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By your logic, everybody including US is a shame. When did the US retaliation come after its embassy employees were taken hostage in Tehran? I don't remember any retaliation that was specifically counted for the crisis.

The alternative is what? Airbus? And you think that is less shame? After US walked away from the nuclear deal, EU acted like a pimp to press Iran to give in Trump's new demand instead of standing on its commitment to the deal. Russian and Chinese aircraft aren't available yet.

For the pride, you would have stopped using all electronics because they more or less have US products in them.

US is selling weapons to a Chinese province. EU knows who bombed their pipe line. Germany, SK and Japan are still occupied by US forces. These are much bigger countries, let alone smaller ones.

Lastly but most importantly why being so harsh on the victims than on the aggressor?
I am not on the side of the aggressor. But I point out the victim's mistake in continuing
to be beaten and does nothing to get rid of the humiliation and dependence.

The US killed top Iranian military officials with impunity, with Iran reacting by warning it would fire on an emptied base with no consequences to enemy morale. It's just weak.

And about planes, even Russia today has several models (TU-214, SSJ-New, MS-21) that are more modern and more reliable than the old scrap fleet without replacement and safety criteria that Iran maintains and does not even make an effort to renew. But iranians prostrates himself to try for a contract with Boeing and Airbus, which increasingly despise Iran treated like trash.

A victim who continues to depend on the aggressor even after so much time of beatings and does not change is because he does not want to and cannot evolve and will let the aggressor humiliate forever.

This kind of attitude cannot be approved. As long as thoughts you justify here continue to exist, the US will continue to dominate the world, stealing resources and talent and stepping on everyone they need to trample.


Registered Member
And about planes, even Russia today has several models (TU-214, SSJ-New, MS-21) that are more modern and more reliable than the old scrap fleet without replacement and safety criteria that Iran maintains and does not even make an effort to renew. But iranians prostrates himself to try for a contract with Boeing and Airbus, which increasingly despise Iran treated like trash.
Cuba and North Korea use IL96/Tu-204 those are the original models not the modern versions. The model for Iran they expected to export far modern Tu-204CM. Iran never showed any interest.

The Venezuela President uses Cubana IL96 for international trips. before that Hugo Chavez used those Cubana planes. Cuba has pilots and crew trained on it.
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The CIA the had to compensate, the CIA started to predict that China will collapse soon. They kept that act up for the next few years. Then Comrade Chang grabbed that mantle, and took it to new heights! :D

Look at what happened last year and this year.

The Americans did not expect a full invasion of Ukraine by the Russians.

Russia launched their special military operations. The CIA got that all wrong.

So to compensate, just like in the past, the Americans now claim China will invade Taiwan!

The CIA covering their ass. The CIA covering up their own incompetence.

This is just a repeat of the past. Almost exact.

As for their predictions, did the PRC collapse? More like the opposite happened. That shows what all this CIA talk is worth.

And that my friend why China continue to progress, China studied the collapse of SU and why TAM happen, they will never want to experienced it again. The constant barrage of propaganda about the Collapse of China for me is good cause it make the Chinese more vigilant, the Chinese are keen student of history with thousand years of civilization, they understand that Complacency Kills, a prime example is what happen during the late Roman period resulting to system collapse. We are seeing the same with the US today as they're destroying their basic institution their forefathers work so hard to established.


Registered Member
Hysteria about China is about to increase. This is when propaganda will kick into high gear
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a new Republican-led congressional committee that will investigate many of the most divisive areas of China-America relations. The House of Representatives’ new China Select Committee has no legislative authority but can issue subpoenas and hold hearings. “There is bipartisan consensus that the era of trusting Communist China is over,” Kevin McCarthy, the new Republican speaker of the House, told legislators on January 10th, shortly before they approved the new committee by 365 votes to 65. Mike Gallagher, the committee’s chairman, says that he wants to hold its first hearing by March, “at the latest”.
The uscc examines the national-security implications of relations with China but generally takes willing testimony from officials and academics.
The China Select Committee, by contrast, is designed to conduct high-profile investigations into almost any aspect of relations between America and China. Issues it could address include American arms sales to Taiwan, investments in China by American pension funds, and Chinese ownership of American farmland, as well as China’s political-influence operations in America and its role in fentanyl production, according to Republicans involved.
The committee can have up to 16 members and 13 Republicans have already been named. They include several well-known China hawks, but mostly figures who can work across the aisle
The committee has no formal power to stop such initiatives. But its hearings will no doubt inflame public opinion, crimping Mr Biden’s room for manoeuvre.


