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yup Arabs have no culture connection to Spanish world. look around some tweets of Mexican government officials.
LOL What else is the poster gonna say? Celebrating Arab money?

I told you they celebrated and honored the Arabs because the Arabs have money to invest and can be beneficial to Mexico's economy and hard power. Your answer was, "See? They're celebrating Arabs." Yeah, I already know that. Why don't they celebrate the heritage and culture of Niger with a TRF rate of almost goddamn 7? Should be the highest soft power according to you, eh? This is exactly as I said before: your culture and ideology are all your soft power but nobody cares about them and they're all zero if you don't have hard power. They are all useless if you don't have the platform to project them and the platfrom of the UAE is the hard power of oil and money. That's why Mexicans celebrate Arab heritage instead of the heritage of all the other poor races with 5-7 kids per woman on average.

You didn't know that because you don't even know what "soft power" is and you're at the bullshit stage where you don't even dare do point-to-point responses to me anymore. Just throw some random off topic crap and call it a response.
You are not learning thats why i dont want respond.

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Oh no, you always respond but it's always some combination of stupid, irrelevent, and/or wrong.
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Lieutenant General
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The US upset at China for helping the US to decouple from China. When the West writes whole articles on decoupling versus de-risking when it's the same principle at work, you know they'll be upset that China chose to help them decouple. They want to be the ones who chooses. All because they have too feel like they're the ones in power. When rapists rape, it's not about loving to have sex because they can just go hire a prostitute. No, rape is about power over others and denying the other a choice is what's it about.


Lieutenant General
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“If it were a white-owned establishment or a black-owned establishment, I don’t think that same narrative would be put out there and stated as fact,” he said.

And that's because...

Even after the avalanche of angry messages and threats, all caused by an internet rumor that indulges the worst Asian-American stereotypes, David Rasavong would rather not resort to the “r” word.


“I hate the word because my parents never raised me to be a victim,” the Fresno restaurateur said. “They were refugees. They taught me to work hard and keep my head down.”


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And that's because...
It began several days ago when a Fresno woman
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on Facebook and Instagram of a dog tied up outside house, without access to water, on a hot sunny day. By complete happenstance, the house in question was next door to Tasty Thai.

With camera in hand, Maria Alvarez Garcia entered the front yard and confronted the house’s Asian occupants about the dog, scolding them loudly and threatening to call the authorities. Except in her zeal to do the right thing, Garcia included in her post a photo of the restaurant.

Goddam Marias uuh i mean Karins being all "where's your manager" mr dog i need to talk to him...


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A Thai government dominated by Move Forward means another government hostile to the PRC. They will also expand their tentacles to Myanmar to spread their liberal vermon.

Move Forward coalition agrees on cannabis control, puts off lese-majeste​

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Non paywall source:
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How you know it's Western Oligarchs controlled government: the nonstop talk of "leadership" in the world.

Normal countries try to find equals, not subjects.


Lieutenant General
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If they don't need China, then don't bother but it's always ultimately about money. Canada is like the US and Australia where they have natural resources unlike the rest of the West yet they still need China to buy from them. That's what it comes down to why this is even brought up. Go ahead and decouple if they dare.

Why would stupid countries go along with the US when they're going to lose a lot of money? It must be the assumption or the US promised that China would completely surrender to them and then the US will carve up China like a pie with those countries as reward for going along.

I was listening to the radio and there a was guy from Fortune magazine on talking about how two to one US businesses in China are thinking about leaving or planning to adjust their investments with China. He also mentioned how Warren Buffet is doing this too and he blamed it on how everyone has a negative opinion of China. To which the guy then said maybe this isn't the century of China after all. First of all this divestment talk is because Biden is putting it out there he's going to ban Americans from investing in China. That's why there's all this talk about getting out of China. It has nothing to do with how bad it is to do business in China. And to suggest the century isn't going to be China's after all says they think China's success is only because of making money from the West. Then why are they changing terms from decoupling to de-risking. If they're in control of China's economy, then no need to change the words. They changed it because they fear China breaking off with them because they need the money.


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That's why Mexicans celebrate Arab heritage instead of the heritage of all the other poor races with 5-7 kids per woman on average.
I think that has more to do with Mexican demographics. Historically there were a lot of Middle Eastern migration into South America. For example Carlos Slim and Shakira are of Middle Eastern descent. In fact, there are probably more people of Lebanese descent in Brazil than in Lebanon itself. There isn't much to read here. It's literally to same as Chinese Americans celebrating their Chinese heritage or Irish American celebrating Saint Patrick's day. There aren't Mexican celebration of African heritage simply because there aren't very many Afro-Mexicans. The gentleman you are arguing with is either delusional or just have a really poor understanding of the world, and it's both in my opinion.