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we can actually take territories from them, expand them, turn them into Chinese bases, and then when the next guy comes in and acts very friendly to China, we don't give them back; we just stop expanding. That way, the net result is that as the Philippines, like many democracies, shifts back and forth doing a net longterm zero, Chinese territories don't; they just expand.
That’s exactly the type of strong man tactics big countries use to dominate smaller countries. And exactly the way to push PH further towards the Americans.


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Seems to me that Zelenskyy isn't very enthusiastic about this counteroffensive. Western factions are pushing him toward making the move.

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Ukraine isn’t ready for its big offensive, but it has no choice. Kyiv is locked into a spring or summer push despite burning through ammo so fast that the West can’t keep up.

Kyiv has little real choice but to launch a major spring or summer offensive. President Zelenskyy has managed the West with great skill, but to maintain its support he has to show what Washington insiders rather tastelessly call a “return on investment”.

Zelenskyy must also balance domestic politics. Hawks such as Kyrylo Budanov, Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, prevent any meaningful talk about negotiations, even though some in the government think now is the time to put out feelers. One western diplomat in Kyiv described a “surreal parallel experience” as his interlocutors “discuss potential formats for negotiations one evening” and then “shout that there can be no talks with Russia” in public the next day.

Weapons are no good without ammo
There are also sharp limits to what the West can do. While there are calls for new and more weapons to be provided, from ATACMS (Army Tactile Missile System) long-range missiles to F-16 jets, it is not just caution or parsimony that holds the West back. One of the key issues is that of ammunition: sending more weapons systems is of little value without the shells, bullets or missiles that they are consuming at a prodigious rate.

At present, for example, the Ukrainians expend more 155mm shells in a month than America produces in a year. The West is investing in new production capacity, but this takes months or years. Ammunition cannot be conjured out of the air and Paris is blocking the EU from buying supplies outside the bloc.


Registered Member
That’s exactly the type of strong man tactics big countries use to dominate smaller countries. And exactly the way to push PH further towards the Americans.
Don't make comment on issues you frankly don't have any good grasp on dude.

Expecting the PH to reorient itself wholly to China or balance itself out that's actually logical with it's very limited power against China has not been paying attention, well-read, well-versed with the American hold to the Philippines as a whole.

Duterte was an aberration not the norm, and frankly I was surprised that his favorability ratings didn't dip or adversely affected since he was largely seen as a PRO-CHINA politician. Which is why his political enemies and oligarchs that are ALMOST ALL PRO-AMERICA were curbstomped as to why that's the case. They began blaming social media, misinformation, disinformation because Duterte's image was supposed and should have been severely damaged from his virulent anti-American attitude.

The SCS will never be solved pragmatically for as long as your America keeps meddling in the issue fueling the anti-China narrative from all the NGO, academic, business, and security apparatus that's pushing the Philippines being a hapless victim and America honoring it's time-honored commitment as their treaty ally. When in reality, the Philippines was, is, and will always be a virtual colony of America wether they like that or not.

The cultural, spiritual, affinity and outlook of the majority of the Filipinos are very much American oriented. Their mindset can't be expected to entertain a country, let alone a country who's political system brings a lot of negative passionate feelings due to the PH ongoing issue with their separatists group, the Communist Party of the Philippines- New People's Army (CPP-NPA). The Chinese and China being largely an atheist country, doesn't speak English, non-Christian, non-Catholic country. Plus, for most of the PH modern history its education system largely ignores ASEAN countries, with a passing mention on the Japanese aggression and invasion of the PH due to American War with Japan in WWII. China barely gets any passing mention other than it was portrayed as backwards, heavily communist therefore inherently evil.


A lot of your takes, am sorry to say are frankly devoid of any substantial thought other than regurgitating false western narratives. You have done this with Covid-19 topic among others.

In your opinion, the PH who's size and importance as a country weighs more heavily over that of China, a country that's responsible for making the UN poverty program look good, helping the world alleviate itself during 2008 crisis, helping countries big and small improve their economic conditions, pulling ASEAN countries economies improve massively, provide life saving products during the Covid-19 pandemic etc..and yet somehow China's territorial waters MUST BE EXTREMELY LIMITED WORTHY OF A PEA SIZED COUNTRY? Okay there chump.

I actually do wish that China was a western style democracy so that we can elect a leader that's more belligerent and bellicose not going to take insults from peep squeak countries who's whole existence became a reality due to foreign conquest.


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Yeah Ukraine is really a huge liability, now even Israel is complaining:
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as US depletes reserve stockpiles to fuel Ukraine war
Officials in Israel have raised concerns about the dwindling stockpile of US munitions stored in the country, as in recent months, Washington has been quietly shipping the armament via the Port of Ashdod to Ukraine.
“These are Israel’s reserve stockpiles for times of war … The move has had a bigger implication in light of the threats on Israel in multiple theaters,” an unnamed former cabinet minister told
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A US official also confirmed that “it is still not clear when the reserves will be restocked,” as the US war machine has pivoted from fueling conflict in West Asia to new fronts in Ukraine and Taiwan.

Look, India is taking solid steps to improve its education system!

Scientists in India protest
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India has removed discussion of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution from textbooks used by millions of students in ninth and 10th grades.
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an autonomous government organization that
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for India’s 256 million primary and secondary students, had made the move as part of a “content rationalization” process. NCERT first removed discussion of Darwinian evolution from the textbooks at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to streamline online classes, the society says. (Last year, NCERT
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that said it wanted to avoid content that was “irrelevant” in the “present context.”)
Despite the growing protest, there is “not much hope” that NCERT “will suddenly admit the mistake and revisit the decision,” says Aniket Sule, an astronomer and science advocate at the
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. Biologist Satyajit Rath, former president of the
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, is also pessimistic. “Will [the protest] make any difference? Given the recent trajectories of such decisions of the government of India, probably not, at least over the short term."
NCERT’s move comes amid what some see as the growing influence of pseudoscience in India. Researchers and politicians linked to conservative Hindu organizations have voiced doubts about evolution and promoted
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And some observers fear India’s move could embolden evolution deniers in adjoining nations, including Pakistan. There, notes physicist
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, a Pakistani science advocate, biology textbooks are already prefaced with notes warning readers that they will “encounter the theory of evolution—but you are advised not to believe it because it is unscientific, lacks proof, and goes against Islam.”


Registered Member
Yeah Ukraine is really a huge liability, now even Israel is complaining:
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as US depletes reserve stockpiles to fuel Ukraine war

Look, India is taking solid steps to improve its education system!

Scientists in India protest
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India has removed discussion of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution from textbooks used by millions of students in ninth and 10th grades.
Not that Indians were particularly adept at scientific research, but it seems liberal democracies often devolve into fascistic theocracies or theocratic fascism.
Creationisim is particularly popular in Pompeo land like Kansas and other anti China American states, especially amongst the Protestant evangelical Christian groups.

once again, why don’t the Anglo Americans use that freedom to innovate better and best Chinese semiconductor companies?


Registered Member
This is a clear case of USA trying to provoke tensions.

The entire "incident" was obviously staged judging from the number of reporters on the boat and the intentional playing up of such a tiny issue. Literally all the reports sounded like they came straight from the state department.

If I had to guess, they probably just want to sell more weapons (aka stealing Filipino money) rather than really trying to provoke conflict.