Lieutenant General
I'm watching on TV the continuous line of former US diplomats all saying what happened in Washington was at the same level of the undermining of democracies you see happen in the third world. That means they admit the US doesn't practice democracy. The US can no longer judge a country about democracy because they don't practice it themselves. They're admitting it and this not some accusation from the outside. They bomb countries in the name of democracy. Are they saying they should be bombed for not practicing democracy? I wrote about this before in this forum where if an American admits Americans are racist, it's a whole different meaning and context if someone like me charges Americans are racist. They'll be outrage and incensed if I said the same thing they just said. What's the difference? When they say it, they're saying they recognize the problem and are working on it. They're trying hold-off any anger that maybe brewing and coming their way because these things only happen after something horribly blatantly racist has happened and they just can't deny it. When I say it, it's an indictment. How do I know that? Because when they accuse Asians of being racist, which they do all the time, that's what they're doing and want to see Asians punished for it hence why if I do it to them, they think I'm advocating violence on them like they do to Asians. That's why they'll be outraged if I say it. Here they admit the US doesn't practice democracy but not calling for the US to be bombed like they do to others. They're playing victim and want to be treated as victims and the way they do that is to make their victimizer the worst like equating them with the worst in the third world because third world countries are stereotypically lawless. They don't think about someone like me seeing them admitting they're no different from a third world country they would bomb. Look at how angry some are because China dares to compare what happened in Washington with Hong Kong. See now they reject the other side of that very coin they flipped. This MAGA mob did it because they saw a democratic election and freedoms stolen from them. The Democrats say their democracy was violated by the MAGA mob. Hong Kongers beat and attempt to kill people just for disagreeing with them... Those that are angry at China for comparing the two are actually saying Hong Kongers have a right to be violent because their democrat freedoms are being taken away. Then how can the Democrats charge violence from the MAGA mob is undemocratic when Hong Kongers display the very same undemocratic practices? Is it because Hong Kong is not a democracy so violence is okay? Oh, the same excuse the MAGA crowd is making...