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Registered Member
That is up to the CPC politburo standing committee. We have no insight in their closed door policy discussions. They make the big policy decisions. They have an open chance with enlisting the Russian Federation and Iran in some solid partnership but have been even extremely lacklustre in that regard. When the PRC is that lacklustre with countries that are wide open for a certain level of partnership with the PRC than I would not count on them building something solid with countries who play the middle ground.

I believe that certain cultural traits, born from a historical legacy embedded in Chinese culture, mean that China and its people are not typically concerned with persuading others to like them. This is a foundation of China's imperial dynastic power that attracted countries like Japan and Korea, prompting them to emulate and be influenced by China. The Chinese did not venture beyond their traditional borders to conquer or seek out lands for the sake of conquest or Sinicization. Confucian thinking has played a strong role in many of China's foreign policy approaches, differing greatly from the messianic, evangelizing nature of the pre-Christian West, a force that only grew stronger after Christianity permeated Western thought, as evidenced by colonialism.

I've come to understand, and agree with, Mao Zedong's argument for the destruction of certain Chinese traditions. He saw correctly how these traditions and practices brought the country to its knees, leaving it nearly torn apart. To confront the overwhelming power of the West, an ideology equal to the task was needed - one that is all-encompassing and civilizational in nature. Flexibility, not rigidity, was required, as Deng Xiaoping once stated, "It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice." Dr. Eric Li has noted that while the People's Republic of China is under one-party rule, the party and system are not afraid to implement policy changes to suit the times, unbound by tradition.

This is why, I believe, Xi Jinping Thought has been widely propagated throughout China. The aim is to bolster the vitality, vigor, and philosophical foundations of the Chinese people, rather than encouraging the pursuit of excessive materialism and the inevitable rise of hyper-individualism in society, which are often consequences of prosperity.

I hope that the Chinese people can and will have the confidence to ensure that the "Century of Humiliation" is never repeated. They must be engaged, informed, and aware that, whether they like it or not, they are in a unique position to help shape the world and maintain global balance. This is their purpose; it is the meaning of their existence. To believe that China will be allowed to chart her own course, untouched by outside forces, as long as the country concedes to external demands, would, in my view, undermine the essence of China being China.


Lieutenant General
Is there another method for Japan to dispose off their nuclear waste rather than simply choosing to dump the nuclear waste material into the ocean?

As of yesterday, there was a sizable protest from some of the South Korean public regarding this matter which I think China can certainly rally against as well since it's for the safety and benefit of all the people in that area. The fact that America and the usual howling hypocrites of EU are silent on this yet another ecological/environmental degradation show how insincere they always have been on issues that's supposed to be existential threat to humanity. I mean, if China was trying to do the same dumb shit, the intensity, and ferociousness attack in the western media amplified through their proxies around the world would have made China think twice from doing such action and rightfully so. But since it's Japan, it's A-okay. Freedom and Democracy are the key selling traits for mass murder, mayhem, and destruction.

The Japanese can bottle it and drink it if they are so fucking convinced it’s perfectly safe.


Senior Member
Registered Member
While you are absolutely correct, I have to say that you need to stop answering him and just laugh at every nonsensical post he makes. Otherwise I think you are unwittingly helping him degrade the quality of this thread.
He is either a SleepyStudent-tier troll or just has mental health problems because he created some imaginary world in his head and pretends that his vision is the reality. That world obviously constantly changes whenever suitable - that's why one day he is saying that Arabs are beholden to the West, then the next day he is saying that Arabs are the secret world rulers. There's one constant though - shilling for Russia, that's how we can detect his ethnicity at least.

I also used to argue with him but I eventually realized that even simply reading his schizo posts makes me dumber. If the mods don't want to ban him, then it is better to just add him to blacklist because frankly arguing with him will just lead to polluting the thread with offtopic shit.


