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I think I understand the narrative here; everything that isn't pro-Xi Jinping or -CCP must be a CIA clandestine operation, never mind the crowds of ordinary city folk who are unanimously fed up with these COVID policies.
Yeah, well you know, making riots in other countries is America's go-to move so... if there's a chicken thief in the village, don't be surprised if everybody goes knocking on his door whenver chickens go missing.
The great irony of all this is that by implementing these overreaching and ineffective controls (thousands are still being infected despite these measures),
China has 5K deaths and the US over 1 million. Sounds pretty effective to me.
the CCP is harming the very thing that allows it to stay in power: the economy.
LOL Nobody said the CCP would resign if there's a recession; that's just you projecting your wishful thinking as an assumption.
When was the last time you had protests of this magnitude in multiple major Chinese cities, and with the citizens directly speaking out against their government? If the crowds of protestors don't already speak for themselves, the growing trend of civil disobedience is all but an indication of severe public dissatisfaction and one that becomes more apparent by the day.
There's actually lots of protests in China every day but China remains more stable and united than any democracy constantly at war with itself over feuding parties and elections.
Today we saw the CIA successfully create their first real color revolution protest in China since 1989. We are also seeing protests in Xinjiang and Tibet and university protests. These are the first university protests since 1989.

What is happening? How come all of a sudden there are so many events reminiscent of 1989 threatening the CPC? How did the CIA suddenly achieve their holy grail - its first real protest in China after 33 years of complete failure?

The answer of course is that all this results from the flawed, maddening policy of long lockdowns which fail when COVID comes back three months later.

(Btw short, very infrequent lockdowns of no more than 5 days to slow the spread are still okay.)

End these long lockdowns and this sudden threat to the CPC - the greatest since 1989 - will dissipate. Otherwise expect many more protests in Xinjiang and Tibet, many more university protests, many more successful CIA-organized color revolution protests, and an ever-growing chance that a real color revolution occurs in China causing the world to be ruled for the next 100 years by Anglo racist imperialist cockroach neo-Nazi racists.
If you can't afford the personal responsibility of millions of people dying then you have no qualified opinion, especially if you are also not a scientist/virologist. Ending lockdowns that have kept people alive because people got too restless for their own good is like letting your kid try cocaine to stop his "All the cool kids do drugs" tantrum.
Keep in mind that it was you who brought up the "China collapse" narrative, not me. But I guess there's always that perennial fear in those who persistently believe in their system, correct?
No, it's just that that's the flagship brainfart of the West and all hanjian.
And just how many of those "other protests" are significant enough to be picked up by non-Chinese media? When these events are too major to be suppressed by Chinese censors, then you know it's not just "another protest" in China.
Shrug. People don't know what's good for them. The CCP does. That's why some things are illegal amd luckily, China's not a democracy so we don't have politicians acting like people's step-dads to curry favor. The CCP knows best. It implements its rules, the people follow, and years/decades later, China is better for it and the people support the CCP more. That's how it always works.
But again, you'd probably brush it off as another piece of evidence that the CIA is behind this, so...
Chicken thief has a reputation.
Yes, ineffective in the eyes of those enforcing China's "zero COVID" policy, otherwise we'd be seeing the restrictions loosen already.
No... China had done away with COVID until the West with thier millions of deaths and hundreds of millions of reported cases brought it back. China is effective and so is Zero COVID; it's the West that's not.
Those numbers actually speak against the necessity of the zero-COVID rules;
Which ones? 2,600 deaths a week still in the US? Those numbers?
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there is absolutely no justification for harming the lives of its citizens through these draconian policies if the 35K infections were actually representative of the COVID situation in China.
35K in a population of 1.4B?? That's like saying if you spilled a drop of milk, you might as well throw out the gallon.
The tragic irony is that literally no other country has anything akin to China's COVID policies and yet their populaces are going about their daily lives.
The ones that are still alive are. Then there are the millions who died and those who suffer from long COVID, people with brain damage, people who used to be athletes but now have trouble climbing stairs.
At some point Chinese citizens are going to inevitably question the necessity and real intent of those policies.
And they only need to look at the death numbers of Western countries to find answers for why they need to obey the CCP.
The point is that even with these policies the Chinese authorities are never going to achieve their ideal "zero COVID" goal, i.e. they will never loosen the restrictions on their own if they keep that goal.
If the goal is ever really Zero COVID, they would have given up, but that's not the goal. The goal is as little COVID as possible. You aim for Zero COVID, you get that. You aim for a little COVID, you have uncontrolled spread and millions of deaths. Aim for the stars and hit the moon; aim for the moon and hit the mountains; the US aimed for China and its cannon blew up in its own face instead. If America wasn't this desperate to compete with China economically, it would never have made the foolish decision to try to save the economy by sacrificing lives, which does not work. China shows that you can only save the economy in the long run by saving lives.
The Chinese citizens are realizing just now that they are being subject to one of the most-restrictive lockdowns on the planet while those in other countries seem to be doing just fine without these.
Those few hundred? LOL I guess everyone at home isn't Chinese, eh?
Luckily for sensible countries the extent and severity of the problem can easily be measured by the number of cases requiring hospital intervention as well as the capacity and occupancy of their hospitals.
China is the only sensible country here that thought it would put people's lives above all else. Without the initial blindside in Wuhan, China would have 1K COVID deaths all together to America's 4.6K deaths on a single peak day.
The initial "two weeks to flatten the curve" was not meant to curb the number of COVID cases as a statistic measure but rather to alleviate the overcrowding of their emergency rooms.
Hell of a job they did. They ended up having to throw dead bodies into reefers parked outside hospitals and telling people to go home and only come back when their COVID got so severe they would die without a ventilator... then they could die in the waiting room waiting for a ventilator!
So if there were indeed a problem in more liberal societies, you'd know.
What a coincidence, I do! There's actually so many problems that I don't know where to start or what you're looking for. Do you mean politically, economically, socialogically or something specific to COVID? I could go all day all night on any of those topics.
But there isn't
and it seems that China is the only country not permitting its people to see that.
China won't "let" its people see that that West with economies in multiple recessions, millions of COVID deaths and rival political factions tearing the nation in half from hate are actually perfect and without a single problem? Is the CCP also not allowing me to see this? LOLOL


