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German doesn't operate 5th gen jets nor naval jets, what kind of experience does china want?
Not really what that is about. Your article briefly touches on what is involved with those pilots under Chinese employ.

But the Germans are late to the game. The Brits and the French have already had a head start landing those juicy contracts, their own countries' fragile egos be damned -

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Not really what that is about. Your article briefly touches on what is involved with those pilots under Chinese employ.

But the Germans are late to the game. The Brits and the French have already had a head start landing those juicy contracts, their own countries' fragile egos be damned -

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How do you know they are not showing them outdated tactics while gaining some insight to the handling characteristics of the aircraft?


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How do you know they are not showing them outdated tactics while gaining some insight to the handling characteristics of the aircraft?
Discussed here -



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China could adopt a federal model based on the Russian one, where historically Chinese areas but with distinct cultures can be incorporated as autonomous federations.

Similar to the Donetsk People's Republic being a self ruled republic yet also a constituent of the Russian Federation, in the future, when Japanese and American fascism in Asia has been eradicated, the Republic of Ryukyu and Joseon would become constituent republics of a new Chinese Federation.
Japan historically is only Honshu and Shikoku.

Hokkaido is historically home to the Ainu and Emishi people and briefly declared independence as Republic of Ezo.

Kyushu was historically a Chinese vassal kingdom first contacted in the 3 kingdoms era with capital at Dazaifu 大宰府.

Okinawa is Ryukyu Kingdom.

In any war of aggression by a colonialist, illegal assets are at stake.


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The rich and powerful are Wumaos because it keeps them rich and powerful. Losers like Kyle Bass bet against the Chinese economy and lose millions of dollars.
Recently there has been a lot of news from MSM that China's expected recovery from opening up is not happening with unemployment surging to 20%. Bass must be smiling all the way to the Bank if there is any truth to those stories.


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East Asia is not Europe. Europe has a safe rear - the Atlantic and Mediterranean where Russia has no influence and where Russian conventional forces can't reach from the border even with no resistance. Europe also has fuel self sufficiency through North Sea and Norwegian offshore oil, and pipeline imports from the Middle East. They also have food self sufficiency. Most of all, any Russian Army advance will be through highly populated urban areas that will resist every step of the way and grind their field forces down.

East Asia outside China has no real safe rear. South Korean, Filipino, Japanese and especially Taiwanese supply routes run through Chinese EEZ waters. The routes that don't, are under Chinese fire control. None of them have food or fuel self sufficiency.

The only way to supply Japan free of Chinese fire control - not South Korea or Taiwan - is a roundabout way around Australia unloading in Honshu, but that still leaves the critical forward operating bases of Okinawa, Kyushu and Shikoku isolated. Taiwan and SK are outright unable to be resupplied effectively.

It is also hard to enforce limited war in East Asia due to international airspace. In Ukraine, Russia and NATO are both limited by hard borders that define zones of conflict and non-conflict.

In East Asia, both sides can legally fly planes up to 12 miles from the borders in peacetime. There is no enforced separation of conflict and non-conflict zones. This means that surprise attacks are much more devastating and limited not by borders or legality, but capability.
The curse of the europeoids must be cleansed from East Asia for good;
This does align with Peter Lee aka Chinahand‘s take when asked by Carl Zha, something along the lines of how silly it is for the US to take on both Russia and China at same time. Which is question I ask myself too, a pretty valid question. I mean how come US is this stupid? Are they suicidal?
His reply was basically that the US is just taking its opportunity when the cards are mostly lining up. They are able to manipulate all the anti China elements around china, Japan, yoon in SK, Marcos in Phillipines, India and now possibly the pro US Thailand after recent elections, it’s not often these favourable conditions all align together to be able to make use of. The proxy war in Russia isn’t really costing any American troops or assets yet cuz it’s still a proxy war for now. They can afford to warmonger on China. Although how long this can continue I’m not sure.

