Yup sports is retarded...It's good that china doesn't qualified in football World Cup, that's why you didn't see too much anti china whereas people are still bashing on qatar because of laws. Did you guys forget how west & their allies boycotted winter Olympic in Beijing ?
In Olympic there was huge accusations of Xinjiang geno*** propaganda and in last Olympic there was tibet propaganda.
Even if china qualified the world cup then you would only see more anti china news.
Respect & authority is not earned by if you become number 1 in Olympic medals and win football World Cup. Real respect comes only when you're world's best in technology and become number 1/2 economy. China is still suffering being number 2 economy and not that good in high tech fileds so china needs to move forward in it and doesn't become like sports champion like those countries which are more broken ,and doesn't enjoy the level of influence of USA or china .
EUV, AGI, 6G, Hypersonics, these will decide the fate of East vs West... Sports is a stupid distraction... fake soft powa