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Tokayev is trying to "balance" the relationship between Russia and the West just like Lukashenko used to think was possible. He is an idiot.
The West and the Turks tried to take him out of power, the Russians saved his neck, and he still has not gotten a clue.
Tokayev is shaping up to become Yanukovych 2.0.
i dont think Kazakhstan understand the ideological foundation of alliances like EEU and OPEC+ not just financial aspect untill now. some gestures will not solve it.

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but still they are flying Airbus as government aircraft. its a non-Arab country.


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Speaking of terrorism, ever wondered why the US delisted ETIM from their list of terrorist groups and organizations in 2020?

Here's why:

Now we know. I'll write something about this later.
Is the Chinese govt not able to track or close those telegrams groups and pre preemptively prevent any flare ups?


Lieutenant General
That's the whole thing with Xinjiang gen*cide narrative for over 4 years, they just want non-state actor to destabilize Xinjiang by doing terrorist attack in china or on Chinese people or on Chinese belt & road project in muslim region.
West wanted to mobilize enough muslim people against china if not muslim countries do that many muslim join these organization to fight for Islam.

That's why china need to transform their media and counter these claims and make them reach to wider audience otherwise ETIM/ other such groups will get huge covert support from muslim from Xinjiang or outsiders too.

And just how much fruit how all that fake genocide bullshit yielded the west?

You are suggesting China ditch is proven effective strategy to dance to the tune of the west and forever reactively counter their bullshit lies. That’s a loosing strategy if there ever was one because it takes a tiny fraction of the time and effort to tell a lie as to disprove it. You can debunk lies 24/7 on ever state media platform and you will only be able to cover a tiny tiny fraction of the lies that can be created with a tiny fraction of the resources.

Worse, by so prominently debunking lies officially, you indirectly strengthen all the lies you cannot debunk since the professional liars will just dismiss any opposition to their lies with a simple line of, if this is a lie, why isn’t the official media debunking it?


Senior Member
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That's the whole thing with Xinjiang gen*cide narrative for over 4 years, they just want non-state actor to destabilize Xinjiang by doing terrorist attack in china or on Chinese people or on Chinese belt & road project in muslim region.
West wanted to mobilize enough muslim people against china if not muslim countries do that many muslim join these organization to fight for Islam.

That's why china need to transform their media and counter these claims and make them reach to wider audience otherwise ETIM/ other such groups will get huge covert support from muslim from Xinjiang or outsiders too.
I understand your frustration but at the end of the road, all those plans that the west has done for the last 3 years have come to nothing in the end. The HK riot did nothing, the blaming of the Chinese for the virus did nothing, and the wigger genocide did nothing either. Ironically, the Chinese have come out of each time with an even stronger hand. As for the Muslims, I strongly remember almost every Muslim country was on China's side except for one so I don't see the issues here. After the HK incident, I came to realize that the Chinese always have something planned, we simply have to wait.


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Turns out that "event organizers" originally promised to pay those 外省智障 (i.e. outer province retards) 150 USD (~1080 RMB) each. But then when the money was passed down, the amount became 500 RMB (~70 USD).

Not being done, that 500 RMB pay amount announced in Chengdu was then reduced to 200 RMB (~28 USD) in Guangzhou. In the end, some of those 外省智障 in Chengdu got paid only 80 RMB (~11 USD).

150 USD -> 11 USD, a 93% reduction.

Why does this smells familiar to the Kuomintang army during the civil war...?
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