Lieutenant General
Quoting what the US said in that article:
Your "vision of a free world" like 52764 different genders, illustrations of people having sex in children's school textbooks, pregnant men and legalized pedophilia?
Fvck no, thank you. Please do the rest of the world a massive favor by just staying the fvck out of UNESCO.
Damn that whole alphabet thing is truly disgusting shit but considering how much it messes up the military and how the president is busy shoving that insanity down their soldiers throats and is trying to get them to do gender reassignment operations on them to correct their gender, I somehow feel like this is a good thing in that it traumatised and caused unnecessary suffering to these worthless POS that it ultimately make is much easier for China and Russia to put these abominations out of there misery when there time comes. Really can anyone explain why making the US armed forces gays and lesbians a good thing or is this something that was invented as a joke that simply became rainbows just because since really, this doesn’t make any sense at all.
Part of Western culture is having a messiah complex. The idea is they think they're leading people down the right path. The crux of it is it's about power. Surprise! Not! Ever hear how once a fad is in, it's out? The idea of a fad is not whether it's important to society or not. The point is watching people following the fad because of "you" meaning power. People who follow fads also get satisfaction because they influenced others to follow them. Once gay rights issues are embraced or in other words the fad is over, they'll move on to the next flavor of the month. Power is fleeting because it always has to be exercised or you don't feel it.
Another thing Westerners do is they have to make all the causes they push for out to be bigger than them to distract people into thinking it's not about them but for what's best for everyone else so people have to do it. The right has God and the left has the environment but in both cases only they can interpret what both want. How convenient.
The ultimate high from power is forcing people to do things against their will. That comes most when you force people that are "opposite" from you to do things they don't want to do. You look at the right and left wing and they love to push each other buttons by doing what the other doesn't want to have happen.