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Obvious propaganda is comical in its delivery.

So what you're saying is... The system doesn't work. Because if it was designed to prevent World War 3, and it's failing to prevent World War 3, then the obvious conclusion is that it's a bad system.

But no, the "system" is not to blame; it's the fact that certain countries are "challenging" it. Kind of like saying "our laws are great, it's just people don't follow them." Maybe, just maybe, there's a reason for that? It's a poor international order if every powerful country that isn't a satellite of the US doesn't want to follow it.
China has never rejected the international order, its America which has been gradually collecting power acting like a chancellor corrupting the weak king (UN) so they can one day become dictator.

Beijing has always lifted the importance of international law, of reinforcing the UN so they will have real teeth. Yet in every resolution which concerns improving the UN, America wields vetos and then proceeds to take unilateral action. They use bribes to pack UN committees full of American owned officials.

The peace from ww2 is very important, but we should remember who were the greatest contributors to it, those who slew the most fascists. Yes, America was a great part of the effort and it would be historical revisionism to say only the USSR and China fought, but Americans undermined their own credibility by hosting the likes of Bandera, Heusinger, Unit 731 and countless other war criminals immediately afterwards.

By doing that, America had set the stage for them to eventually challenge the global order, except unlike the nazis which challenged it from without, they're doing so from within, slowly turning the UN useless while subverting international organization into becoming enforcers of Washington's dictats, dictats which were not agreed on by any international process.

Now, 90 years after ww2, US has succeeded in hollowing out a great deal of international institutions. The IMF, the WTO and many more. However, they're also not as strong as they were under the 90s when they were the largest economy.

More nations need to heed the call and stop international subversion. As the last remaining independent among the Allies (besides US itself) as well as the biggest market, China can play a powerful role in organizing efforts to keep the ww2 world order.


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Good to see European mainstream media finally doing their job and covering Hersh's Nord Stream story. Here he is interviewed by Berliner Zeitung: "Joe Biden blew up Nord Stream because he didn't trust Germany".

The interview is very interesting, use an automatic translator:

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Its not like they could really ignore it anymore when China and Russia start asking for an investigation of the terrorist attack in the United Nations.


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This does remind me that there are a lot of truck drivers in China who drive oversized loads. In both cases the companies should be heavily fined for violating basic traffic safety. That said, even the worst cheapskates in China wouldn’t drive a truck load of toxic chemicals in a broken down vehicle so I guess there is some sanity there with Chinese cheapskates.


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China Hits Back at US with Sanctions on Lockheed, Raytheon​

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2月16日,商务部网站公告称,为维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,根据《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》《中华人民共和国国家安全法》等有关法律,不可靠实体清单工作机制依据《不可靠实体清单规定》第二条、第八条和第十条等有关规定,决定将参与对台湾地区军售的洛克希德·马丁公司(LockheedMartin Corporation)、雷神导弹与防务公司(Raytheon Missiles & Defense)列入不可靠实体清单,并采取以下处理措施:







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This does remind me that there are a lot of truck drivers in China who drive oversized loads. In both cases the companies should be heavily fined for violating basic traffic safety. That said, even the worst cheapskates in China wouldn’t drive a truck load of toxic chemicals in a broken down vehicle so I guess there is some sanity there with Chinese cheapskates.

Chinese cheapskate drivers tend to be self employed, and no matter how ‘cheap’ someone is, they still always consider their own life and safety and factor that into their decision making on when the rewards no longer justify the risks. Most of the time, when they fuck up their calculations and end up causing an accident, it’s generally more down to being ignorant about just how big the risks they were taking rather than it being a conscious choice to take such huge risks.

Western drivers are almost always employees, so it’s little wonder people end up placing a higher ‘price’ on their own lives than a greedy and heartless corporation would, especially when said corporation has achieved state capture and is able to massively reduce the costs of a fuck up by literally changing the laws of the land to facilitate that.