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Hurting CIA operations?? That's a bold move Elon

I would advice not getting on an airplane or a car or any other kind of transportation mode that can have a fatal "accident"


Lieutenant General
When the West accuses China of bringing its own workers to build infrastructure in Africa, the West is worse. Their "aid" anywhere in the world comes with the condition that recipients have to buy whatever from them and no one else. So when the US says they're giving 55 billion dollars to Africa, a large portion of that money is actually going to companies like Haliburton to build whatever and they spin it to say that money is going to Africa. Remember everything in the West costs more to do. Take a look at how the Pentagon says China only has to spend a twentieth of what the Pentagon spends and China still gets more out of it. You know Western aid is similar. So what the US can do with $55 billion, China can do with less than $3 billion.


Lieutenant General

The other China expert I respect, DaLiuShuoShuo, said the exact same thing last week.

We are now entering uncharted territory. It's total economic and financial warfare, even if they say things nicely to the press.

China took its big chip at US dollar hegemony thru Saudi Arabia, and US now realizes it.

Its hard to disagree with such sentiments, and most ridiculous part of it all is that America almost certainly blundered across the point of no return without realising or even meaning to do so.

The current generation of American leaders grew up in the age of American ascendancy and unchallengeable dominance. Thus to them, American dominance is the natural order of things and a fundamental cornerstone of their entire world view. But in reality, it was merely a fleeting anomaly created by unique and unrepeatable circumstances, which is being rapidly self-corrected as the hard unflinching economic, geographic and demographic realities start to reassert themselves.

American leaders only knows a world where America can fuck over whoever they want as hard as they want and not have to worry about consequences and repercussions because of American military and economic might. Any pushback will be defensive in nature, localised and only threaten the forward deployed US forces. Essentially the US has gotten used to beating up opponents who can’t fight back and can at most only make defensive blocks, so it now thinks the worst thing that can happen from starting a fight is getting bruised knuckles from punching the other guy.

Blowback that actually hits Americans at home can only come from terrorist and similar non-state actors because states cannot run and hide from American bombs and have too much to loose to dare to really fight back, so much so they coined a new term just for that.

That’s the fundamental unspoken assumption underpinning all of America’s actions against China, that China cannot and will not not punch all. It’s a tough nut to crack, and might bruise American knuckles but will never punch back so the pain from a conflict with China can stop as soon as America decides to stop punching China.

America has zero own historical experience to draw upon to deal with an opponent like China, and is far too proud to look to learn from the history of others. So it keeps throwing little jabs and sucker punches while China blocks all the blows and patiently waits for America to exhaust itself and overreach, all the whole readying it’s own counter attacks designed not just to end the fight, but also potentially end the opponent.


Registered Member
Its hard to disagree with such sentiments, and most ridiculous part of it all is that America almost certainly blundered across the point of no return without realising or even meaning to do so.

The current generation of American leaders grew up in the age of American ascendancy and unchallengeable dominance. Thus to them, American dominance is the natural order of things and a fundamental cornerstone of their entire world view. But in reality, it was merely a fleeting anomaly created by unique and unrepeatable circumstances, which is being rapidly self-corrected as the hard unflinching economic, geographic and demographic realities start to reassert themselves.

American leaders only knows a world where America can fuck over whoever they want as hard as they want and not have to worry about consequences and repercussions because of American military and economic might. Any pushback will be defensive in nature, localised and only threaten the forward deployed US forces. Essentially the US has gotten used to beating up opponents who can’t fight back and can at most only make defensive blocks, so it now thinks the worst thing that can happen from starting a fight is getting bruised knuckles from punching the other guy.

Blowback that actually hits Americans at home can only come from terrorist and similar non-state actors because states cannot run and hide from American bombs and have too much to loose to dare to really fight back, so much so they coined a new term just for that.

That’s the fundamental unspoken assumption underpinning all of America’s actions against China, that China cannot and will not not punch all. It’s a tough nut to crack, and might bruise American knuckles but will never punch back so the pain from a conflict with China can stop as soon as America decides to stop punching China.

America has zero own historical experience to draw upon to deal with an opponent like China, and is far too proud to look to learn from the history of others. So it keeps throwing little jabs and sucker punches while China blocks all the blows and patiently waits for America to exhaust itself and overreach, all the whole readying it’s own counter attacks designed not just to end the fight, but also potentially end the opponent.


