that it will have some connections to wealth from other US allies like in Mideast. but they are all in US system. US economy works on free flow of capital among its allies. why do you think Saudi PIF head practically staying in US not just visit. or MBS bought that expensive villa in France because he knows he will meet the people when he is there.


Registered Member
It's A PERSONAL FAILING NOT INSTITUTIONAL FAILURE. Qin Gang SUCCUMBED to his inner demons/desire/lust/love for the woman which resulted of him fathering a child in the U.S.

I don't know how that can be read as "HIGH-LEVEL OFFICIALS ARE TOO AFRAID TO DEFEND NATIONAL INTEREST" when the man has been essentially fired from his position that he has been working so hard to attain.

It's quite worrying but understandable to a certain degree why the virulent Chinese nationalist such as yourself would find Qin Gangs action as an emblematic and a symptom of perceived betrayal/treasonous actions by important officials in the CPC. What actions should have been taken by the leadership that would pacify and satisfy the angst, accusations from your side? War over Taiwan during the Pelosi visit? For what? I am sorry to disagree with you but I for one am glad that Chinese leadership as imperfect and as human as they are just like the rest of us, they do not succumb to emotional barking and actions that would have caused irreparable damage to China's aspirations of achieving economic revitalization and military power. If your country was a democracy like India, then in my opinion there's no doubt that China would have invaded and have taken military actions against Taiwan and India many moons ago to the detriment of China.
I agree on most things you say but on this you are very wrong.

First, senior public officials have no right to a personal life. This is largely a modern (western) concept. If you are secretly having an affair, are homosexual or anything else that needs to be kept private you are a liability. Foreign intelligence agencies will be monitoring everything you do and will use it against you. As well as the obvious blackmail, what if the Americans offered him something like a university place for his son in return for a favour?

As well as the public security threat, there is the moral failure. Even if there were no foreign agencies combing over your every move, having people who succumb to their inner demons sets a bad precedent and is a very slippery slope to much worse things. It's easy to overlook this, but I think the loss of morality and standards in the west is one of the biggest reasons it has failed.

For example, look at the former PM Liz Truss. She was married, then had an affair with her MP boss (causing the end of his marriage). She then had another affair with a party official who gave her a safe seat to stand in. Once in power she appointed people to power on personal terms, including appointing the black guy she was having another affair with to chancellor of the exchequer. All of these were red flags that should have lead to her being dismissed, but thanks to the modern day lack of moral standards, it was tolerated, even by the so called "Conservatives".

So no, there should be absolutely zero tolerance for this. If someone thinks that's unfair, get a regular job and they can have as many affairs as they like.


Registered Member
Predictable response from Iranian President

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Normalization would represent a huge diplomatic/foreign policy W for Biden & Satanyahu. I pray it does not happen. Anyway it's sad to witness all these Arab leaders ignore the will of their people and cosy up to abominable zionist regime.
thats the problem when you speak on behalf of others and thinking you know better than them. if your system is superior why so many people in west. and it is no just limited to Iran. Look at Turkiye inflation and 30% interest rates and its people all in Europa. MBS is more calculated and knows how to do things. if MBS stays as long as Erdogan in office. alot of countries will be under his feet. he found limitation of Saudi military that was built over 70 years. you need few years to drag things to know things.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Agreed that there must be a zero tolerance environment for this. Otherwise policy and executive decision making are held hostage by Western intel agencies just as easily as the lives of their mistresses/kids in the west. Or even more subtly, the provision of opportunities for their mistresses/kids in exchange for changes in policy/decision making. These guys belong in prison for life.
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Registered Member
I dont think these people reached to US cabinet. that has much more in depth scrutiny. very few US secretary of state has resigned and they still in public life dealing with Foreign countries after they no longer in office.
even Lavrov who does not really have soft power with Armenian diaspora but Putin keep him as long possible due to his personal connections with so many in global south.
This is more deluded than your usual Gulf Arab nonsense. Have you ever heard of Epstein? Pretty much US president has been compromised in some way since at least Clinton.
Ok, then Stormy Daniels?
She is not a foreign operative, but bad enough
Stormy Daniels was just a whore. Trump was under the influence, but under the Kushner tribe, basically corrupt right wing Jews.
If you want to see who controls the presidents