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Have you ever dealt with the "valley girls" of Silicon Valley, California? I did while one of my former employers was trying to sell a product to an American company. They are passive aggressive and extremely sensitive but they are also always the victims.

You got the wrong guy.

The only valley girls that I am aware of were the ones I saw on those Hollywood movies, and I think those valley girls were from the valley around Los Angeles.




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Turns out it is Biden and not Trump who wants to start a world war to hold on to power. WWIII Middle East Theatre and Pacific Theatre (Korea) starting soon?

Including the Middle east will become a hot WWIII because they will go at it. Example If something were to ignite in the Holy land areas in KSA the Sunni world will go absolutely bunkers it doesn't matter who attacks but it will turn quickly into all-out type of conflict it will turn into berserker.. Technically speaking The Sunni states could form into a formidble coalition which they haven't explored yet due to political reasons because if such an alliance was to be formed militarily everyone will panic which is unnecessary attention from these countries POV they don't want that.. Also one of the reasons why many don't have good picture of NATO is because it is viewed as an alliance of aggression. Because why create such an alliance of 30 nations if you weren't gonna use it hence why the muslim states would only form into such a dynamic allaince for existential reasons if pushed to a corner and given no choice..

GDP of this potential alliance almost 30-trillion which is almost as much as current NATO. Active forces 10-million with a possible endless pool of reservers and recruit options. 50.000+ air crafts... Endless amount of drones, tanks, electronic warfare, navy, including nukes etc etc.. Spread to 5 continents so that they can fight anywhere around the globe..

I will provide measures for you and size doesn't factor in who is heavily armed or not. These with 5 stars (*****) Means heavily armed, these with 4 means decent armed and these with 3 means ok while 2 means poorly armed. Azerbaijan is the standard everyone below 5 stars is less equipped then the Azeri armed forces..

Europe: 122-million
1.Turkey *****
5.North Cyprus*****
Far East Asia: 310-million
Central-South Aisa: 504.1 million
The Gulf Region: 70-Million
18.Saudi Arabia*****
The Maghrib: 270-million

I only chose these who were capable and currently have stability. I excluded Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon due to instability and all of them can be added in few years. Yemen and Syria are divided in Syria's case into 3 defacto states whereas Yemen in 2 defacto states and Iraq is in process of growing they can't be invited into an alliance. Then there is Iran that is qualified to be invited but the Mullah Regime could be a hindrance but either way due to political instability created by the Mullah's.. I could have selected more but they are far from meeting the demands. Also no non-state actors like Hamas, Hezbollah or Polisario front, SDF, Houthis, SNA, SAA etc etc are allowed. Only state actors that have peace and prosperity in their country that can finance a war and have the military capability...

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Yellen Still Sees US Avoiding Recession, Says Open to China Trip​

I know US haven't been the best buddy to China lately, but please let me come to China to convince you to buy our debt and slow down the rollout of PetroYuan.

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Just make sure she is quarantined and served with fast food at the hotel.


Registered Member
that's an insane achievement, especially if it means that China has also doubled the amount of ICU physicians and nurses in just 3 years. One of the US's many weaknesses in its healthcare system leading to ballooning costs is it limits the amount of physicians it can graduate based off of medicare funding, which is controlled by congress. They're so limited that for-profit Hospital-Corporation-of-America(HCA) programs have opened residency slots to "support" medical school graduates and train them to become their own private physician workforce.

This means that prospective doctors have the "choice", if they aren't selected for their first choice of residency program, of not being a doctor (with a couple hundred thousand in student debt), going to a lower paying backup specialty in an undesirable location, or choosing to be a corporate stooge.
What separates intensive care from other high level hospital departments is the ability to intubate patients.

Like I wrote on the covid thread, China not having a high amount of ICU spots alone doesn't say anything about their overall healthcare capability, because it is a question of healthcare strategy if you want to intubate patients or not. Most severe patients do not always require intubation and it has its own associated risks.

From both life expectancy and healthy life expectancy, we can see that China has broadly better healthcare than America, but worse healthcare than the more developed countries in the EU.

What China likely did here was to just swap higher level care departments into intensive care, which doesn't require large investment or retraining, only the added capability of ventilators and more anesthetics personnel. And now, the number of 10/100 000 spots is one of the highest in the world.


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Unintended consequences of America weaponizing its financial system against sovereign states. The dollar is no longer seen by world rulers as a safe haven. It is easy to hold reserves in currency that can be exchanged for durable goods, which China can supply, and only rational for leaders to gravitate towards that.


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UK freezes this December, figuratively and literally

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December strikes - dates of industrial action planned by nurses, train unions and Border Force​

Train unions, RMT, Eurostar staff, nurses, Royal Mail staff, teachers, airport baggage handlers, driving examiners, bus drivers and border force staff will all go on strike in December

A picket line is seen outside Central Station as the second 24-hour rail strike is under way

Rail workers are among thousands of staff that will strike across the country over Christmas (Image: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

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have been a constant occurrence in our 2022 calendar. Whether it’s on the
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or in the airport, there’s been a fair share of
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this year.

With the
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constantly rising,
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are asking for better working conditions and
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. As negotiations go on, there are more and more dates of strike action announced, as unions and bosses fail to reach an agreement.