Registered Member
Here's a pro-tip: When you meet someone who are boasting that the US has the largest military budget in the world and their military spending is larger than the next 9 nations combined - Tell them not even the Pentagon themselves know what, where, when and how much they have spent those money on.

Unroll thread:

Then tell the Pentagon that they should slash their effective military capability and power projection by half.

Instead of having 10 supercarriers, the Pentagon should announce that they only have 5 counted. Instead of having 400+ F-35s, the Pentagon should only count 200+ of them in service. Instead of having 5000+ nuclear wahreads, Pentagon & Department of Energy should say that they only have 2500+ warheads available.

That would make those war hawks in the Capitol think multiple times before saying and doing anything that can be deemed to be provocative against China, Russia, etc.

25 years... That means the avoidance of federal auditing by the Pentagon started in 1997 (or maybe earlier).

The end of the Cold War and the War on Terror have really let the rot creeping in deep across the financial management system of the Pentagon.

One more solid example that the top level minority of elites takes all, and the bottom level majority of poors are left to feed themselves with scraps.


I could have never imagine losing an entire fr1ck1ng building in auditing assets is actually a possibility, but here we are. Did the rising sea levels submerged your coastal installations or something?

Also, ever wondered how American-made M4s, Stingers, Humvees and maybe F-14s made their way to insurgent groups and terrorist groups in MENA and elsewhere? Now you have your answer.

Finally! Now we know that the US got their hands on the rumored Die Glocke time machine from N4z1 Germany at the end of WW2.
View attachment 103478
(Had to cover up the swastika symbol in case the wokes attack)

No wonder they can travel back to assist the Romans to overthrow the Artaxiad Dynasty, and won the American Independence War, and probably modified the far future.

Grand Theft Auto: The Pentagon Debacle (to be released 2077 if there are no delays).

More info:

Found some replies underneath that are equally shocking:

But then they claimed that the PLA is the ultra corrupt one?

I want to become the owner of those "scrapyards" - I can earn massive bucks of money by just selling them to "unidentified customers".

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The farewell quote by former US President Eisenhower regarding the American Military-Industrial-Complex (MIC) truly ages like fine wine.

I rest my case here, lol.
There is defintely a reason China has never upgraded its military spending above minimum levels.

I think in general people have a way overblown estimation of the US military. Its like when back in February, most people, even US nationalists, assumed Ukraine would fold in a week to Russia.

US has a lot of stockpiles, backing of the world's 2nd largest economy and a lot of men. Given enough time and enough hard organizational pressure of kill or be killed, they can surely shed the corruption and become formidable. But will the US public be able to tolerate losses until then? Will China even allow them to stalemate long enough to be effective?

A military that can barely account for its own assets is going to be extremely flawed in a real battle.

American nationalists however can simply not acknowledge that fact. They think they're leading US to an even ww3 when in reality they might be leading US to opium war 2.0 - with nato playing the role of Qing.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Maitreya Baikal did a complete 180 and transformed into an outright anti-China and anti-Chinese over-nationalist ranting machine ever since the China-India border clash a few days ago.

That did caught me off-guard, as he was usually pro-China with his stance. Unfortunately, I have blocked him as a result of that.

"Hey, how's your brother doing?"
"Oh, my brother's doing fine. He's pregnant now."


"Hey, I didn't see your brother working for a week now. What happened to him?"
"Oh, my brother just went into labor."
"Cool. Did you mean that your brother's wife has given birth to a cute baby?"
"No, it was my brother who gave birth to the baby."

Imagine teaching that in front of 30-something school kids in class, and have them tell that lesson to their parents in Asia.
Damn, Maitreya turned into JH troll over a border issue initiated by his country's indisciplined and low IQ troops. Wonder what tune he will sing once China brings in the big guns and gives India a bloody nose. I'm betting on one of his "Schrodinger's China" threads ;)

Jiang ZeminFanboy

Senior Member
Registered Member

The other China expert I respect, DaLiuShuoShuo, said the exact same thing last week.

We are now entering uncharted territory. It's total economic and financial warfare, even if they say things nicely to the press.

China took its big chip at US dollar hegemony thru Saudi Arabia, and US now realizes it.
If the escalation of economic warfare is coming, how can some of us who are in the West buy Chinese stocks? I guess there might be some delistings of Chinese stocks on American stock exchanges, and some kind of ban for buying stocks listed e.g. In Hongkong.