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Registered Member
I saw a Republican US congressman being interviewed by phone on CNN and he was worried that countries like Russia and China might use this as propaganda. You mean like this is fake...? The truth is the best propaganda. Does it stop the US from taking advantage of any Russian or Chinese misfortune to use as propaganda? Yet it would somehow be wrong and the only thing on his mind if Russia or China used this as propaganda.
The more that I hear of this double standard, the more I believe that the only crime that is taking place is why the USA hasn’t collapsed from all these events and scandals. Either they are lucky (to which sooner or later that luck will run out) or they are just stalling for time with everything they have ( which too is going to eventually run out of options)


Junior Member
Registered Member
This is why I'm saying is significant. If your own loyal lapdog of a lieutenant unfollowed you. You know you're in trouble. I think this, sadly, is the last throw of the dice by Trump.

If pence walks, the rest of the evangelical Conservatives will walk with him. Is over for Trump. And he can kiss 2024 good bye.

All remain to see now is the other loyal lapdogs follow suit. Cruze, Mitch, Lindsey and of course, the Ober bitch herself Masha.
Oh no, it must be the u-turn effect! Sorry man..

What I meant to say is that Pence unfollowed Trump because of the pressure, and also not to receive anymore message from Trump while he was attending Capitol.


Lieutenant General
The more that I hear of this double standard, the more I believe that the only crime that is taking place is why the USA hasn’t collapsed from all these events and scandals. Either they are lucky (to which sooner or later that luck will run out) or they are just stalling for time with everything they have ( which too is going to eventually run out of options)
The US is being held up by bull romanticism that the world including China give to the US. China does look up to the US hence why getting respect and acceptance from the US is important to them or they would see it as worthless as it truly is. The actions of the MAGA crowd are clearly undemocratic yet they don't see it that way because politicians and the media all the time lie about how they believe in democracy and human rights. They redefine reality to serve their interests.


Registered Member
The actions of the MAGA crowd are clearly undemocratic yet they don't see it that way because politicians and the media all the time lie about how they believe in democracy and human rights. They redefine reality to serve their interests.

Mmmmmm. Sounds like you are describing another member here. Lol