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Registered Member
Speaking of Canadian politics. Are fellow Canadian forum members alarmed at the tone of the Libs and Cons? The bipartisan hatred of Chinese has basically spread from the US into Canada. The country has always been America-lite but now it seems like they're trying to emulate the US word-for-word.

Curious as to where your confidence comes from.

Their tone, the politicians in Ottawa, are of robotic people in a mild panic.

Realistically, who can give shit? Politicians in Ottawa wasting time and taxpayer money playing politics over what appears to be nothing, other than innuendo.

We have seen this before.

Everyone already knows the end result. There will be another public inquiry about this whole thing, and there will be some sort of report presented to parliament.

After which nothing else will be done.
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Turkey rejected US proposal to send Russian S-400 defense system to Ukraine: Foreign minister​

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US wants access to Russian-made S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft system​

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Washington wants access to the Russian-made S-400 anti-aircraft system. They have made such a request to Turkey so far. The news was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Mr. Mevlüt Cavusoglu. The request was sent to Ankara with the hope that the obtained data would be provided to Ukraine.


Lieutenant General
MSM keeps claiming that China is ready to join the debt relief effort. However, every indication from China is that it doesn't agree with World Bank, Paris Club or IMF's way of restructured debt.

From the look of it, even though China is only represented 22% of the loan but 75% of Zambia's debt that needed to restructure is owed to China. That means many Western institutional and private debts are off limit for restructuring. No wonder China isn't interested in the deal.
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More than 70 low-income nations face a collective $326 billion debt burden, with more than half of them already in or near debt distress, including Zambia, Ethiopia and Ghana. In many cases, China is the largest creditor. For instance, 75% of Zambia’s debt that has to be restructured is owed to China, according to the IMF.

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Of Zambia’s external debt, 46% is owed to private lenders, 22% to China, 8% to other governments and 18% to multilateral institutions. China is among the government lenders to agree a longer debt repayment schedule that private lenders, including banks, have so far resisted, Debt Justice said.

You can see that this isn’t some off the cuff thinking, but the culmination of a long and careful campaign.

It started even before all the western MSM started their China and BRI debt trap orchestrated global propaganda campaign. And this was one of the goals - to use Chinese debt to pay for western predictry lending tactics designed to keep the global south perpetual poor and indebted to the west as slavery 2.0 where they work all their lives just to pay a fraction of the interest on loans that would have been paid off decades ago by any sane and fair metric.

The main reason the west initially resisted the AIIB and BRI etc was because they projected their own motivations and plans onto China and thought China was out to steal a slice of their modern colonial pie. So they thought they would pre-empt China with all the debt trap smearing so they can come out and say ‘I told you so’ later.

But to their horror, the reality was so much worse, because those Chinese projects and institutions actually offered fair, purely commercial based loans and didn’t seek to actually debt trap anyone. That was going to kill their golden goose, because if the developing world can actually pay off their debts, that means no more eternal free lunches for western fat cat bankers, accountants and lawyers. That’s basically the core of their services focused economies.

So they hatched this plan to blame all their deliberate acts of evil on China and then gang up to force China to give up all its loans so the west can continue to trap the developing world in generational debt forever. The only thing standing in the way of them succeeding is Chinese hard power. That hard power hard counters all their soft power BS, because while they can easily manipulate their western subjects into consenting to sanctions, trade or even kinetic war against China, they no longer have the hard power to win such wars.

The reason the west no longer has the hard power to dominate the world is partly down to the hard work of generations of Chinese in building modern China, but also because their best and brightest go into zero-value-added professions like banking, accounting and lawyering instead of fields that actually advance national and human learning, technology and production.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Speaking of Canadian politics. Are fellow Canadian forum members alarmed at the tone of the Libs and Cons? The bipartisan hatred of Chinese has basically spread from the US into Canada. The country has always been America-lite but now it seems like they're trying to emulate the US word-for-word.
Yes. It's basically because the US controls our media and our intelligence agencies. So the media is very negative towards china and CSIS is joined at the hip with the CIA. All they need to do is pretend to leak some china spying or election interference to the papers and the papers will run it on sensationalism.

Don't you ever notice how it's always a report in the paper, but never heard evidence that comes out, and then there's a media frenzy on this supposed evidence but no one can really see it cause it's hidden due to national security?

Then the media pressure will make the liberals and conservatives jerk each other off to see who can be more anti china. There a lot of white and Indian Canadians who are also racists af towards Asians.

Basically it's Anglo Saxon/white hegemony. Canadians know if the US loses to china then they will also be second to china and they can't phantom a country which was so weak before, surpassing them. Simple as that.


Registered Member
Yes. It's basically because the US controls our media and our intelligence agencies. So the media is very negative towards china and CSIS is joined at the hip with the CIA. All they need to do is pretend to leak some china spying or election interference to the papers and the papers will run it on sensationalism.

Don't you ever notice how it's always a report in the paper, but never heard evidence that comes out, and then there's a media frenzy on this supposed evidence but no one can really see it cause it's hidden due to national security?

Then the media pressure will make the liberals and conservatives jerk each other off to see who can be more anti china. There a lot of white and Indian Canadians who are also racists af towards Asians.

Basically it's Anglo Saxon/white hegemony. Canadians know if the US loses to china then they will also be second to china and they can't phantom a country which was so weak before, surpassing them. Simple as that.
Yeah, basically the same modus operandi as UK, Australia and all the other puppets like Japan Korea Philippines

They basically all take turns exposing some made up "Chinese atrocity", and quickly move on to the next country before people start to realise it's all bullshit