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No, it wasn't necessary to nuke Japan at all. Japan was going to surrender anyway and a naval blockade would have been more than enough to kill off Japan, but the nukes were to stop the Soviet Union from taking over Japan, which the US considered a strategically important industrial country that must be under US control post war.
Not going to debate if the nuke is necessary to end the war or not. However, Japan wouldn't surrender if the US simply did a naval blockade. Without a land invasion, Japanese wouldn't give up. At that time, majority of the Japanese did not consider themselves beaten and would continue to fight.

As for SU, the US had already forced Russians to cancelled the invasion of Hokkaido. It is unlikely that SU has the appetite to invade Hokkaido without the US's blessing.


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China questions ‘credibility’ of G7 members​

Beijing has accused the US-led bloc of trying to impose its will on others

The international community will not fall in line with the pro-Western rules pushed by the G7 and not allow the US-led group to dominate world affairs, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

“China will never accept the so-called rules imposed by the few. The international community does not and will not accept the G7-dominated Western rules that seek to divide the world based on ideologies and values,” the statement read.

The Foreign Ministry went on to accuse the group of acting on behalf of “America-first” policies and attempting to impose its will on others. “That simply shows how little international credibility means to the G7,” the ministry said.

Gone are the days when a handful of Western countries can just willfully meddle in other countries’ internal affairs and manipulate global affairs.

The Group of Seven is an informal club consisting of the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. The G7 annual meetings are typically also attended by officials representing the EU.
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In a joint communique adopted at the summit in Hiroshima, Japan on Saturday, the G7 listed multiple allegations aimed at Beijing, including technology theft, “economic coercion,” and human rights abuses at home. The group said that it strongly opposes “any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force” around Taiwan and in the South China Sea.

Beijing responded by saying that “affairs related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet are purely China’s internal affairs.” China accused the G7 of endangering peace in the region by providing “support for ‘Taiwan independence’ forces.”

Although G7 members refrain from formally establishing diplomatic ties with Taiwan, the US has sold weapons to Taipei and promised to defend it from a potential attack from the mainland. US politicians have also met with officials from Taiwan, prompting harsh criticism from Beijing, which opposes any form of diplomatic contacts with the Taipei authorities.


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This is just a massive game of chicken, both sides will become more amenable to changes in the last 2 weeks and the debt ceiling will be raised again.
I would be surprised if they didn’t raise the debt ceiling as that would spell the end of the USA right there and then because they wouldn’t be able to pay for anything but if they raise the debt ceiling, this will ultimate weaken the dollar even further, thus driving up inflation and overall will make things even worse to the point where living in the USA will become unbearable (if it isn’t already with all those store closures and everything else happening at once). This ultimately will happen even if they raise the debt ceiling so this whole episode in the White House is just theatre, kinda like the back and forth that was happening for the last couple of pages here. But none of this will help the US economy and nothing the USA does to Russia or China will help the economy, in fact I welcome the sanctions because this will drive the US economy further into the ground whether they like it or not and nothing they do will prevent an eventual crisis from blowing up in the USA either because Biden still doesn’t know what the hell he is doing even now and none of his minders seem to know any better either because one side wants to keep fighting Russia while the other side what’s to start a fight in China and neither side cares about the consequences until it hits them in the face while will happen sooner or later


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'Level playing field' and 'market distortions'. They mean Chinese economic model 'distorts' the economy. They prefer PRC to wholesale adopt neoliberalism and to not make any industrial and technological five year plans and subsidize those plans to make them come to fruition. When you see those two words of 'level playing field' and 'market distortions' come out of the mouth of westoid that is what their meaning is. The 'free market' domestic and foreign tycoons will take care of all citizens and the future of the nation a la Hongkong: a city which wholesale implemented the neoliberal economic model and now has people living in coffin homes with zero technological vibrancy. They have been engaging in forcing their preferred economical model on countries around the globe since at least the 1980s through trade agreements and western dominated institutions like WTO, IMF and World Bank.


The European leaders are united in their position to "de-risk" from China, because it is meaningless.

It is just sophistry to trick people.

The CCP are not dumb, they know politics. This is surrender basically.

It is better to say we de-risk, instead of we surrender.


In the real world, there is no such thing as to de-risk from a market. Once you put your money down, you assume the risk of that market.

If you want de-risk, such has have no risks, then you should decouple.

But they Europeans leaders saying decoupling is out of the question, so de-risking it is. Surrender!


Now, they could argue that what they mean by de-risk is to find alternatives to made in China goods or materials.

That is fine, that they can do, there is nothing against the rules about that.

This is the simple problem. Going out onto a new venture, guess what? That involves risk.

So they de-risk from China. Big deal. They probably taking on more risk by trying to create alternatives from scratch, and possibly without the size and economies of scale, which would render this de-risked product, more costly.

Here is a general idea. The more it costs, the bigger the risks.

Suppose you bet $100 on a football game. Then you read in the Twitter some guy put $100,000 on the same football game. Who assume more risk?

The West de-risking, or de-coupling from China, is not China's problem. Whatever business is lost, will be made up internally because the China market is expanding, and it will be made up externally via trade with ASEAN, West Asia, Africa, and South America.

