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Lieutenant General
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Didn't Scholz go to Qatar (and/or UAE) not long ago trying to get a long term gas deal? Now we see the reason of his failure, the capacity has been booked long ago.
These German politicians, both the Chancellor and the Energy/Environment Minister, keep going to the Middle East. But because energy companies who buy the gas are private, these politicos cannot sign deals, so they are basically just posing and wasting everyone's time. The Europeons also refuse to sign long term gas deals. They refused with Russia and they think they can refuse with Qatar. But you cannot build billions of dollars of infrastructure to extract and liquefy natural gas without long term contracts.

China cannot resell Russian natural gas supplied by pipeline. But they can resell Qatar LNG to Europe or anyone else in the world, which is shipped in LNG carrier tankers. Anyway, I can't wait for the birth of petroyuan!
I think Qatar forces people to sign contracts which state the gas has to be shipped and delivered to the client in question. Otherwise people would just bilk the contract and pose as middlemen. Jacking up prices without doing anything.

Let me guess: this is because China is one of TSMC's largest, if not the largest, customers?
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Probably. Morris is also Chinese. And TSMC still has fabs in China as well. Which they would be expanding in capacity if it wasn't for the US threatening them with sanctions. For example TSMC used to have plans to expand 16nm capacity in China and had to stop that because the US told them to.

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Lmao. He got turned into a scapegoat.
It is surprising AP even bothered to apply journalistic standards considering the BS we have seen with Western journalism since this conflict started. As for the "Russian manufacture". Who knows. Might be "Soviet manufacture". When were those missiles made anyway?

These people risked starting WWIII with these shenanigans.


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evolution of the Japanese man, Showa -> Heisei -> Reiwa
LOL, well, each to its own.
But kind make miss the days of kids growing up in the 70s, 80s and 90s when Asian media and media worldwide in general was full of testosterone, when being a man was considered something cool.

Today is "problematic"

Real men have fabs’​

AMD was founded in 1969 by eight men, chief among them Jerry Sanders. The famously colorful marketing executive had recently left Fairchild Semiconductor, which shares credit for the invention of the integrated circuit.

“He was one of the best salesmen that Silicon Valley had ever seen,” said Stacy Rasgon, semiconductor analyst at Bernstein Research. “Stories of lavish parties that they would throw. And there’s one story about him and his wife coming down the stairs of the turret at the party in matching fur coats.”
AMD Co-Founder Jerry Sanders poses at the original headquarters of Advanced Micro Devices, or AMD, in Sunnyvale, California, in 1969

AMD Co-Founder Jerry Sanders poses at the original headquarters of Advanced Micro Devices, or AMD, in Sunnyvale, California, in 1969
He also coined an infamous phrase about chip fabrication plants, or fabs.
“Jerry Sanders was very famous for saying, ‘Real men have fabs,which obviously is a comment that is problematic on a number of levels and has largely been disproven by history,” Goldberg said.
As technology advances, making chips has become prohibitively expensive. It now takes billions of dollars and several years to build a fab. AMD now designs and tests chips and has no fabs.

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Times changes for sure, for good or bad, time is not immutable.


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Britain may become really global this evening. I am usually not a person who makes fun of others' difficulties. But imperial delusions of the British government and conservatives make all of this very ironic.

US could be facing issues to.

A Quarter of Americans at Risk of Winter Power Blackouts, Grid Emergencies​

(Bloomberg) — Large swaths of North America may face blackouts and other energy emergencies during bouts of extreme cold this winter as coal and natural gas supplies tighten, according to a US regulatory agency.

The electric grids at most risk of supply shortfalls are in Texas, the central US system stretching from the Great Lakes to Louisiana, New England and the Carolinas, the North American Electric Reliability Council said in its seasonal assessment Thursday. Severe weather may stress grids by causing demand to soar while supplies of natural gas, coal and back-up fuel oil are all tight, leaving little room for error, according to the report.

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