[My Comments]
It is a totally delusional and illogical piece. It is emblematic to the western desperation in demonizing China at every twists and turns, regardless of facts or contexts.
At this point, however, China is flailing even as other nations are more or less getting back to normal life. It’s still pursuing its zero-Covid policy, enforcing draconian restrictions on everyday activities every time new cases emerge. This is creating immense personal hardship and cramping the economy; cities under lockdown account for almost of China’s G.D.P.
Based on numbers, China is by far the most successful country in limiting damages to the overall national well being. With over 1.4B people, China still grows while protecting its own people.
Based on social justice, China is the same old moral nation that puts people's life at the top, particularly for those old weak seniors.
I’m not a China expert, and I have no idea where this is going. As far as I can tell, actual China experts don’t know, either. But I think it’s worth asking what lessons we can draw from China’s journey from would-be role model to debacle.
Yes, the author is clueless. China has made utmost efforts in limiting the damages to its people first, its society second, and rest at last. The lesson is that the Chinese government is people first as opposed to those countries who now come out demonizing China's covid policies.
China’s leaders, however, seem to have believed that lockdowns could permanently stomp out the coronavirus, and they have been acting as if they still believe this even in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence.
Total non-sense. Chinese government has been trying to balance between protecting people's lives versus maintaining economic activities. It is a mission-impossible kind of undertaking. Now is about time to rebalance the objectives as the Covid virus is much less lethal and the economy needs some reboost.
In short, what we can learn from China is broader than the failure of specific policies; it is that we should beware of would-be autocrats who insist, regardless of the evidence, that they’re always right.
Based on facts and numbers, Americans have no business criticizing China's handling of Covid pandemic. China has protected many vulnerable citizens while still growing its economy. China has traded slower growth to larger number of deaths. That's it. Simple and straightforward.
There are certain domestic political elements that exacerbate the dynamics of the Covid handling. If there are conflicting news coming out China between now and next March with the people's congress, that would not surprising a bit. Meanwhile, various local governments are going to struggle with the Covid policies in trial-and-true manner, as this is going to be an all new experience to all of them. But after everything said and done, China would still be growing faster than all G7 countries while maintaining lowest human losses due to Covid infections.
If I extract and extrapolate the western logic like the author of this article, it can only reveal that the Chinese government has done a better job in protecting human rights than all western countries throughout this Covid pandemic.