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worrisome indeed, are the anglos that hellbent on war?

They don't just do war.... they do genocide, ask the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines.

We need our house in good order and armed to the teeth.

Xi is no nonsense and is the real deal, that's why the west hates him.

Been saying for a while now that China must arm itself to the absolute maximum. Mass production of weapons at full speed. There won’t be prosperity without security. The only way to deter these genocidal psychopaths is to have a military so powerful they won’t dare get into a war with China.


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I sense some Western MSM are getting tired of the US rhetorics. The above is from a local NZ news site, in the past it would refer the US plane as a surveillance plane instead of a spy plane. Reading the article it's void of sensational phrases like endangering the crew or violating international norms, etc. Instead, it's mostly quoting from a US statement, but crucially adding the term "spy plane" to accompany the quotes.
The NZ are more objective in their reports. The last paragraph:
"Only three months ago the US shot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon that had crossed from Alaska to the US east coast, sparking a crisis in bilateral relations."
At least they described the balloon as a SUSPECTED spy balloon.
US needs to clarify, spy or silly ?


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US and EU Narrow Gap on China But Remain Split on Trade Tactics​

  • The US and the European Union are still struggling to agree on specific ways to slow China’s technological rise and limit its coercive trade practices even as both have signed onto the strategic need to “de-risk” their relationships with Beijing.
Even if the EU managed to avoid singling out China in the formal conclusions of the meeting, the country was the backdrop in much of the private discussions, whether the topic was the overcapacity Beijing is fueling through its subsidies on steel or possibly in older generation of chips, or coercive economic practices, according to people familiar with the talks.

The EU is due to complete it own risk assessment next month about the some of the challenges posed by China’s rise as part of a new economic security strategy to identify what kind of mechanisms may be needed to address those risks. And Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis said Wednesday without specifically naming China that the EU needs to be “more efficient in our response” to economic coercion by non-market economies.

“I think the US has been a few years ahead of Europe, but I think very many countries now realize this is not the time for naivete,” Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said Tuesday, standing next to Blinken. “I think there is a beginning convergence going on, which I would appreciate very, very much.”

The EU has long had a different — and some Europeans would argue a more elegant — approach to addressing China that does not point the finger at Beijing. Officials involved in the drafting of the TTC conclusions said that numerous EU countries were adamantly against naming and shaming China in earlier drafts. Still, they noted, the substance of the agreement clearly still describes the non-market economy practices raised by the US.

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Oh no, they do not. They both have the same end goals: ensuring white westoid global hegemony.
Europe is in difficult situation and some of the things it may be force to do it.
what do you think countries like Japan and Korea will be asking Europe for return of any help in Ukraine?. why should they take loss of Ukraine sanction when Europe not demonstrate to sacrifice for them.

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No need to learn chemistry, physics, maths and biology.... cow piss and cow shit are the solution to everything and turn hindus into invincible yogi demigods.

Only weak-minded inferior Chinese learn science.

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India cuts periodic table and evolution from school textbooks — experts are baffled​

Nature has learnt that the periodic table, as well as evolution, won’t be taught to under-16s as they start the new school year.

  • NEWS 31 May 2023

In India, children under 16 returning to school this month at the start of the school year will no longer be taught about evolution, the periodic table of elements, or sources of energy.

The news that evolution would be cut from the curriculum for students aged 15–16 was
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when thousands of people signed a petition in protest.
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that a chapter on the periodic table will be cut, too, along with other foundational topics such as sources of energy and environmental sustainability. Younger learners will no longer be taught certain pollution- and climate-related topics, and there are cuts to biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics and physics subjects for older school students.

Overall, the changes affect some 134 million 11–18-year-olds in India’s schools. The extent of what has changed became clearer last month when the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) — the public body that develops the Indian school curriculum and textbooks — released textbooks for the new academic year that started in May.

Researchers, including those who study science education, are shocked. “Anybody who’s trying to teach biology without dealing with evolution is not teaching biology as we currently understand it,” says Jonathan Osborne, a science-education researcher at Stanford University in California. “It’s that fundamental to biology.” The periodic table explains how life’s building blocks combine to generate substances with vastly different properties, he adds, and “is one of the great intellectual achievements of chemists”.

