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I'll be honest.

I've read enough of Chinese history to see the suffering inflicted over the centuries to come to this very clear conclusion:
If China falls again, because of the west, destroy the Earth. Finish the fucking world.
Yup this exactly is the attitude China must adopt if it wants any chance of survival at all!!!!!

10000 nukes asap, I been preaching this day 1


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Definitely wasn't fake, the Americans made a 60 minute episode on it where the Americans on the base were crying about what happened.

At the time reports of multiple injuries were censored by the US regime, including TBI and concussion.

It was a message to the Americans and Israelis. Look at what we can do if you keep pushing us.
Whenever they mention this episode, everyone uses the argument that the Iranians warned the Americans that they were going to attack that base, which is a lie. Iran could have warned the Iraqis that the US base had been attacked, but they didn't warn the Americans directly, plus when the first stories came out of this Iranian military attack, most of the sources I read claimed that the Americans succeeded in detecting the Iranian missiles towards the base (via IR satellite), which gave the Americans time to react. But this is in the field of suspicion, because the soldiers who suffered physical and even emotional injuries in this episode of the Iranian military attack on the American base in Iraq were actually censored.


Registered Member
Is this the adani guy who thinks that he is nearly as rich as elon musk, but now his empire is crumbling rapidly along with the Indian economy?
I remember on twitter during the 2019 Galwan clash how indian posters would spread fake news and propaganda about China and even when presented with actual factual photographic evidence, would create a fantasy world of alternative facts where they insisted they were correct. I quickly understood why religions and cults had such fertile ground in that part of the world.
I'll be honest.

I've read enough of Chinese history to see the suffering inflicted over the centuries to come to this very clear conclusion:
If China falls again, because of the west, destroy the Earth. Finish the fucking world.

I agree. 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。
There is a reason why the USG termed the conflict with China as a 'All of society' Kampf- because the idea of a atlanticist caucasoid having to defer to an Asian Power is offensive to their state religion of white supremacy. It's easy for these Atlanticists to imagine Slavs deferring though, because of their frenzied imaginations of Russians under the Mongol Yoke, but for pure, pristine Anglos? They'd much rather resort to nuclear holocaust.

So lovely to see Russia using CIA style subversive tactics, even if used unironically against America. The greater irony is that a lot of americans, specifically working class white and white identifying men will respond to the above recruitment campaign.


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It seems that the West really is opening new fronts against the new "Axis of evil", namely China, Russia and Iran. North Korea will be next.

This attack on Iran clearly demonstrates that they are not really concerned about Iran's response, they attacked Iranian logistic convoys on Syria's border with Iraq, they droned on military and industrial facilities inside Iran, Israel and US are involved, Israel with Mossad acting inside Iran and US giving ISTAR support to Israelis.

Americans and vassals interrupting the flow of semiconductors to China. Americans and vassals increasing the flow of Western arms to Ukraine. Americans and the vassals attacking Iran. Next on the list will be North Korea.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Um, you alright buddy?

China unlike other empires always reunited historically. Like during times where it still took humans a whole month to deliver a single message from one part of the empire to the other, where 90% of the population couldn't even write their own name, plus being ancient China where going from one province to the other meant having to speak another language entirely if you were a commoner, and above all when warfare was even more barbaric than today where mass starvations and wiping out population centers down to the last child was the norm.

Lesson being, Empires suffer calamity, but political union is a matter of will, culture, and geography. China always had all 3 while others like the Romans did not, and it will continue to do so in modern times. So rekax,

Yes I am indeed alright, the barbarian of past hadn't nukes and fort detrick tho.

Never under estimate the sheer genocidal will of the atlanticist, China can have unity like the gravity of the sun but if things go down south, it's the end. They can't cope with China winning without fighting, they wont with China being victor of war.


Registered Member
China has objectively way more power now than it ever had since the Roman empire era though.

They make something like 10x more steel than the number 2 (EU). And in most industrial sectors, they have majority shares. They're first in science production, and that's with the less educated older generation being most of the lead researchers instead of the young one which recieved first class education. In terms of automobiles, they also have the largest production capacity by far.

Through brute force ability to invent and create, China is here to stay, one way or another. That doesn't mean a good ending is guaranteed for China, it just means that the country is too big to fail. Kinda like how Germany from 1910 to 1950 got completely shit on multiple times and still became powerful in the EU in the end, through sheer size and industrialization, except even Germany was nowhere as big.

What ideology type China will follow as the world's premier power, how much of its power it will be forced to share, and how many bodies will be dropped on the way, those are the main things that will be determined by the cold war.

History has nearly no examples of a smaller economy with less population defeating a larger one on a societal level. And the fact that China has nukes means that they cannot in the first place be completely defeated even if the conventional forces existed.
Some idiot from NZ did try to prophesies that China will be invaded by the 5eyes once China failed in its invasion of the USA and the other and he believes that the west will win the war, abet with a massive death count. However many other self proclaimed prophets and even basic logic dictates that the 5eyes will fall for good with the USA completely beaten to the point of no return.
To be logical about it, the decline of the USA will be long and brutal and all of its industrial and dollar base strength will progressively vanish along with its military capability will be accounted for and many nations, not just Russia and China will come at the end to bring down the USA at its absolute weakest and once they have lost much of its strength and at a timing preferable to China (not like this idiot from NZ seems to think that China will suddenly go YOLO) along with the world having completely turn on the USA.
I swear lots of people are believing in miracles that the USA can somehow win a two way war with China and Russia with the aid of the EU when basic logic shows that neither of the two have the resources nor the personnel to burn, not to mention that the west is in the progress of losing all its good will lately towards the world and the world itself would prefer a west that has no strength rather then the likes of Ursula and Baerbock lecturing the world endlessly about justice while he utter hypocrites about it.
All I hope for is that at the end of the conflict, that the rest of the world drag these elites and neo-cons onto the front of the world and have them all given the final solution so that the world can finally catch a break


Registered Member
Yes I am indeed alright, the barbarian of past hadn't nukes and fort detrick tho.

Never under estimate the sheer genocidal will of the atlanticist, China can have unity like the gravity of the sun but if things go down south, it's the end. They can't cope with China winning without fighting, they wont with China being victor of war.

AI is another game changer...
AGI will be mankinds final invention

China must widen its lead in AI


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Or until Ukraine war is over, they are just stuck in limbo... Irak is in Limbo, Libya is in Limbo, Syria, Russia... Countries that have ongoing security problems are stuck.
If it is true, then it will be of great value to China. Their increasing dependence is our gain.
And that my friend why China continue to progress, China studied the collapse of SU and why TAM happen, they will never want to experienced it again. The constant barrage of propaganda about the Collapse of China for me is good cause it make the Chinese more vigilant, the Chinese are keen student of history with thousand years of civilization, they understand that Complacency Kills, a prime example is what happen during the late Roman period resulting to system collapse. We are seeing the same with the US today as they're destroying their basic institution their forefathers work so hard to established.


Senior Member
I agree that the anglos are preparing for a showdown against China sooner than later, here in australia the australian defence force is on a massive recruiting campaign, i have seen their recruiting ads everywhere specially their navy, even in my majority Chinese neighbourhood they even put up a recruiting booth on a CNY event, those cheeky bastards lol