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Turning Google smart speakers into wiretaps for $100k
Dec 26, 2022

I was recently rewarded a total of $107,500 by Google for responsibly disclosing security issues in the Google Home smart speaker that allowed an attacker within wireless proximity to install a “backdoor” account on the device, enabling them to send commands to it remotely over the Internet, access its microphone feed, and make arbitrary HTTP requests within the victim’s LAN (which could potentially expose the Wi-Fi password or provide the attacker direct access to the victim’s other devices). These issues have since been fixed.

(Note: I tested everything on a Google Home Mini, but I assume that these attacks worked similarly on Google’s other smart speaker models.)


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Usually they love town like Copenhagen because muh characters even tho as a town it's Hella boring!
Boring, overpriced, even for a touted child friendly city with Tivoli and work life balance, they certainly don't express it when many Danish middle class families send their kids to boarding school so they can continue living the Sex & The City Life well into their 50s whereupon they'll try to find a Congolese toyboy and pressure the Government to subsidise male african asylum seekers and catfood. There's a reason why the 'Happiest cities' are also the highest consumers of anti-depressants.
For a livable city, Sydney or Melbourne are superior if they had to pick a western city.

Interestingly, the Open Borders promoting, "You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy" World Economic Forum (WEF) are advertising specifically for blonde haired, Aryan females aged between 18-26 to serve as cupbearers for the WEF:

The same WEF that through its IMF arm, wants population control on the 3rd world...

Australia has said "F the Science, we just wanna keep them Asians out!!"
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NZ disagrees and will not discriminate.


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Pretty much every warlord faction regardless of nationality do this stuff though. Both the "salvaging random civilian hardware from host nation" and the "buy key components from taobao" thing.
It's not that odd.

Most likely it is a treasure trove of information to China's interior ministry though.

It's kinda unclear what HF3 missiles descend from, but it seems more older PLA hardware influenced than USSR influenced. Just as Beijing has their own spies within Taiwan, it is certain that the reverse is also true and they can smuggle out critical components as well as design ideas.
HF-3 design is indeed pretty old fashioned. For one it uses a pair of solid fuel boosters to get the ramjet upto speed which are jettisoned after they are done. The current state of art for ramjet is to actually fill the ramjet combustion chamber with solid rocket fuel instead. That way the ramjet pulls double duty as its own booster, then once all the solid fuel is gone and chamber is empty it goes into air breathing ramjet mode.

Having jettisonable boosters rule out use in VLS which is a big deal for US/China/Russia etc but seen as ROC don't have any VLS ships (their ships that use SM-2 use the rail launchers, which incidentally mean they can't get any more as US now only produce VLS SM-2) they don't really care.


Senior Member
So according to this article for China to improve relations with the u.s, she has to basically surrender sovereignity of Taiwan, HK, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia and in return of all of that China will get the "international recognition" she "desperately" craves lol

How can you negotiate with these maniacs?

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The Soviet Union tried that. You can see the results. Expansion of NATO into those areas and attempts to finance insurrections inside the remaining Russian Federation like in Chechnya, direct funding of paid opposition like Navalny, and mass protests. Meddling in elections like the funding given to Yeltsin to continue the robber barons free hand into plundering Russia's natural resources so they can be sold to the West for peanuts.


Registered Member
So according to this article for China to improve relations with the u.s, she has to basically surrender sovereignity of Taiwan, HK, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia and in return of all of that China will get the "international recognition" she "desperately" craves lol

How can you negotiate with these maniacs?

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The Soviet Union tried that. You can see the results. Expansion of NATO into those areas and attempts to finance insurrections inside the remaining Russian Federation like in Chechnya, direct funding of paid opposition like Navalny, and mass protests. Meddling in elections like the funding given to Yeltsin to continue the robber barons free hand into plundering Russia's natural resources so they can be sold to the West for peanuts.
Apparently, the West thought that applying Mean Girls bullying tactics "do what we say otherwise we'll tell everyone in the playground not to speak to you!!" "If you want to be invited to our house party, you have to give us your dad's ferrari" would work on China simply because it worked on Gorbachev.

Now the Atlanticists are employing a variant of Nixon's Madman strategy where they threaten to commence nuclear war if their unipolar position is not assured. Small wonder China has been increasing her nuclear stockpile and delivery mechanisms.