I know people felt it is humiliated but China has been in a worse position during 90s. At least now, China is able to make many strategic move to weaken the Western powers, and China's military, technology and economy are growing stronger everyday. What China needs is time.
No. That is not what is happening here.
Chinese people just do not understand something here. Not pointing a finger at anybody, but it is was Jiang Zemin said, too young, too naive. 白面書生. That is what he meant.
The real world is just an abstract concept.
But it is not. The fucking real world, is like fucking real.
This is the mother fucking situation.
America is getting beat. America is getting beat by China. 5G, yeah like, who built a fucking network, and who didn't? That is just one mother fucking example.
Okay, what do we learn from this? The street corner mother fucking knows that, America got beat straight up.
America got its ass whooped. Still butt hurt, America wants another fucking piece of China.
But this time it is different.
Instead of fighting straight up, like a fucking fair fight, America intends to fight dirty to win.
That is what I believes upsets people. That America intends to fight dirty.
My feeling about that, is who fucking cares?!
If this mother fucker wants to fight dirty, then this mother fucker wants to fight dirty. What the fuck? Is that even news? Is that something to even give two shits about? No.
No. But you respond the right way, like a mother fucker.
That is the story right now, and the state of affairs between China and America.
That is the real story, that no one in the Western media dares to report, other than Asian Times Newspapers.