Junior Member
Registered Member
He is either a SleepyStudent-tier troll or just has mental health problems because he created some imaginary world in his head and pretends that his vision is the reality. That world obviously constantly changes whenever suitable - that's why one day he is saying that Arabs are beholden to the West, then the next day he is saying that Arabs are the secret world rulers. There's one constant though - shilling for Russia, that's how we can detect his ethnicity at least.

I also used to argue with him but I eventually realized that even simply reading his schizo posts makes me dumber. If the mods don't want to ban him, then it is better to just add him to blacklist because frankly arguing with him will just lead to polluting the thread with offtopic shit.
Huh, I figured that he was a Jai Hind troll.


Lieutenant General
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Action speaks louder than words. The US is mincing over words is not from a position of strength. The only thing that has changed is the West thought threatening to decouple from China would make China surrender to all US/Western demands. It didn't work exposing how the West would destroy itself economically if it actually followed through. China doesn't need to stop buying the big stuff to weaken the economies of the West. It can crack too the foundations from not buying the little stuff that it easily can buy from somewhere else. What do they have left to sell to China? Nothing.

What is this spin that the G7 is more united than ever? Over what words they're going to use where the US was the last holdout from not using the term decoupling? Is that like spinning how the West was more united that ever after the US was one of the last countries to recognize the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela was wrong...? It's called biting off more than they can chew.

Deleted member 23272

It's high time for China and its people to realize that the era of leaving the world to the mercy of predators and wolves – to be shaped, influenced, harvested, wrecked, and destroyed – must end. This detachment cannot continue, especially under the guise of divine protection or indifference to global suffering.

The world is in need of new leadership, and China must not shy away from this inevitable responsibility, whether it is prepared or not. Many of the challenges that China has faced, including those that led to the collapse of the Imperial dynasty, resulted from a combination of indifference and hubris.

The goal should be to shape the world in a more balanced manner, one that curbs or at least equilibrates the overwhelming and often detrimental Western influence. This influence has been persistently aimed at reshaping social constructs that have formed today's civilizations into highly individualistic and hedonistic entities. In my humble opinion, this outcome is dangerous.
That's quite a bit of a lofty agenda peope assume the party should take on. If you don't mind how do you think the CPC should set about accomplishing this?


I find this polling as bias as you can get. Firstly, it is done solely online and with more people with college degrees which makes the demographics much more liberal and pro peaceful unification. However, one interesting finding is that older people tend to favor a military response. Presumably, it is due to the fact that older people want the reunification resolved and still living to witness it so that they can be part of that history. As for younger more nationalistic population, they might have more patience as they feel China is growing stronger everyday and the longer China waits the stronger China gets.

Although, this poll/article is intended to showcase and sow doubt that absolute majority of mainland Chinese is willing to get back Taiwan at any cost. Which corresponds with the Weibo post that some Western educated Chinese have advocated four ways to tackle Taiwan issue and sow doubt of the central government legitimacy from unification isn't in the interest of the general public, unification is against international law, the US isn't an enemy of China, US is a friend of mainland Chinese, and Chinese leaders are the ones responsible for inciting conflicts between the US and China.

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Although earlier studies have concluded that younger Chinese tend to be more nationalistic and hawkish, this poll found that in fact older respondents tended to favour more aggressive policy choices such as full-scale war or military coercion.

"Perhaps the older Chinese have now become more impatient and are more willing to see the Taiwan issue resolved, presumably during their lifetime, one way or the other, rather than wait indefinitely," the authors explained.



Registered Member
That's quite a bit of a lofty agenda peope assume the party should take on. If you don't mind how do you think the CPC should set about accomplishing this?
I wish I could tell you how, and think that's going to be oh so easy. Anything worth doing in life requires huge commitments, and yes, sacrifices will be made. The CPC as a political organization must change constantly or adapt and be flexible enough to the threats it face, the threats that will emerge both from within and without.

