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Good article. I had always suspected that the European luxury fashion brands are priced more for their brand than their material. I've had a chat with an Italian guy about this. He told me that an average fashion student in Italy could recreated those fine leather products from LVMH for a fraction of the cost. He also said that those big Italian fashion brands have much bigger outlets in Asia than back at home. So their target market is actually abroad, not at home. In our Asian societies, these luxury items are more important as status symbols, than the actual products.

I have 2 funny examples:

I had a friend who bought an LV T-shirt to join a clique of people. That T-shirt costed him more than 10x the price of an average-branded t-shirt. Yet it's little more than a heat-pressed T-shirt. He had to use a credit card to buy that thing, as it costs him as much as his monthly wage. But it was worth it for him. He found his future wife from that clique of people. Whatever we want to say about that, that is his life, and he looks happy, as far as I'm concerned.

I had another friend who upgraded from a Lexus to a Lamborghini. He is no average dude, but he can barely afford that car. No doubt that the Lamborghini vastly outclasses the Lexus on paper. But maintaining and fueling that Lamborghini also vastly outclasses the Lexus. That Lamborghini ended up being a garage queen. And when my friend took it for a spin, he never drives above 100km/h. So it kinda defeats the purpose of owning that kinda car. He had to get another Suzuki to become his everyday car. But then again, that Lamborghini elevated his social status. He can now enter places and join cliques that he couldn't before.

I grew up admiring and aspiring to own some of these European luxury stuff. But now that I've heard from people who have reached there, the picture is not that rosy after all. This dream that the West sells to us, about buying their nice cars, nice house, nice clothes, etc. I think it misdirects alot of society to pursue these things for little reason other than status. While at the same time, the Western luxury businesses make huge money out of them. They won't care if you took a loan to buy them, bought it with clean cash or with dirty cash. It is not wrong to buy and own luxury stuff from the West, but I think our Asian societies should moderate our obsession with them. People can buy and enjoy them as they are, but these things should not become a social status for them. People have taken loans, cheat, steal, and sometimes murdered to get these luxury goods.
Now that's the TRUE ESSENCE OF "DEBT TRAP" CAPITALIST POLICY practiced to perfection by the LYING WEST. We're JUST SUCKERS who pay and patronize those western luxury brands by working our butts off, from Debeers diamond, LV bags, Hermes products etc..but looking at western society they're none the wiser or even happier. Their family structure is in decay; societal fragmentation is on the rise along with violence. And we in Asia is supposed to embrace all of these "FREEDOM" pfft...NO THANKS.


Registered Member
Quoting what the US said in that article:

Your "vision of a free world" like 52764 different genders, illustrations of people having sex in children's school textbooks, pregnant men and legalized pedophilia?

Fvck no, thank you. Please do the rest of the world a massive favor by just staying the fvck out of UNESCO.
Damn that whole alphabet thing is truly disgusting shit but considering how much it messes up the military and how the president is busy shoving that insanity down their soldiers throats and is trying to get them to do gender reassignment operations on them to correct their gender, I somehow feel like this is a good thing in that it traumatised and caused unnecessary suffering to these worthless POS that it ultimately make is much easier for China and Russia to put these abominations out of there misery when there time comes. Really can anyone explain why making the US armed forces gays and lesbians a good thing or is this something that was invented as a joke that simply became rainbows just because since really, this doesn’t make any sense at all.


Registered Member
The right answer is to support locally sourced brands that make the same high quality type of stuff. You'll get in the same cliques without having supported foreign figures with sketchy moral motivations. Sure, not all foreign luxury brands are bad, but even if some are good, they won't lose sleep because they lose 1 Asian customer. They have plenty of Europeans at home to buy their stuff.

You also have a better idea of what kind of employment/labor standards a local brand will have compared to an "international" one.

Let the Italians buy their own Italian luxury products to support themselves, while Chinese should buy Chinese luxury products to support themselves. Simple as.
This is happening right now. When Geely re-entered Malaysia for a second time, Malaysians were shocked by the impressive quality of their current vehicle line-ups. 5-Star NCAP, solid construction, and Napa leather. All within the price range of Hondas'. The Japanese carmakers can only offer marginally better driving performance, aftersales support, and brand image. Even that lead is gonna erode soon. Chinese-made vehicles have reached entry-level European car quality. And we haven't even talk about the Chinese EVs yet. Huawei smartphones can easily equal the best from Samsung and Apple. ANTA and Li Ning are good enough to rival US and EU brands. DJI have no true peer from outside of China. Hisense, Haier, and Midea can compete with Samsung and LG, but already exceeds most Japanese brands. The days of cheap, low-end Chinese products have ended. Its just that most people in the Free World haven't woken up to that reality.

Most Italians won't buy their own Versace, Armani, or D&G because its overpriced for them. Why buy those, if they can buy from their local tailors, shoemakers, and bagmakers, who can offer the same quality for a fraction of the price? If the EU decouples from China, these big EU brands not gonna earn alot from their local market. So any decoupling with China will be put them in huge trouble. If they remain arrogant, they'll deserve what is coming for them. Wanna sell to Japan, SK, SEA or India? Good luck!

Now that's the TRUE ESSENCE OF "DEBT TRAP" CAPITALIST POLICY practiced to perfection by the LYING WEST. We're JUST SUCKERS who pay and patronize those western luxury brands by working our butts off, from Debeers diamond, LV bags, Hermes products etc..but looking at western society they're none the wiser or even happier. Their family structure is in decay; societal fragmentation is on the rise along with violence. And we in Asia is supposed to embrace all of these "FREEDOM" pfft...NO THANKS.
Exactly. That is how the game is played. That is how the West controls the elites and societies in the Free World. That is how they corrupt the politicians and societies in Asian countries. Make men chase the James Bond lifestyle. Make women chase the European supermodel lifestyle. When they chase for these things, the West can offer them debt traps and buy their souls. If they can buy the souls of people in power, all the better.


Registered Member
Long politico article. Seems interesting if anyone wants to read it.

The US can win the war against China if they can outproduced cheaper military equipment… because China is totally the one paying $100,000 for a screwdriver lol.

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The freak out won't be as bad if Blinky and Austin were able to secure meetings to explain their aggressive behavior was all show and no substance, China is calling the bluff.


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1936-2023 R.i.P.

Seems like an appropriate time to post this classic.