China just looks at sports differently. Mao set the tone when he saw Western type athleticism as bad. The rest of the world they get into professional sports mostly for fame and fortune meaning by its nature only the fewest people possible could ever attain this. The more there are, the more it's diluted. In the US a lot of athletes come from less prosperous backgrounds because that is seen as something they can attain without having a lot of money. Those successes inspire others to try but again only the fewest people possible could ever get it. So what you have left is more people that weren't success stories that didn't spend their time like being educated for other careers and they're left with low paying jobs for the rest of their lives. That's why Chinese parents tend to frown at such things because what are the chances? That kind of environment doesn't exist in China.
Why do you think it's so important for the West to force Chinese and the rest of the world to embrace Western values? They want people to think it's because they have the best values for society where everyone can be happy. No, that's the bait. The real reason why is to get power, influence, and money over and from you for themselves. When the Chinese movie box office exploded, Hollywood was making demands of unrestricted access to the Chinese market without catering to Chinese tastes. Isn't that the best way to make the most money?
What was important to Hollywood is they wanted to force American tastes on the Chinese which meant liking only Americans actors wanting to watch their movies, liking only American storytelling so Chinese audiences gravitate to watching only their movies. Appealing to Chinese tastes takes time and cost money. When you hear an American movie costs $200 million dollars to make, double that which how much money it cost for including marketing. Appealing to Chinese tastes will only cost them more money. If they can get Chinese to embrace Americans values and tastes, it won't cost them more while more money flows in for them because they brainwashed Chinese to only liking American movies. That's just one facet. They want that in sports, They want that in business. They want that with Chinese consumers. They want that in technology. They want that in everything not because it's good for all but because it's only good for them. If they can control what people value, because that's why they want everyone to embrace Western values, they control you by denying you what is valued until you do what the want.
That's why I'm ambivalent to any talk of valuing anything like from Western sports institutions. If you like playing soccer, then you like soccer. There's nothing wrong with that but yearning to be a part of them is another thing entirely. If the Chinese created a good enough team, you don't think there would be accusations of cheating? That's what they do when they lose. It's not some big kumbaya party that they want everyone to join in. They just want you to value it so it'll be more devastating for you when they deny it and take it away. Valuing what they have only makes them more arrogant. That's the whole point from their end on why they want everyone to embrace their values. Do you know how to slay a god? It doesn't need armies fighting great wars. It doesn't need lightning bolts from the heavens. All you need to slay a god is just not to believe and they just die disappearing into nothing.