The main argument I made and am going to continue to make is that to many in the world, or at least more acutely within it's own sphere like ASEAN countries like the Philippines. China and by extension Chinese people, culture remains an alien to the local population even though the Chinese people has been living in that country for hundreds of years. They have been able to establish and foster businesses that's become staple in their daily lives from Jollibee, SM malls as few examples. Despite the Chinese people's resilience, adaptability the relationship, understanding of Chinese diaspora with the rest of the population remain largely equidistant. The people looks at their fellow Chinese-Filipinos either with grudging respect, admiration to their business acumen, ability to hold money, envy, derision, and suspicion. The Chinese culture never permeated or extended beyond the diaspora. Even there, the Chinese culture was somewhat weak or more like westernized.

Contrast that experience with the Spaniards and especially with the Americans despite their brutality, literal opression, mass killings, literally discrimination, cultural destruction Filipinos look at these people with an almost blind loyalty, love, affection and a total acceptance of the American culture.

How can the Chinese able to influence others if the confidence and firm belief in itself doesn't even exist, easily penetrated or corrupted? The message and appeal of universality is strong and impossible to deny. At the most basic level every human being desire and want the most basic and fundamental things which is to pursue their dreams, ambitions, ability to raise and support a family, good education. But what set us apart and define us is the philosophical foundations, belief if you like to call it that way that can animate people to take actions that goes against their interest and existence see American relationship with her vassals in EU, Japan, SK, etc..

If China isn't willing to shape the world or at least recalibrate the world in it's own image for whatever reasons, then China will always be on the defensive, reactive, governance system prone to cracking for this very reason. It's a battle of ideas, and in battle both sides are trying to shape the environment so that it can shape the outcome. Why is this area be any different?


Registered Member
I wish I could tell you how, and think that's going to be oh so easy. Anything worth doing in life requires huge commitments, and yes, sacrifices will be made. The CPC as a political organization must change constantly or adapt and be flexible enough to the threats it face, the threats that will emerge both from within and without.

The main argument I made and am going to continue to make is that to many in the world, or at least more acutely within it's own sphere like ASEAN countries like the Philippines. China and by extension Chinese people, culture remains an alien to the local population even though the Chinese people has been living in that country for hundreds of years. They have been able to establish and foster businesses that's become staple in their daily lives from Jollibee, SM malls as few examples. Despite the Chinese people's resilience, adaptability the relationship, understanding of Chinese diaspora with the rest of the population remain largely equidistant. The people looks at their fellow Chinese-Filipinos either with grudging respect, admiration to their business acumen, ability to hold money, envy, derision, and suspicion. The Chinese culture never permeated or extended beyond the diaspora. Even there, the Chinese culture was somewhat weak or more like westernized.

Contrast that experience with the Spaniards and especially with the Americans despite their brutality, literal opression, mass killings, literally discrimination, cultural destruction Filipinos look at these people with an almost blind loyalty, love, affection and a total acceptance of the American culture.

How can the Chinese able to influence others if the confidence and firm belief in itself doesn't even exist, easily penetrated or corrupted? The message and appeal of universality is strong and impossible to deny. At the most basic level every human being desire and want the most basic and fundamental things which is to pursue their dreams, ambitions, ability to raise and support a family, good education. But what set us apart and define us is the philosophical foundations, belief if you like to call it that way that can animate people to take actions that goes against their interest and existence see American relationship with her vassals in EU, Japan, SK, etc..

If China isn't willing to shape the world or at least recalibrate the world in it's own image for whatever reasons, then China will always be on the defensive, reactive, governance system prone to cracking for this very reason. It's a battle of ideas, and in battle both sides are trying to shape the environment so that it can shape the outcome. Why is this area be any different?
Chinese never ruled the Philippines. That's the problem. People respect those who rule them.

Contrast with Vietnam which China did rule:

Many ordinary citizens hate Chinese but their government itself clamps down on it and silences them. Their culture is so tightly bound to China's that they're copying China in every way from gaming to military to government, listen to Chinese music, etc.