So far, the West has failed to have any meaningful decoupling from China in trade, as their bilateral trade keep going to new records.

De-risking is just empty talk, which is useful because then they do not have to talk about decoupling, which is simply embarrassing at this point.

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The European leaders are united in their position to "de-risk" from China, because it is meaningless.

It is just sophistry to trick people.

The CCP are not dumb, they politics. This is surrender basically.

It is better to say we de-risk, instead of we surrender.


In the real world, there is no such thing as to de-risk from a market. Once you put your money down, you assume the risk of that market.

If you want de-risk, such has have no risks, then you should decouple.

But they Europeans leaders saying decoupling is out of the question, so de-risking it is. Surrender!


Now, they could argue that what they mean by de-risk is to find alternatives to made in China goods or materials.

That is fine, that they can do, there is nothing against the rules about that.

This is the simple problem. Going out onto a new venture, guess what? That involves risk.

So they de-risk from China. Big deal. They probably taking on more risk by trying to create alternatives from scratch, and possibly without the size and economies of scale, which would render this de-risked product, more costly.

Here is a general idea. The more it costs, the bigger the risks.

Suppose you bet $100 on a football game. Then you read in the Twitter some guy put $100,000 on the same football game. Who assume more risk?

The West de-risking, or de-coupling from China, is not China's problem. Whatever business is lost, will be made up internally because the China market is expanding, and it will be made up externally via trade with ASEAN, West Asia, Africa, and South America.

So far, the West has failed to have any meaningful decoupling from China in trade, as their bilateral trade keep going to new records.

De-risking is just empty talk, which is useful because then they do not have to talk about decoupling, which is simply embarrassing at this point.

To be honest it makes sense for Europeans to decrease dependence on the Chinese trade. The reality is these lands have a certain political alignment. When armed reunification happens any association with China will be viewed as toxic, similar to what happened to Russia. De-risking from both Chinas is simply the most prudent move and something you would do as a politician even if you are not interested in cooperation with the USA.

Things like this are why I say soft power (being popular) and fomenting friendly groups are important.


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China discovers large amount of “china” in South China Sea


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The State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the People's Government of Hainan Province and other units announced the recent major progress in my country's deep-sea archaeological work in Sanya, Hainan on May 21. In October 2022, two ancient shipwrecks were discovered on the northwestern slope of the South my country Sea at a depth of about 1,500 meters. On May 20, 2023, the base point for permanent underwater surveying and mapping of the wreck was laid out, and preliminary search investigations and image records were carried out, opening a new chapter in China's deep-sea archaeology.​
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To be honest it makes sense for Europeans to decrease dependence on the Chinese trade. The reality is these lands have a certain political alignment. When armed reunification happens any association with China will be viewed as toxic, similar to what happened to Russia. De-risking from both Chinas is simply the most prudent move and something you would do as a politician even if you are not interested in cooperation with the USA.

Things like this are why I say soft power (being popular) and fomenting friendly groups are important.

It may make sense on some level, but it is a wise move?

To make a long story short.

De-risking or decoupling, is a form of isolationism.

Go for it, that would be the secret message from the CCP to Europe.

The more isolated two parties are from one other, the less leverage they have against each other.

Also, no cooperation.

This suits China very fine.

One recent example is this debt relief talks between the EU and China over debts owed by some African countries.

Essentially there are no talks, because China thinks that if the Europeans want to de-risk, why even bother talking to them? Sounds like they want to stab someone in the back.


One reason I suspect that Macron was so keen to visit China and be in the good books with the Chinese is that France has substantial interests in Africa.

If China did not give a hoot about French interest in Africa, then it could be possible China can over time overwhelm French interest in Africa.

But since Macron was serious and diligent about improving relations with China, there should be some sort of unspoken or hidden agreement.

That is how it is going. All of Europe wants to de-risk from China, except for France and Germany, and a few other countries.



lower GDP per capita does not tell any thing about standard of living. capita is income what about expenses?
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A town of poorly paid cheap dentists means nothing; I know of a Mexican town where everyone's teeth are rotted because they only drink coke. Are these related? The link where Mexican caravans cite economic reasons as the number one factor is all inclusive and the final verdict from the horse's mouth.

