Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
UPDATE - Acting Secretary of Defence confirms it was VP Mike Pence, NOT President Trump who authorised deployment of the National Guard.
I think the act of Pence is significant. Under U.S. constitution the vice president ONLY assumes the presidency (the office) when the president is incapacitated, the mobilizations of national guard is the authority of the presidency.

This means few things.
  1. In the view of many in the U.S. power hierarchy (both parties), Trump is not holding the presidency anymore.
  2. The military agrees to this point.
  3. Incapacitation is apparently not due to health, but rather refusing to conduct the duty of maintaining order and law.
Point 3 is the lead for something later. Trump's deliberate not fulfilling duty of the presidential office is a crime that can be impeached during his time in office. And I don't think he can get away with it even after leaving the office. So there may be some drama ahead of us in the coming months. Get ready with popcorn and bears. :cool:


Junior Member
Registered Member
Aren't China and Russia the biggest threats to democracy and freedom? Or not? At least the Chinese or Russians will never invade the Capital Hill.
Be patient, we'll see tomorrow how the politicians collaborate with MSM spinning out the narrative of blaming Russia or China.

They just can't live without China or Russia. Whatever problems happened, just blame China or Russia. Problem solved.