Also, Not to mention in Aus where all the mainstream media, not just Murdoch rags, are constantly warmongering on China, there is definitely a feeling of preparing us to accept that war with China is close to inevitable and if that happens, China is the bad guy.

just the reporting on Ukraine conflict by smh alone, supposedly a more independent newspaper in Australia is enough to make me puke. No difference if it was reporting done by the US state department itself. I have no doubt if war in Taiwan happened this will be same kind of BS propaganda served by Aussie media.
seeds of race war don’t just sprout from anywhere; there must be fertile ground and a receptive populace for it, and australia since its very nation’s founding, since federation, has been fixated with a fear of being “swamped by Asians”. So long as Australia remains Anglo dominated and Anglo influenced, it was always going to be an active participant in a war against china. I remember very clearly young boys in primary school actively looking forward for this future War with china, in much the same way hitlerjugend looked forward to war with the soviets.

Use it or lose it, pal. The rest of the world doesn’t operate on Indian time, and it thankfully doesn’t rely on Indian engineerin.


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The same "deal" will be given to Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, India, etc. as long as they take up the fight against China. And what I'm saying is that half of that list are dumb enough to take it, because their societies have been so infiltrated by Western media and influence that they think it's their duty to take up arms. This is the danger that China faces - not that it'll face the US, but that it'll face all of its vassals first, long before the US shows up as the "final boss".
South Korea will be tied down with North Korea. India is not entering the war unless China is already defeated by that point, thinking otherwise is just pure copium. Japanese forces are designed around being a support for the US military, they won't be able to fight alone against China. I don't know why you even mention Philippines - they are a joke, won't even be able to act as meat shields because they don't have the navy to get to Taiwan.

You keep mentioning Ukraine but all of your scenarios require direct (as in entering the war as a combatant) US participation in the war otherwise everything just breaks apart. Taiwan is also not Ukraine - Ukraine has 1/4th of Russian population, can be easily supplied through Western borders & has a far larger military force, especially in terms of proportions to Russian military. Yes, it will be a naval scenario - so what? China is not going to be doing some "infantry rush" naval landing, it will lob Taiwan with artillery, UAVs & air force before landing anything. The only thing that Taiwan can do to make the Chinese landing costly is to mine the waters all around the island but that's actually going to be the most hilarious tactic ever (suitable for braindeads with liberal arts degrees at Western think tanks who unironically suggested shit like this) because they themselves will starve & go defunct in matter of weeks since minefields won't just magically work on PLA vessels only.

Honestly, you are just assessing some kind of best scenario development for the US like the folks at CSIS and other US think tanks where every single country in Asia-Pacific is not only going to just supply Taiwan (like Europe & US are doing in Ukraine) but attack China and try to invade it. It is simply unrealistic, especially if the US does not enter the war. However, the moment the latter happens, Americans won't be able to "choose the level of engagement" because losing there would mean a total collapse of the US hegemony not only in Asia but all over the world.
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At a fatal accident inquiry at Hamilton Sheriff Court, Sheriff Colin Dunipace said the grandfather's death should have been prevented. Dr Stephen Hearns said had Mr Huang been taken to hospital, the chances of him dying would have been "significantly reduced".
AChinese man in Scotland's main immigration centre probably suffered at least two heart attacks in custody before he died, a sheriff has ruled.

Xi Biao Huang, 54, died at Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre in Strathaven, Lanarkshire, in 2017.

At a fatal accident inquiry at Hamilton Sheriff Court, Sheriff Colin Dunipace said the grandfather's death "might realistically" have been prevented.

He criticised the medical treatment given to the detainee.

And he described the official approach to the use of interpreters as "vague, haphazard and ambiguous" for non-English speakers.

The inquiry heard that Mr Huang had been born in China but had lived in Liverpool for about 15 years with his family when his immigration status was questioned after he lost his job in 2017.

He was detained at Dungavel on 5 September and died exactly two weeks later, having never seen a doctor despite frequently complaining of chest pains.

In phone conversations with his family, he told them the pain was "unbearable".

LMAO hell yeah, DPRK on the WHO executive board.