Mexicans: We want to enter the US for economic reasons. Healthcare and education too.
Low IQ You: No!! You all go for the soft power; Mexico has a better economy and higher standard of living that the US.
you can throw all the links but unless the Mexico population flee to America for 9 to 5 office Jobs. there is no practical difference in standard of living.
You can throw up all the retard logic you want but it's just making people laugh at you. It doesn't mean anything that Mexicans run through armed guards to enter the US for illegal menial labor, it doesn't matter that every Home Depot has Mexicans outside willing to build things for you for $50 a day, but we need to see Mexicans take 9-5 office jobs in order to indicate that the US has a higher standard of living? I'll show you, just scroll down, but is there a second person in the world who agrees with you? Can you cite something where a second person thinks what you think? Cus crazy people don't do that check on themselves.
US-Mexico is world busiest land border.
Because of Mexicans trying to enter the US legally and illegally.
It means Mexico can hire air controllers that are competent and paid enough that can deal with peak season without strikes. It is the diversity of skill set in Mexico population.
The whole country can get together enough money just to hire air controllers... and that's your definition of a competent power??
Also it shows the strength of Mexico Soft Power that despite rising costs American still want to visit.
Hiring air traffic control is now "soft power"? LOLOL
Every country has mismatch of labor and Skills. do you have data they are the best for those jobs or just American employers can find easy to bring them here due to such large hispanic heritage.
In the whole world, whenever you see large groups of people trying to illegally enter another country, it is always from a poor country with a broken economy unable to hire their laborers and give them livable lives into countries that can.
despite Mexico becoming US largest trade partner. They need all those construction workers to built factories there. It show the strength of demographics. GM Mexican plant workers got 26% raise in past 10 months. Which can be record for Manufacturing when you consider strength of Mexican Peso.
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That has nothing to do with soft power; it's market economic forces.
US pay is higher but expenses are also higher.
Well, those Mexicans still want to come, even if they need to be smuggled. They worked it out; higher pay, higher expenses in the US is better than what they have in Mexico. That's why "economic reasons" was ranked number 1. Hard for you to accept, right?
there is no way to attract the brightest Mexicans to US.
America's not worried about that. America's worried that too many Mexicans are coming over.
Mexico debt to GDP stay the same post Covid while US took alot more debt. i wonder how many millions of Americans will flee to Mexico if US did not took so much debt. you are making assumptions that only retired American want to stay in Mexico..
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I definitely know that the US economy made a lot of bad calls during COVID but Mexican debt is irrelevant. You can wonder how many Americans would have fled to Mexico, but that's an imaginary situation. Americans in Mexico go there for the massive spending power advantage and they get that from either being retired (earned all their money by US standards) or by being sent there by a US company to manage its manufacturing (in which case they'd be getting paid by US standards).
unless we see decrease in Mexico population. 5% is nothing to talk about over 15 years. You simply not appreciating Mexico demographics. Every country has skill mismatch.
Which other country in the world suffers a loss of 5% of its population from immigration?? Only war-torn countries. That's 1 in 20 people gone, and that's with the heaviest immigration enforcement in the world trying to stop it on the American side.
hispanic americans are now such large population that they are bound to attract people for there private business and families. It does not mean they are the best for the jobs. they just easy to know.
Mexicans come here not to only work for other hispancs; they can do that at home or by going south. In America, they work illegally for every business that will hire them, oftentime for below minimum wage.
Best and brightest Mexican stay in Mexico thats why there manufacturing wages has risen so fast.
What data says that? Mexico has absolutely no technological growth to speak of so how do you figure best and brightest? Manufacturing wages rise with global inflation; doesn't take bright people to get that.
Those German understand the skills of the best.
And they're losing them due to economic drain.
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you still cannot answer why Mexico software engineers not coming to US. It is a sign of wealthy country.
What data says they're not coming?? You assumed and hope there wouldn't be data to prove you wrong again? LOL
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"The number of Mexican immigrants with a bachelor’s degree or higher grew from 269,000 in 2000 to 678,000 in 2017"
you associate money with soft power.
No, I don't. Money is hard economic power. I've said this many times. It's hard to see why you can make this mistake.
I give two countries with similar royal families example that greater money does not translate into soft power.
Because money is hard power but how effectively it is used will determine the amount of hard power it can translate into.
Look around its all German soft power. Its German Soft Power that dictates every thing including US policies and German benefiting in Mexico and Canada.
I'm looking. I don't see it. And you're not showing me anything. You repeat this sentence again and again, "Look at that full head of hair," and you point to a bald man. Germany has never dictated anything to the US, Mexico, or Canada. It asks for things, and often gets rejected. Your last link showed me that Germany asked the US to be more environmentally-friendly and Trump blew coal smoke in Merkel's face. That's Germany's "soft power" compared to American hard power.
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That link means literally nothing in this discussion. Canada wants Germany's factory to create Canadian jobs. Germany says Canada needs to offer a really good deal. Canada offers a subsidy. All normal business as usual.
only who lacks Soft Power brings hard power in every discussion.
Only those who want to get things done use hard power. Those who want to waste time and get rejected use "soft power" because they have no hard power. If you can't take it, beg for it. That's what soft power is.
first you have no data.
Data that what? Russians died? LOL Data is everywhere; the problem is you have no functioning brain.
No other country can occupy so much area with such force level. That i can assure.
It's not much area and your assurance means nothing. Russians used to occupy more are and then they were beaten into retreat. That's not debatable. If they had greater hard power, Ukraine would have been finished in a month.
Arabs know this thing well as they both funded modern wars in prior decades and are also at receiving end.. They know limitation of each piece of engineering and its maintainability after long term use.
Literally means nothing that is relevent to the discussion.
you just need to read between the lines.
You need to stop making up bullshit and asking for "data" to disprove it:

1. Mexico has a similar standard of living and stronger economy than the US.
2. Germany controls America.
3. Russia meant to drag the war out.

Nobody needs data against this; it's common sense that it's not true. You're an idiot and everything you write is digital retardation.
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