LOL What else is the poster gonna say? Celebrating Arab money?yup Arabs have no culture connection to Spanish world. look around some tweets of Mexican government officials.
I told you they celebrated and honored the Arabs because the Arabs have money to invest and can be beneficial to Mexico's economy and hard power. Your answer was, "See? They're celebrating Arabs." Yeah, I already know that. Why don't they celebrate the heritage and culture of Niger with a TRF rate of almost goddamn 7? Should be the highest soft power according to you, eh? This is exactly as I said before: your culture and ideology are all your soft power but nobody cares about them and they're all zero if you don't have hard power. They are all useless if you don't have the platform to project them and the platfrom of the UAE is the hard power of oil and money. That's why Mexicans celebrate Arab heritage instead of the heritage of all the other poor races with 5-7 kids per woman on average.
You didn't know that because you don't even know what "soft power" is and you're at the bullshit stage where you don't even dare do point-to-point responses to me anymore. Just throw some random off topic crap and call it a response.
Oh no, you always respond but it's always some combination of stupid, irrelevent, and/or wrong.
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