To add on to what you said, why is American allies always turning into a shit hole? Frankly I can only think of South Korea as the only poor country that developed to be advanced. Rest of American allies are all either:
- Already rich prior to the alliance see Japan, Germany.
- Is poor and still poor see Philippine.
- Keeps becoming more of a shitthole see "Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan"
South Korea is literally the only country that grew from poor to advanced with direct aid from USA. Most of American democracy experiment ends up in catastrophic failures like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya. I define catastrophic failure as in "despite spending a large amount of money to invest, the nation become a much worse state than prior to American involvement". In that sense, track record proves everything USA touch turn into a shit hole. Meanwhile China at worst fail to convert shit hole country into not shit hole fast enough.
You have made an error, not even South Korea became advanced due to the US and its democratic fairy tale model, it's not the cause.
It is propaganda that sadly many South Koreans probably also fall today and want to go against what made them rich in the first place.
It was a very dirt poor failure country, even more inferior than NK, until a 100% dictator called Park Chung Hee came into power in 1961,
And he introduced some autocratic economic policies like fostering national champions (chaebols) inspired by Japanese zaibatsu which were introduced in the 19th century during the Meiji Restoration (he grew up inside and admired imperial Japan, was like a fanboy).
If I were to place that political and economic model he introduced into SK at that time, which catapulted them into growing economically for the first time and gave them modernization, it is 10 times closer to the current Chinese model than the US model of today or at that time.
That's how SK developed. Picked the most successful businesses at the time and started favoring them on a government level, made them exist with no competition, no price wars, so fully focused on research and development, innovation, expanding abroad, and exports.
And that model can only be done with an authoritative political leadership, not US-based fairy tale democracy and other bullshit.
There are literally 0 examples in the history of humankind that today's US idiocracy democracy managed to develop any country.
Every major power in the history of humankind initially developed and modernized while they were autocratic (western colonial monarchy powers, imperial Meiji Restoration Japan, today's CCP China).
The political model of liberal oligarchic democracy never managed to develop anything, meanwhile, autocratic models closer to today's China did many times in history.
Chinese political and economical model of how to run a country is around 10 times superior to the current model the West has to offer.
The West is rich today not because of their inferior systems, but because they got the beginner advantage way back during the colonial period when they were autocracies. But they believe in their system like it is some kind of religion, and that's why they don't realize these truths.