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Let's move manufacturing out of China and to Vietnam!

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Vietnam's power blackouts hit multinationals' manufacturing hubs​

By Khanh Vu and
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June 5, 20235:33 PM GMT+8Updated 5 hours ago

HANOI, June 5 (Reuters) - Vietnam's rolling power cuts have hit industrial parks in the country's northern provinces where top global manufacturers such as Foxconn and Samsung have factories, officials said on Monday, as a surge in consumption amid a heatwave stretched the power supply system.

The frequent and often unannounced power cuts prompted EuroCham, which represents European companies in the country, to send a letter on Monday to the industry and trade ministry urging quick measures to address the emergency.

Some industrial parks in the northern provinces of Bac Ninh and Bac Giang have been facing blackouts, said two local investment officials, declining to be named as they were not authorised to speak to media.

"We are working with EVN later today to discuss the situation and possible measures to limit the impacts," one of the officials said, referring to the country's state utility Electricity of Vietnam.

The provinces house production facilities of Samsung Electronics
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, Foxconn
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, Canon Inc
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and Luxshare
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, among others.

"Vietnam's industry ministry should take urgent measures before the country's reputation as a reliable global manufacturing hub is undermined," Jean-Jacques Bouflet, deputy chairman of EuroCham Vietnam told Reuters on Monday, adding that the power cuts seriously disrupted industrial activities.

State media reports cited EVN's northern unit as saying power to Canon's factory in Bac Ninh will be cut from 8:00 am local time on Monday until 5:00am on Tuesday, adding power to at least five industrial parks and several villages in the province will be partially or fully cut for several hours during the first days of this week.

It was not immediately clear if the other companies were affected. The companies and EVN did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The blackouts threaten efforts to avert an economic slowdown due to weak demand in key export markets, after first-quarter growth slipped to 3.3% from 5.9% in the fourth quarter.

The country has been
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and manufacturers switching operations to off-peak hours to keep the national power system running, with more than 11,000 companies having agreed to cut consumption where possible.
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai admitted at a government meeting over the weekend that there had been "power shortages for households and businesses at certain locations at certain time", adding that the difficulties would continue.

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Vietnam should be like Peru and sell majority stake in their power grid to Chinese conglomerates. China can take good care of their fellow neighbor's infrastructure.

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Quid pro quo?
Acting more principled than I expected.

We already have large brands getting bullied to remove LGBT symbols, which was unthinkable 2 years ago.
Left wing radicalization leading to conservative backlash. It's just like what's happening with South Korea, which is practically embroiled in a gender war after the feminist movement made similar critical mistakes. Now "feminist" is a taboo word nobody wants to be associated with in SK. The current popular parties are all anti-feminist and young men vote over 70% conservatively. Young men voter turnout there is insane.


Registered Member
Should Blinken drop off the side of the earth, that alone will provide a greater net benefit to the world then having him around on the account of no more lies causing problems for other nations, now apply this to the entire leadership and then imagine how peaceful the world will be as a result. Really one way or the other, the world is waking up to the fact that whether a new era comes or not, the USA is the biggest parasite to the world and the world will be better off without this nation in existence. Blinken is simply living proof that this nation simply cannot function without another nation suffering and that simply is inexcusable
We need him alive because his replacement might be competent.


Junior Member
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India export of services are growing at rate of 20%. so $400b will be ball park figure attainable in 2023.
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Its not institutional strength but individuals trying to market. India does not need that marketing as it has well developed connections and this is reflected in scale of Civil Aviation aircraft orders both in India and Mideast. They know the demographics and where people are going. why does Vietnamese or Iranian born in West not go into such competitions. They should be able to outperform due to strong institutional support. France, Netherlands, Swiss, Belgium are missing from Math Olympiads and but many from Romania and Poland are in the game. Belgium research center will play key role in Europe Chips act.
Institutions are in the West but people attending those science/math competitions are majority from from the East or some one from East working in West.
All countries are composed of individuals. The individuals in India, in general, are not as intelligent as the individuals in many other countries, so India performs poorly at International Science Olympiads compared to those countries. France and the Netherlands are not missing from the International Math Olympiad (
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). France has more medals than India and the Netherlands has a similar number of medals, in spite of the fact that the Netherlands has less than 1/80th of India's population. There are many brilliant Romanians and Poles, so it does not surprise me at all that those countries are top performers at International Science Olympiads. The fact that some European nations are not top performers at International Science Olympiads does not change the fact that most major industrial nations (China, US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, South Korea, etc.) are. India is not one of those nations.

It is absolutely untrue that Iranian-Americans and Vietnamese-Americans do not compete in Science Olympiads. They do, but it is incredibly difficult to secure a spot on the national team due to stiff competition.

These competitions are not insignificant. Many contestants go on to win Fields Medals, Wolf Prizes, Breakthrough Prizes, etc. Many of them go on to become accomplished professors, scientists, and engineers.


according to their world renowned institutions like John Hopkins University and NYT who never lie and are never wrong, China is actually in decline, so waiting 5-10-15 years for China to naturally collapse is a great idea.

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Such gaslighting is as fake as the Biden regime's claim that their Taiwan policies have not changed.

Allow me to put the whole thing into context:

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In this decade, not in our life time or the next? Really?

LMAO - the chicken hawk being chicken hawk:


Registered Member
Vietnam should be like Peru and sell majority stake in their power grid to Chinese conglomerates. China can take good care of their fellow neighbor's infrastructure.

Acting more principled than I expected.

Left wing radicalization leading to conservative backlash. It's just like what's happening with South Korea, which is practically embroiled in a gender war after the feminist movement made similar critical mistakes. Now "feminist" is a taboo word nobody wants to be associated with in SK. The current popular parties are all anti-feminist and young men vote over 70% conservatively. Young men voter turnout there is insane.
At the risk of being and sounding like a misogynistic d..k wad. What is the purpose of trying to artificially push for all countries in supposedly improving the gender gap between a man and a woman when IMHO men and women have distinct advantages and disadvantages over each other, and that one can't live without the other. Biologically speaking, if all the modern tech ceases to function today or tomorrow the only way our species can and will survive is through mating of the opposite sex.

I looked at the Gender Gap Report 2022 published by the W.E.F. and none of the Top Ten countries listed possess the most dynamic economy, the highest income earning country GDP, top in scientific contributions and research. Scandinavian countries of Finland, Sweden, with Norway listed on the top 10 all countries with dwindling population. With some experts saying that the last FIN (non-immigrant) will be born in 2060.

Canada is listed at 25, U.S. ranked lower, France at 15th place, U.K. outside of top 15. Whereas everyone's favorite white passing Asian a.k.a. Japan even ranks lower than China (102) ranking at 116th place. I fail to see the connection that closing the gender gap equals better economic conditions for every country and society in general benefits? Beneficial to whom?

While the Philippines rank really high in 19th place 6 place higher than Canada and U.S. the country isn't exactly oozing with economic vitality nor prosperity where most of that country's women seek greener pastures abroad leaving their families behind for years which cause and lead to breaking up the family structure due to infidelity from both partners leaving their kids poorer mentally and physically scarred for life.

I guess what am asking is why are the west insistent that countries follow their destructive policies that's shown to foster societal fissures, disharmony, contributing to lower birth rates and creating issues when the usual answer of mass immigration create a problem with local population against the "outsiders."

If someone can educate me on this topic am all ears.Screenshot_20230605_200022_Drive.jpg