There's also just the simple conclusion that the successful people simply aren't gonna go ahead and do stuff like betraying/selling out their country.Re Yellens demands
This is what it's like negotiating with a narcissist; they lack empathy and don't just simply refuse to see your side of things, they outright are unable to see your side of things. It's what compels Anglo groups to try to sue China for COVID-19.
So i have a few theories:
Western journalists, particularly Anglos, tend to be the scions of the rich and powerful, think Pottinger, Garnaut et al.
Despite coming from a rich and powerful faction, they are at heart beta and sexually unsuccessful, hence they express that sexual insecurity through negative depictions of asians in journalism, media, arts etc and only hire and promote Asians who are not a sexual threat to them: asian women, asian homosexuals.
The entire Western approach towards China can best be summed up by: "MUH DIK"
Cultures which are infested with Anglo-hollywood propaganda will adopt the prejudices and attitudes of Anglo Americans- which is why Lithuania has a hard on for american basketball and culture and decided it wants to be the first Ghazi in the Anglo jihad against China.
As for these Asian women who appear to so readily serve the Invaders, several other theories may apply: La Malinche type Daddy Issues, narcissism, as well as gullible victims of hollywood propaganda in believing white westerners are superior and the resultant hypergamy.
When you look at the types of individuals in foreign countries which the US State Department supports, you can see they are the dregs of society. No citizen of worth would follow a joshua wong with his spaghetti arms or the green haired catamites in europe, yet these are the individuals the US State Department choose to champion its cause, because ultimately the Anglo West is unprincipled (as Putin put it) and cares only about its own power.
Since if they are succesful or even does well/satisfied with their lives, why would they go ahead to uproot/disrupt it? For some unknown promise of achieving even more success? By a foreign power who sees their country as the adversary?
Not to mention succesful people likely also interacts more with society and knows more about 'real life' and local as well as the central government, as well as general feelings in the populace (whether or not the general public is dissatisfied and might habor feelings of seccession etc.). So in the case of their society doing bad, they might think about fleeing or actually being a 'traitor', but when it's overall going pretty well, there's no way they would jump into the traitor camp.