Mythili Ramchand, a science-teacher trainer at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, India, says that “everything related to water, air pollution, resource management has been removed. “I don’t see how conservation of water, and air [pollution], is not relevant for us. It’s all the more so currently,” she adds. A chapter on different sources of energy — from fossil fuels to renewables — has also been removed. “That’s a bit strange, quite honestly, given the relevance in today’s world,” says Osborne.

More than 4,500 scientists, teachers and science communicators have
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organized by Breakthrough Science Society, a campaign group based in Kolkata, India, to reinstate the axed content on evolution.

NCERT has not responded to the appeal. And although it relied on expert committees to oversee the changes, it has not yet engaged with parents and teachers to explain its rationale for making them. NCERT also did not reply to Nature’s request for comment.

Chapters closed

A chapter on the
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from the syllabus for class-10 students, who are typically 15–16 years old. Whole chapters on sources of energy and the sustainable management of natural resources have also been removed.

A small section on Michael Faraday’s contributions to the understanding of electricity and magnetism in the nineteenth century has also been stripped from the class-10 syllabus. In non-science content, chapters on democracy and diversity; political parties; and challenges to democracy have been scrapped. And a chapter on the industrial revolution has been removed for older students.

In explaining its changes, NCERT states on its website that it considered whether content overlapped with similar content covered elsewhere, the difficulty of the content, and whether the content was irrelevant. It also aims to provide opportunities for experiential learning and creativity.

NCERT announced the cuts last year, saying that they would ease pressures on students studying online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Amitabh Joshi, an evolutionary biologist at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in Bengaluru, India, says that science teachers and researchers expected that the content would be reinstated once students returned to classrooms. Instead, the NCERT shocked everyone by printing textbooks for the new academic year with a statement that the changes will remain for the next two academic years, in line with India’s revised education policy approved by government in July 2020.

“The idea [behind the new policy] is that you make students ask questions,” says Anindita Bhadra, an evolutionary biologist at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Kolkata. But she says that removing fundamental concepts is likely to stifle curiosity, rather than encourage it. “The way this is being done, by saying ‘drop content and teach less’”, she says, “that’s not the way you do it”.

Evolution axed​

Science educators are particularly concerned about the removal of evolution. A chapter on diversity in living organisms and one called ‘Why do we fall ill’ has been
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, who are typically 14–15 years old. Darwin’s contributions to evolution, how fossils form and human evolution have all been removed from the chapter on heredity and evolution for class-10 pupils. That chapter is now called just ‘Heredity’. Evolution, says Joshi, is essential to understanding human diversity and “our place in the world”.

In India, class 10 is the last year in which science is taught to every student. Only students who elect to study biology in the final two years of education (before university) will learn about the topic.

Joshi says that the curriculum revision process has lacked transparency. But in the case of evolution, “more religious groups in India are beginning to take anti-evolution stances”, he says. Some members of the public also think that evolution lacks relevance outside academic institutions.

Aditya Mukherjee, a historian at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Dehli, says that changes to the curriculum are being driven by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a mass-membership volunteer organization that has close ties to India’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party. The RSS feels that Hinduism is under threat from India’s other religions and cultures.

“There is a movement away from rational thinking, against the enlightenment and Western ideas” in India, adds Sucheta Mahajan, a historian at Jawaharlal Nehru University who collaborates with Mukherjee on studies of RSS influence on school texts. Evolution conflicts with creation stories, adds Mukherjee. History is the main target, but “science is one of the victims”, she adds.
That's disappointing. Indians over 16 shouldn't be taught these things, either.


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Unless it reaches a deal with the hegemon, Serbia is a goner
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China supports Serbia’s efforts to safeguard sovereignty, territorial integrity
Clashes between NATO and Serb protestors arouse doubts over NATO’s role as ‘peacekeeper
We urge NATO to respect relevant country's sovereignty and territorial integrity and truly contribute to peace in the region, Mao said.
Although NATO pretends to be a peacekeeper in region, it has become involved in the local clashes in such violent way, raising concerns about a direct conflict between the NATO and Serbia, some experts warned, especially when many people remember how NATO blatantly violated the Charter of the UN by bombing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999.
While local Serbs denied the legitimacy of the elections, the US and Europe recognized the elections, which further stimulated the Kosovo authorities. And in the eyes of Serbia, the US and Europe have been "double dealing," as they claimed to keep the peace in the region but clashed with local residents, Yang Bowen, assistant researcher at the Department of European Studies of the China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
Serbia has been seeking a balanced diplomacy with major countries including the US, Russia and China, but since the Ukraine crisis, Western forces have been "cleaning off the influence of external forces" including that of Russia and China in the Balkan area, Cui noted. "The overall international environment for Serbia has changed, which is why Kosovo began posing challenges since last year," he said.


