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Since Koreans claim that ancient Chinese history is actually Korean history, Mr AskAKorean ought to know this:

During warring states era, in a meeting, Lord of Qin tricked lord of Zhao into playing music for him, and ordered Qin courtier to record the event as "Lord Qin ordered Lord Zhao to entertain him".

How it ended: In response, Lin Xiangru (蔺相如), Zhao's prime minister, threatened Lord Qin at knife point (not sure whether he threatened to commit suicide or kill Lord Qin), ordering Lord Qin to also play music, and had the Zhao courtier record the event as "Lord Qin played music to entertain lord Zhao".

This story is known as 赵王鼓瑟,秦王击缶.
He has done his best to attack the opponent's weak point.



Gold is a MUCH safer bet than the dollar right now. Heard through my spouse that a senior colleague of hers (very senior exec at a giant US bank) moved most of his paper wealth into gold and is very pessimistic about the dollar/treasuries. Meanwhile, the hedge funds are mostly shorting small-mid sized regional banks. Either way, seems like shit is at huge risk of going down big time. Those with a lot to lose are bracing themselves.

good luck!


Registered Member
Day 1, It is up to China to make amend. Day 2, China needs to talk to us. Day 3, we are requesting China to talk to us, please. Day 4, repeat of day 1.
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Isn’t the Chinese defence minister under US sanctions? Wouldn’t Loud Austin be breaking US law by trying to work with him?
but but but .... General Li Shangfu is under the US sanction, why would the US "begging" to meet him?
in case it’s not already self evident, Anglo Americans will break laws if those laws become inconvenient, look at how they broke US laws so one of their oligarchs in JP Morgan could gobble up distressed US banks


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So in the end only Chinese got singled out and banned from buying homes in Florida. Unlike the Texas's bill, Florida's bill applies to homes not just lands.
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This week, House lawmakers
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to ease the restrictions on foreign nationals from “countries of concern” other than China — Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria.

Previously, they would have been prohibited from owning land within 20 miles of a military installation or critical infrastructure, such as a seaport or wastewater treatment plant. Now the limit is just one mile from those facilities.
a bit of an own goal here by the US no? i cant help but think that the CCP leadership secretly chuckle at this kind of stuff. the nearest equivalent i can think of were the french persecution of protestants, forcing them to take refuge in england and the low countries.


Registered Member

6. Then there is Yoon himself, a man out of central casting for the worst type of middle aged Korean man: servile to to those more powerful than you, cruel and callous to those weaker than you. Yoon's shit-eating grin is very, very recognizable to anyone who dealt with this type.


They should have not sang karaoke songs, but did a poetry reading, like White Man's Burden.

But since that kind of literature is now politically incorrect, so it must bye bye Miss American pie, drove my Chevy to levy but the levy was dry, and good ole boys where drinking whiskey and rye ...

This is the best version I have seen of that.

His shit eating grin.

That captures the moment, like no other.



Lieutenant General
When you realise you're increasingly isolating yourself as a warmonger.

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Opinion: The U.S. warms to a role for China in resolving the Ukraine war​

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This is happening because of optics. The US looks like it's for war while China is working at peace. They haven't changed their strategy and will still work to use Ukraine for regime change in Russia. It's just like how China still has to surrender to all US demands when the US says it's up to China to improve relations taking the onus off themselves... Just look at what US allies are experiencing. They only exists to give what the US wants. That's allies. They aren't expecting less from China.