More dates are expected to follow throughout
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unless agreements are in place. But in the run up to Christmas, here is who is striking and when they’re walking out.

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Railway workers, including train drivers, conductors and platform staff among other roles, have been striking since June. The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) wants a pay offer reflecting the rising cost of living - and a guarantee of no compulsory job losses.

December strike dates: 13th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 24th, 25th, and 26th

Eurostar staff​

Eurostar passengers could see their Christmas travel plans disrupted due to security staff striking over pay. More than 100 staff who are employed by facilities management company Mitie are expected to take part in the action.

December strike dates: 16th, 18th, 22nd and 23rd

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More than 10,000 workers including paramedics, control room staff and support workers will strike across most of England and Wales. The walkout will affect non-life-threatening calls only and the military are on standby to help out should it be required.

December strike dates: 21st and 28th

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Nurses in England, Wales and Ireland will stage the biggest strike in the history of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN). Up to 100,000 members will walk out at 65 NHS organisations.

Under trade union laws, the RCN has to ensure life-preserving care. This means that some cancer services, urgent tests and scans, ongoing care for vulnerable patients, A&E services and intensive care will be protected.

However, non-urgent hospital treatments, including knee and hip replacement surgery, are likely to face further disruption, increasing the backlog. According to the British Medical Association, in September of this year, the waitlist for treatment in England was at a record high of 7.1 million people.

December strike dates: 15th and 20th

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Christmas deliveries will be affected with postal workers walking out. The cut-off point for Christmas mail has been moved to December 12th for second-class post and December 16th for first-class post.

December strike dates: 9th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 23rd, and 24th


Teachers in England and Wales are inching closer to further strike action as unions have issued a formal ballot to strike. In Scotland, tens of thousands of teachers took to the picket line in November.

December strike dates: Members of the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association (SSTA) and the NASUWT will strike on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th.

Baggage handlers​

Baggage handlers at Heathrow have voted to strike for 72 hours bringing unease to festive holiday plans. The airlines likely to face disruption at Heathrow include:

  • Air Canada
  • American Airlines
  • Lufthansa
  • Swiss Air
  • Air Portugal
  • Austrian Airlines
  • Qantas
  • Egypt Air
  • Aer Lingus
  • Finnair

December strike dates: 16th, 17th and 18th

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Staff at the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency will strike in the run-up to the festive period over pay, pensions and redundancy terms. Driving examiners, DVSA call centre staff, instructor examiners and local driving test managers will be among those to take action.

December strike dates: Scotland and Northern Ireland regional strikes from the 13th to the 18th. North West, Yorkshire and Humber and North Wales will strike from the 19th to the 24th. West Midlands, Eastern region and East Midlands will strike on the 28th until the 31st with further regional strikes continuing into the New Year.

There will be DVSA strikes on the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st, covering traffic examiners and vehicle examiners employed across all DVSA workplaces.

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More than 200 Stagecoach drivers in Sunderland will continue their strike action after they walked out on November 5th. The planned strike will be a blow to last-minute Christmas shoppers and those who wish to hit the Boxing Day sales.

December strike dates: 23rd, 24th, 26th and 27th

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Around 1,000 Border Force officers intend to strike for eight days affecting airports in Birmingham, Cardiff, Gatwick, Glasgow, Heathrow, Manchester and the port of New Haven. Officials checking passports are among those on strike and as a result, immigration and customs checks are expected to take longer during peak times.

December strike dates: 23rd to 26th and 28th to 31st

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Hundreds of Department for Work and Pensions staff will go on strike for two weeks over Christmas over pay. More than 200 Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) members working for DWP officers plan to strike.

December strike dates: 19th to 31st

UK december of chaos.JPG


Registered Member
See how Phillipines is mentioned alongside Australia here? US is going big on Phillipines, I assume the deal between will happen, US will gain more bases, and will station more assets there
Separately on Thursday, Ely Ratner, the top Pentagon official for the Indo-Pacific, said 2023 would likely be the most transformative year for U.S. force posture in the region in a generation.
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"We are going to be making good on a strategic commitment that people have been looking for for a long time," Ratner told the American Enterprise Institute, highlighting cooperation with regional allies the Philippines and Australia


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Again, the propaganda in the west, by the West are only mostly effective to the countries, population that are under control of the west in terms of culture, politics, technology, and most of all the most acute threat of U.S. military might.

India, for all her nonsensical howlings is still a relatively weak ass country relatively speaking relative to it's population size, and actual economic output. But the sad fact is in every important metric in HDI, education, life expectancy, hunger index, patents etc..India LAGS SOO FAR BEHIND CHINA it's not even funny. The only area and avenue where these unfortunate Indians play pretend Supapowah is on the internet and social media which is rather lame and pathetically weak. They constantly talk and boast a big game because that's all they could ever do to mask their gross incompetence, corruption etc...The fact that they take pride in speaking Indian English is another laughable sign of the western indoctrination that has thoroughly seeped into their psyche. It's no different to how how our Eastern Asian and fellow Chinese contemporaries react and feel superior to their fellow people based on their supposed "English" proficiency which is another form of western indoctrination.
India in 2006 had lower youth literacy (84%) than China in 1982 (86%).

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China stopped bothering to track people completing primary school decades ago because it was consistently at 99%+.

India's primary school completion rate isn 2018 was 87%.

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