Registered Member
China has objectively way more power now than it ever had since the Roman empire era though.

They make something like 10x more steel than the number 2 (EU). And in most industrial sectors, they have majority shares. They're first in science production, and that's with the less educated older generation being most of the lead researchers instead of the young one which recieved first class education. In terms of automobiles, they also have the largest production capacity by far.

Through brute force ability to invent and create, China is here to stay, one way or another. That doesn't mean a good ending is guaranteed for China, it just means that the country is too big to fail. Kinda like how Germany from 1910 to 1950 got completely shit on multiple times and still became powerful in the EU in the end, through sheer size and industrialization, except even Germany was nowhere as big.

What ideology type China will follow as the world's premier power, how much of its power it will be forced to share, and how many bodies will be dropped on the way, those are the main things that will be determined by the cold war.

History has nearly no examples of a smaller economy with less population defeating a larger one on a societal level. And the fact that China has nukes means that they cannot in the first place be completely defeated even if the conventional forces existed.
The Anglosphere needs to break potential rivals- it's why European nationalism is defined and compared to Nazism but American nationalism is just good old fashioned Patriotism or the Globohomo values of the Pride Flag.
Nationalism and pride in one's own culture is such a big no no that many individuals are susceptible to conversion to foreign religions or become unironic wannabe americans. It's akin to an asian student who goes to study in Australia and becomes self hating and white worshipping because they want to associate with the first world society.
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In true feudal fashion, Adani is calling in its servants in the Indian Government to attack the Hindenburg Claims


Senior Member
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The Anglosphere needs to break potential rivals- it's why European nationalism is defined and compared to Nazism but American nationalism is just good old fashioned Patriotism or the Globohomo values of the Pride Flag.
Nationalism and pride in one's own culture is such a big no no that many individuals are susceptible to conversion to foreign religions or become unironic wannabe americans. It's akin to an asian student who goes to study in Australia and becomes self hating and white worshipping because they want to associate with the first world society.
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In true feudal fashion, Adani is calling in its servants in the Indian Government to attack the Hindenburg Claims

Is this the adani guy who thinks that he is nearly as rich as elon musk, but now his empire is crumbling rapidly along with the Indian economy?

Deleted member 23272

I wish that would be the case, but the relative power level of China is not what it was in let's say 17th hundred or earlier compared to other civilisations.

The indian, as eternal subjects of foreign powers regained independence in 1947 for th first time in thousands of years, the west also is craving to cut china open into quadrizillion small pieces to chew her up.

Nationalism and patriotism on account to one's heritage also doesn't work as we can see hanjians can be created very easily by deception and manipulation.

The times were China was the sole actor in her sphere of the world are over.

The next time the mpire long united will remain divided in the next big division.
Um, you alright buddy?

China unlike other empires always reunited historically. Like during times where it still took humans a whole month to deliver a single message from one part of the empire to the other, where 90% of the population couldn't even write their own name, plus being ancient China where going from one province to the other meant having to speak another language entirely if you were a commoner, and above all when warfare was even more barbaric than today where mass starvations and wiping out population centers down to the last child was the norm.

Lesson being, Empires suffer calamity, but political union is a matter of will, culture, and geography. China always had all 3 while others like the Romans did not, and it will continue to do so in modern times. So rekax,


Junior Member
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Even if China falls it'll put itself together again like the countless times it did in the past 2000 years. Not much to worry about.
I'll be honest.

I've read enough of Chinese history to see the suffering inflicted over the centuries to come to this very clear conclusion:
If China falls again, because of the west, destroy the Earth. Finish the fucking world.