Miscellaneous News

A potato

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This meme promotes a false narrative that Uyghur and Han are somehow very different and should not be shared. Ugyhur and Han are not different races, the genetic difference between the two groups is much closer than that of many pairs of same-race groups.
The samething is with tibetans except the part that Tibetans and Hans are directly related to eachother and very strong cultural simliarties. Not to mention a possible oirgin of Tibetans are a mix of Sherpas and Hans.


Registered Member
The west bringing in new "protest" materials? Or more bioweapons to be released in China?
Both. and maybe also a suitcase nuke to false flag a major Chinese city. Nothing would surprise me anymore from the race that wrote Unparallel Invasion and genocided for reals an entire landmass of natives just to be the shining beacon of light from sea to maniest destiny sea