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China conveys “Four Noes” to S. Korea, a response to Seoul’s pro-US bias
The Chinese government recently communicated a policy of “Four Noes” to the Yoon Suk-yeol administration in South Korea, taking cooperation on issues including North Korea off the table if Seoul meddles in China’s core interests, such as Taiwan, or actively participates in the US and Japan’s strategies to contain China.
Multiple senior diplomatic officials familiar with South Korea-China relations told the Hankyoreh on Tuesday that they “understood that Director-General Liu Jinsong of the Department of Asian Affairs at the Chinese Foreign Ministry came to Seoul on May 22 to inform the Yoon administration of the Chinese government’s ‘Four Noes’ policy regarding South Korea-China relations.”
The “Four Noes” are as follows: no cooperation between the two countries if China’s “core interests” are meddled with (such as the Taiwan issue), no cooperation if South Korea moves towards a unilateral pro-US/pro-Japan foreign policy, no high-level exchanges (such as a state visit to South Korea by President Xi Jinping) if tensions between South Korea and China persist, and no exercise of initiative by South Korea in regard to North Korea so long as Seoul and Beijing’s ties remain sour.
During the meeting, Liu reportedly told Deputy Foreign Minister Choi Young-sam and Choi Yong-jun, the director of the South Korean Foreign Ministry’s Northeast Asian affairs bureau, that his visit was not aimed at “improving relations between China and South Korea,” but at “damage control” between the two countries.
Given the rapid estrangement between South Korea and China since the Yoon administration took office, the Chinese government may have decided that improving ties is out of the question for the time being, and has instead signaled its intention to manage further conflicts and clashes by clearly communicating its core interests and where exactly it will draw the line.
Seems that China has correctly assessed that Yoon is a hopeless case and it is better to wait him out


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Since 2020, India has refused to approve long-term stay applications for Chinese journalists to its country. In December 2021, Chinese journalists stationed there were forced to leave the country within 10 days, despite having two months left on their visas, for which the Indian side had failed to give an explanation. Recently, India refused to extend the visa of the only Chinese journalist in the country and forced him to leave.
India is kicking out the last Chinese journalist in the country. Time for China to kick out all Indian journalists from China too.

The relationship between China and India has been deteriorating recently, despite China's efforts to improve it, the expert said, warning this is a dangerous trend, as India seems to be determined to confront China and align with the US.
Just stop trying to win India over already. You can't keep trying to mend relations, when they are busy burning bridges. Chinese businesses are not gonna be making more money in India in the future. Cultural exchanges have largely stopped. India is trying to compete with China for influence in the BRICS and the SCO. But India reserves special enthusiasm for QUAD. If they so determined to be your enemy, they are your enemy.

However, it is still too early to draw conclusions, as Modi is soon to visit the US and may be trying to use the strained relationship with China as leverage to reap benefits from the US. And if India does not receive any concrete benefits, it may change its stance again, Zhao said.
This is naive thinking. You should draw your conclusions already. What more evidence do you need? No matter how India feels about the US, India will not just switch to becoming China's friend anytime soon. It'll just switch to Russia instead, and try to win Russia to its side. India is a hostile nation. Treat it as such!


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India is kicking out the last Chinese journalist in the country. Time for China to kick out all Indian journalists from China too.

Just stop trying to win India over already. You can't keep trying to mend relations, when they are busy burning bridges. Chinese businesses are not gonna be making more money in India in the future. Cultural exchanges have largely stopped. India is trying to compete with China for influence in the BRICS and the SCO. But India reserves special enthusiasm for QUAD. If they so determined to be your enemy, they are your enemy.

This is naive thinking. You should draw your conclusions already. What more evidence do you need? No matter how India feels about the US, India will not just switch to becoming China's friend anytime soon. It'll just switch to Russia instead, and try to win Russia to its side. India is a hostile nation. Treat it as such!
Its just words. Global Times can keep publishing whatever it wants. Chinese leaders are experts on being able to say many things but doing nothing when necessary (e.g see how Xi played Trump during the Trade War)