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It's A PERSONAL FAILING NOT INSTITUTIONAL FAILURE. Qin Gang SUCCUMBED to his inner demons/desire/lust/love for the woman which resulted of him fathering a child in the U.S.

I don't know how that can be read as "HIGH-LEVEL OFFICIALS ARE TOO AFRAID TO DEFEND NATIONAL INTEREST" when the man has been essentially fired from his position that he has been working so hard to attain.

It's quite worrying but understandable to a certain degree why the virulent Chinese nationalist such as yourself would find Qin Gangs action as an emblematic and a symptom of perceived betrayal/treasonous actions by important officials in the CPC. What actions should have been taken by the leadership that would pacify and satisfy the angst, accusations from your side? War over Taiwan during the Pelosi visit? For what? I am sorry to disagree with you but I for one am glad that Chinese leadership as imperfect and as human as they are just like the rest of us, they do not succumb to emotional barking and actions that would have caused irreparable damage to China's aspirations of achieving economic revitalization and military power. If your country was a democracy like India, then in my opinion there's no doubt that China would have invaded and have taken military actions against Taiwan and India many moons ago to the detriment of China.
I don't want to think about the worse possibilities until I officially confirm the news.
But I must emphasize that this is not a neurotic concern, but based on the painful history of the past.
Too many high ranking traitors have caused fatal losses to our cause. This includes generals who leaked information to Taiwan, engineers who sold ICBM data to the United States, and ambassadors who betrayed the interests of their homeland and provided negotiation intelligence to South Korea.

In the situation where there is still a huge gap in the balance of power between the enemy and ourselves, these traitors may put us in danger of failure.
The leadership is like living in a fog to us, and we know nothing about them except for reports from official media. The fate of the entire country, nation, and myself is entrusted to their leadership. Isn't it worth worrying about such a major scandal in such a crucial position?

To be honest, many speculations are based on the philistine views of citizens. I just hope to get a reasonable explanation in the future (at least it seems like this). Otherwise, this ridiculous view will only be constantly consolidated in the hearts of the people. In the history of China, there were too many people who betrayed the entire nation for their own power and status, and they all played a significant role. It's about future and destiny, and what I'm most afraid of is that the leadership may not be as responsible as expected.

Supplement: In public negative textbooks, bribing Chinese officials is much simpler than you imagine. Many traitors do not receive much reward, and Americans only need to promise their families to immigrate to the United States.


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This is not good news, it's better not to be true.
If this is true, then a long-standing suspicion among the public will also be confirmed: high-level officials are too afraid to defend national interests due to being controlled by the United States with too many weaknesses (property and family).

If such core leadership has serious problems, who else can we trust?
Eh, could also completely be fake news that is pushed.

Have you seen this one on it?



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Before the truth is revealed, these positive or negative news are meaningless. I only hope that the outcome will not go in the worst direction, as corruption is often the first step towards the path of traitors.
The news was also dropped on WSJ, which is Murdoch-owned propaganda. I'm gonna hold X to doubt until we get an official statement on the matter.


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View attachment 119093

Assad landed in Hangzhou.

First Maduro, then Assad and next Putin. You just know Kim will drop by soon.

At this point China might as well put that iconic banner back up at the airport ;)


View attachment 119095
Assad is busy waiting to add the next name to his list. Waiting for our memelords to do their duty the day Biden gets out of the White House



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Looks like the reports were wrong. Well that's disappointing ... Still I think that the deal is unlikely to be reached anytime soon because the zionist regime is unwilling to make any substantial concessions.

WASHINGTON, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in a U.S. television interview that his country was moving steadily closer to normalizing relations with Israel and also warned that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, "we have to get one."

"Every day we get closer," the crown prince told Fox News in wide-ranging remarks broadcast on Wednesday, when asked to characterize talks aimed at long-time foes Israel and Saudi Arabia reaching a landmark agreement to open diplomatic relations.

The conservative U.S. network's interview with the crown prince, widely known as MbS, comes as President Joe Biden's administration presses ahead with an effort to broker historic ties between the two regional powerhouses, Washington's top Middle East allies.

The normalization talks are the centerpiece of complex negotiations that also include discussions of U.S. security guarantees and civilian nuclear help that Riyadh has sought, as well as possible Israeli concessions to the Palestinians.

"For us, the Palestinian issue is very important. We need to solve that part," MbS, Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler, said when asked what it would take to get a normalization agreement. "And we have a good negotiations strategy til now."

"We got to see where we go. We hope that will reach a place that will ease the life of the Palestinians and get Israel as a player in the Middle East," he said, speaking in English.

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Predictable response from Iranian President

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Normalization would represent a huge diplomatic/foreign policy W for Biden & Satanyahu. I pray it does not happen. Anyway it's sad to witness all these Arab leaders ignore the will of their people and cosy up to abominable zionist regime.
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Look like it china turn in killing somebody in Canada lol.

I love how Global News made a special banner just for "Chinese Interference"
Where is the banner for Indian Interference?

These buffoons were the same ones who "exposed" a Chinese-Canadian parliamentarian as colluding with the PRC, but then found by an inquiry to have no solid evidence, but still they "stand by their story".

Racist F*cks


Registered Member
I don't want to think about the worse possibilities until I officially confirm the news.
But I must emphasize that this is not a neurotic concern, but based on the painful history of the past.
Too many high ranking traitors have caused fatal losses to our cause. This includes generals who leaked information to Taiwan, engineers who sold ICBM data to the United States, and ambassadors who betrayed the interests of their homeland and provided negotiation intelligence to South Korea.

In the situation where there is still a huge gap in the balance of power between the enemy and ourselves, these traitors may put us in danger of failure.
The leadership is like living in a fog to us, and we know nothing about them except for reports from official media. The fate of the entire country, nation, and myself is entrusted to their leadership. Isn't it worth worrying about such a major scandal in such a crucial position?

To be honest, many speculations are based on the philistine views of citizens. I just hope to get a reasonable explanation in the future (at least it seems like this). Otherwise, this ridiculous view will only be constantly consolidated in the hearts of the people. In the history of China, there were too many people who betrayed the entire nation for their own power and status, and they all played a significant role. It's about future and destiny, and what I'm most afraid of is that the leadership may not be as responsible as expected.

Supplement: In public negative textbooks, bribing Chinese officials is much simpler than you imagine. Many traitors do not receive much reward, and Americans only need to promise their families to immigrate to the United States.

Bribing American officials is just as easy.

How many are caught up in Drug/prostitution scandals?

There are also many famous honeypots, Anna Chapman, Fang Fang, etc.

Human beings have the same weaknesses in China or the USA.