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Blinken's hypocrisy, lies and double standards are off the charts.

2 million+ dead Americans from COVID and opioid overdose:


300 dead Chinese civilians in tankman square:

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Lieutenant General
This does align with Peter Lee aka Chinahand‘s take when asked by Carl Zha, something along the lines of how silly it is for the US to take on both Russia and China at same time. Which is question I ask myself too, a pretty valid question. I mean how come US is this stupid? Are they suicidal?
His reply was basically that the US is just taking its opportunity when the cards are mostly lining up. They are able to manipulate all the anti China elements around china, Japan, yoon in SK, Marcos in Phillipines, India and now possibly the pro US Thailand after recent elections, it’s not often these favourable conditions all align together to be able to make use of. The proxy war in Russia isn’t really costing any American troops or assets yet cuz it’s still a proxy war for now. They can afford to warmonger on China. Although how long this can continue I’m not sure.

Also, Not to mention in Aus where all the mainstream media, not just Murdoch rags, are constantly warmongering on China, there is definitely a feeling of preparing us to accept that war with China is close to inevitable and if that happens, China is the bad guy.

just the reporting on Ukraine conflict by smh alone, supposedly a more independent newspaper in Australia is enough to make me puke. No difference if it was reporting done by the US state department itself. I have no doubt if war in Taiwan happened this will be same kind of BS propaganda served by Aussie media.

This just exemplifies the short-sighted, purely reactionary, zero-imagination, heavily delusional influenced, and insane gambling that passes for strategy in the US right now.

They don’t have a long game like China, who is thinking 30 moves ahead and making moves now to create alignment of multiple favourable factors at a time of its choosing for maximum benefit, and they know it. Which is why they are so tempted by coincidental alignment which is favourable but still massively sub-optimal and actually mostly illusionary to start with.

Ukraine is a perfect example. Sure, American and NATO troops are not dying in Ukraine, officially at least. But the effort to supply Ukraine is having a real and devastatingly detrimental impact on the war fighting capabilities of key NATO members, who were massively dependent on US military muscle to start with. The reason Russia is currently cowed by NATO is because of American military might underwriting it’s security. Should America become wholly engaged in Asia, and has little might left to spare to shield Europe, you think the Russians will be remotely as restrained as they are now? NATO has already given Russia a mountain of evidence and opportunity to name them active participants in Ukraine and give Russia more than enough justification to declare war. With American military might drained and tied down in Asia and the floodgates opened on Chinese weapons and potentially PLA combat forces coming over to the European theatre as direct combatants, the EU is frankly, fucked.

But China has got even more contingency plans to play. The Middle East seems to be the current focus of its efforts with it bringing Saudi Arabia and Iran together to bury the hatchet and being a new era of peace and cooperation. That makes Israel extraordinarily vulnerable, and who underwrites Israeli security?

If America makes a move on Taiwan, it’s not a two front war it is facing, but 3, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. That is a classic Chinese move. At the height of its power, US military planners dreamed of being able to fight two major wars at the same time, so China is making them fight 3 when they are well past their prime. While the Americans are only thinking of Taiwan, China is looking to clear the board and drive the US all the way back to the CONUS while it and it’s allies lock down the Eurasia World Island and the vast majority of the planet’s population and resources. This is why people joke that while the US is playing checkers, China is playing Go.


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Moderator - World Affairs
2 million+ dead Americans from COVID and opioid overdose:


300 dead Chinese civilians in tankman square:

Real Shit I Sleep GIF - Real Shit I Sleep Shaq GIFs
The fact that there is more pure Tibetans alive (6.3M) in a frozen uninhabitable plateau, and more pure Uyghurs alive (11.8M) in an hot uninhabitable desert, than all of the pure-blooded Native Americans (3.7M) in an fertile and abundant continental U.S., shows you the intense extent of genocidal projection by U.S. govt.

Also, Tibet was part of China (annexed 1720) and Xinjiang was part of China (annexed 60BC and as late as 1759), also 2000 years before US even existed as an independent nation (1776), so the hypocrisy is even more extreme.


Registered Member
The reason Russia is currently cowed by NATO is because of American military might underwriting it’s security.
Start with Morocco and end with Oman. Look for flights between Arab world and Europe.
A part or service made in Eastern Europe can easily for Western Europe. Europe is place where Arab elites sit in stands enjoying various sports. It is that soft power that very hard to replace and will take considerable amount of time to create alternatives or reformation of Europe.


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Interesting that this happens when Shangri La Dialogue is on. I wonder if the transit would have happened if Li had agreed a meeting with Austin:

What makes you think it would have made a difference. It's not up to china to create the right conditions for dialogue. If they had met the ships would have still sailed through just like before


Registered Member
All Republican points. Not that the Biden admin is not hawkish on its own but whenever they try to brake hostilities Republicans whip up a hysteria and Biden admin caves in every single time. This is why I don't see any improvement in Sino-US relations any time soon.
It is not Republicans but much wider segment of business interests. Musk is empty shell did not learn anything how to be independent. Tesla in US will not survive for a day without Japanese and Koreans. and later two countries have alot of investments in North American continent interms of supply chain and some of them a really important like Boeing Civil aviation. than you add Indians who had the highest per capita most probably due to alot of Indian doctors spread around most of states. The point is alot of countries are benefiting from it.

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No one believes Blinken's lies anymore, not one positive comment under that tweet:

Zelensky, as usual, is again in some parallel world:

President Zelenskyy said that if Russia wants a "diplomatic solution" to the war in Ukraine, it should withdraw its troops from the occupied territories without expecting Ukraine to de-occupy them by force. "If Russia wants a diplomatic direction, they should withdraw without waiting for us to lose a lot of people and push them out by force. I think that's a big difference. Yes, the result is the same, on the one hand… I believe that we will de-occupy our territories. But how (it will happen), for me, is very important - either to lose people or to reduce losses. And then, again, it depends on whether we are ready for any dialog."
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Registered Member
No one believes Blinken's lies anymore, not one positive comment under that tweet:

Zelensky, as usual, is again in some parallel world:

President Zelenskyy said that if Russia wants a "diplomatic solution" to the war in Ukraine, it should withdraw its troops from the occupied territories without expecting Ukraine to de-occupy them by force. "If Russia wants a diplomatic direction, they should withdraw without waiting for us to lose a lot of people and push them out by force. I think that's a big difference. Yes, the result is the same, on the one hand… I believe that we will de-occupy our territories. But how (it will happen), for me, is very important - either to lose people or to reduce losses. And then, again, it depends on whether we are ready for any dialog."
Should Blinken drop off the side of the earth, that alone will provide a greater net benefit to the world then having him around on the account of no more lies causing problems for other nations, now apply this to the entire leadership and then imagine how peaceful the world will be as a result. Really one way or the other, the world is waking up to the fact that whether a new era comes or not, the USA is the biggest parasite to the world and the world will be better off without this nation in existence. Blinken is simply living proof that this nation simply cannot function without another nation suffering and that simply is inexcusable