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I must say that such statements coming from no less than the Russian FM reveal the sad state of affairs of Russian leadership. They are either BSing and fearmongering or they really believe these statements to be true which to me just shows how weak and insecure Russian leadership feels.


Registered Member
US directly buying Venezuela Oil
the first Venezuela-to-US cargo of crude since 2018.

Everyone else is not allowed to purchase Venezuelan Oil or they face US sanction,

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The Five Eyes are the very definition of a mafia; the US wants to monopolise all resources crucial to the functioning of a modern society and are increasingly looking towards a third world war as their most likely means of achieving that. It is true what they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.

After all, villains research and design ethnic bombs to target russian slavic and Chinese gene markers.


Registered Member
The Five Eyes are the very definition of a mafia; the US wants to monopolise all resources crucial to the functioning of a modern society and are increasingly looking towards a third world war as their most likely means of achieving that. It is true what they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.

After all, villains research and design ethnic bombs to target russian slavic and Chinese gene markers.
Just like CIA assassination of JFK was a "conspiracy theory" until it wasnt. (not to mention it was CIA that coined the phrase conspiracy theory in order to draw attention away from America's string of covert false flag operations....

Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, AIDS, Covid, JFK, Beirut port explosion, Nord pipeline explosions, Evergreen drawing a dick pic while getting stuck in canal, MH370, EUV machines catching on fire before they can be delivered to China, African Swine flu that decimated China's pork supply, Hong Kong protest, A4, Tiananmen, Elon Musk, bitcoin, the list is never ending


I must say that such statements coming from no less than the Russian FM reveal the sad state of affairs of Russian leadership. They are either BSing and fearmongering or they really believe these statements to be true which to me just shows how weak and insecure Russian leadership feels.
I guess you can't really blame the Russians for being paranoia after the North Stream 2 was blown up.

Today's fine example of Western "values":
A transgender "woman" talking about her "periods":

Why you should ignore New York Times: here is NYT's the 'Most Stylish' people of 2022:


Senior Member
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I must say that such statements coming from no less than the Russian FM reveal the sad state of affairs of Russian leadership. They are either BSing and fearmongering or they really believe these statements to be true which to me just shows how weak and insecure Russian leadership feels.

JFK, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi all died of natural causes. Indeed, the Russian leadership has no reason to be paranoid.


Registered Member
I must say that such statements coming from no less than the Russian FM reveal the sad state of affairs of Russian leadership. They are either BSing and fearmongering or they really believe these statements to be true which to me just shows how weak and insecure Russian leadership feels.
Conversely this shows just how low the USA is willing to sink in order to maintain its Hegemony and ultimately acknowledge that Russia will never have peace until the entire USA military and leadership apparatus is completely wiped from the face of the planet. Lindsey Graham has already publicly issued this statement to no disagreement with anyone in the USA so really, what is said isn’t about Russia being weak, is about the USA being so insecure in itself that is it willing to shred what little principles it has left to maintain its grip
On the world and ultimately the fact that the only way this conflict with the west can be resolved is for the USA to finally go the way of Bablyon
Which basically to meet its maker.


Registered Member
Conversely this shows just how low the USA is willing to sink in order to maintain its Hegemony and ultimately acknowledge that Russia will never have peace until the entire USA military and leadership apparatus is completely wiped from the face of the planet. Lindsey Graham has already publicly issued this statement to no disagreement with anyone in the USA so really, what is said isn’t about Russia being weak, is about the USA being so insecure in itself that is it willing to shred what little principles it has left to maintain its grip
On the world and ultimately the fact that the only way this conflict with the west can be resolved is for the USA to finally go the way of Bablyon
Which basically to meet its maker.
Desperation, you see it from the white of their eyes what Putin and Xi is giving the American political establishment, nightmares....lol, can't sleep at night trying to conjure up white lies which in turn become outright lying. The Collective West sense that the jig is up and Medvedev prediction may come true. ;)


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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is warning the U.S. against carrying out a "decapitation blow" targeting
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calling it a "threat to physically eliminate the head of the Russian state."

Lavrov made the comments Tuesday in an interview with
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reportedly in reference to an unverified report in September citing an anonymous Pentagon official saying the U.S. was considering such action if Russia ever launched a nuclear strike.

"Washington went the furthest. … Some ‘unnamed officials’ from the Pentagon actually threatened to inflict a ‘decapitation blow’ on the Kremlin, but, in fact, it is a threat to physically eliminate the head of the Russian state," Lavrov said.

IMHO: The neocon/neolib (i.e.: neofascist) regime in Washington DC needs to be crushed as soon as possible for peace to prevail. After so many wars and coups of aggression over the past 20 years without consequences, the world needs to come together to confront this fascist/totalitarian threat to humanity. In the end, the neocon/neolib USA and its heinous neocon/neolib ideology belong right next to Fascist Germany and Fascist Italy, the dustbin of history.

Is China, India, Brazil, and the rest of the TRUE free world taken this far-right threat emanating from this fascist regime serious ?
Medvedev has a point, the US via a NATO ally is using allied intelligence services to conduct terrorist operations inside Russia
. After the U.S. intelligence community concluded that Russia had interfered with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, President Barack Obama signed such a finding for covert action against Russia before he left office, according to The Washington Post. The finding involved the National Security Agency and the military’s Cyber Command in addition to the CIA and included a scheme to plant “cyberweapons in Russia’s infrastructure,” according to the Post.
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considering the level and duration of non official cover and sabotage, my money’s on that nato ally being Poland. It’d have to be a Slavic nation to seamlessly lay undetected in Russia for so long and a history of deep grievance against Russia proper. Perp is polish intelligence.