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Disgusting horrific read. Please fall death liberal bitch. She fully has embraced Anglo wokeism and want to move asap in that direction.

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I could be wrong, but Ms. Tsou's mother looks Filipino-Chinese. It's a little disingenuous to use her as an example of a foreign bride since Filipino-Chinese people are just as Chinese as Taiwanese people.


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Banning Barbie from cinemas is probably a healthy thing. But banning it over an SCS map that counters Vietnam's false SCS claims? Damn. So is Vietnam gonna boycott Barbie dolls next?
Westerners have this weird sympathy fetish towards Vietnam (probably because they don’t like China). Personally I just tell them I support democratic Taiwan’s 11 dash line claim over the greedy Vietnamese communists


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Didn't India say that it wouldn't use Yuan for paying Russia. Guess India isn't so tough after all.
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Superpowah will bend or break.
If Indians are too good to pay for oil in Yuan, they could also pay in gold, but truly, if Indians feel humiliated by this, it is on them. Other nations from Nepal to Argentina have no issue with paying in yuan so what’s Indias problem? Or should I say, subcontinental Nigeria.

but perhaps this is truly why the BRICS have become so popular lately. A new SDR backed by gold, commodities, oil and grain. That’s the kinda thing anyone would want. The new florin, the new bezant.


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Superpowah will bend or break.
If Indians are too good to pay for oil in Yuan, they could also pay in gold, but truly, if Indians feel humiliated by this, it is on them. Other nations from Nepal to Argentina have no issue with paying in yuan so what’s Indias problem? Or should I say, subcontinental Nigeria.

but perhaps this is truly why the BRICS have become so popular lately. A new SDR backed by gold, commodities, oil and grain. That’s the kinda thing anyone would want. The new florin, the new bezant.
You forgot non-simple metals. You want to buy some Gallium and Germanium? Show me the Mao's red paper please :p


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Darwinism at work, survival of the fittest.... those (mentally) unfit, uncritically believing everything western propaganda throws at them... inevitably end up as a tragedy. What's disappointing is that many of these losers are returning to HK.

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I will go as far as saying general doomy opinion about European economies in English-language medium, including this site, is mostly because of the UK. I wrote earlier that the ratio of European GDP PPP per capita/American GDP PPP per capita didn't change significantly after 2007. But some Euro economies fared really badly, and unfortunately, they happened to be countries with disproportionate representation in US media.

The UK is the primary example. It is prominent in the media and it is easily the worst economy of Western Europe. Europe nowadays has a lot of people returning from the UK. What I hear about its economy are not good. It seems it is impossible not to live like a university student in London without a consulting or finance job unless you live with your parents. You need to live really outside the city center or live in a 3-6 people houseshare in your 30s. Imagine leaving all of your friends and family back in your birth country at 26-28 for a better life and then still having to live with 5 other people as an adult professional after several years. I don't know you but, that would suck for me.


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Exclusive: Okinawa must never again become a battlefield, says Okinawan Governor Denny Tamaki
Okinawan Governor Denny Tamaki is scheduled to visit China as part of a delegation from the Japanese Association for the Promotion of International Trade on Monday. During his visit, he will hold meetings with government officials and representatives from the business community in Beijing.

During a recent visit to the China National Archives of Publications and Culture, China's top leader took note of the deep historical connections between Fuzhou and Ryukyu [the Ryukyu Islands were annexed by Japan and renamed Okinawa in 1879], while examining an exhibition featuring a Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) manuscript titled "Log of the Mission to the Ryukyu Islands."

After concluding his activities in Beijing, Tamaki will make a special visit to East China's Fujian Province, which has a sister relationship with the Okinawa Prefecture, to engage in exchange activities. He is expected to return to Okinawa on July 7.
Came across this interesting comment on weibo 琉球有事就是中国有事

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Toshihiro Nikai who is the previous LDP Secretary-General is planning to visit China in late Aug/early Sept. At least the Japanese are very observant, immediately copying their master's moves. Yoon's South Korea however ;)


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Lol, I thought Ukraine needs the help of the west to basically survive another day against Russia, way to shoot down your chances of success by trying to virtue signal the very people you need support from (all those traitors and thugs from Brussels do not count as people and should quite Frankly for the peace of the world should eat an iskander to the face). Oh well, if Europe burns itself down and in turn burns Ukraine down along with it, I wonder, would anyone want to be so eager to suck Uncle Sam’s ding ding. I mean look at those HK people in the UK commit suicide because London isn’t all sun shine and rainbows (most grey and down cast if I have to be honest), they must seriously regret their stupid choices by now