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Registered Member
The revolutionary struggle must continue against the libtards


The struggle is real.


Registered Member
Maybe Putin is using his fossils fuels as a weapon of war. But one nationalist leader above all enables the energy starvation of the EU economy, namely Biden's country, which is profiting from European misery by selling fossils fuels at more than 4 times the market price.

Without Biden's support, Putin's weapon would lose it teeth.

The EU cannot affect what is happening in China or India. But it can affect the prices of what enters the EU.

In other words, to save itself and neutralize Putin, EU should impose a price cap on American gas.


Registered Member
#MAGACommunists have much to learn from Mao, for despite being a mass movement they couldn't even get the basics right - namely: “要团结一切可以团结的力量!”

Thing is, MAGACommunist or PatSocs or NazBols with American Characteristics seem to only care about Mao or Lenin to use them justify their nationalism and their refusal to acknowledge the atrocities commited by the US within its own borders and outside.

As if somehow the nationalism of the China or Russia or the third world in general is the same as US nationalism.


Registered Member
What a bummer. Perhaps the only thing more embarrassing than Russia's display in Ukraine is Republicans in this midterm. It can't be THAT hard to beat a senile 80-year-old and his handlers that just stood and watched while recession and record inflation hit them in the face. Not to mention attempting to incite wars everywhere with everyone and stabbing "allies" in the back.

Say what you want about Democrats, but their propaganda campaign is far more effective than the Republicans. But I am starting to question even that could cause this degree of deviation from our expectations. Perhaps Trump was right after all regarding how the 2020 election was "stolen?" From all I've seen, any semblance of supposed "fairness" and "impartiality" in the modern US system is nothing but pipe dream.
More like there literally isn't any reason to vote Republican over Democrats. Things they actually disagree on like race, transgenderism, abortions etc aren't important to most people.

People are most affected by higher living costs and inflation, and Republicans will be doing everything the current regime is doing. If Republicans get into power what are they going to do, stop sanctions/tariffs on Russia and China? Stop aid to the Ukraine? If anything it'll be worse than it is now.


Registered Member
So Japan will become a fuel and ammo storage facility for the 21st century version of the eight-nation alliance?
Quietly the western men has become the Japanese burden to carry, sucks to be them tho. They win absolutely nothing in this alliance Japan has no need to go to Germany or Europe, but they do paint a giant ass bulls eye for Russia and China to target practice on.