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I saw that 60 minutes story on social media. China is not sending the "opium" version of TikTok to the rest of the world. That's what the rest of the world wants of TikTok. The "Chinese" TikTok is typical of what Chinese want so there's no innocent West being influenced by foreign concepts. Mark Zuckerberg is actively trying to divert attention to TikTok for the problems cited that Facebook creates. I saw Fareed Zakaria on Bill Maher's show and he even brought up that he doesn't understand how a bunch of teenagers dancing is a threat to US national security and this British guy that's on the show too supposedly writing about how bad social media is only can bring up China's access to data like how all social media makes money if people want it for free. There's no bad influence like how Twitter and Facebook do. It's just China stealing data of a bunch of nobodies that most likely won't amount to anything. What it comes down to they don't like TikTok because it's a international Chinese success not a Western success and that sums up what the West is afraid of most... The Chinese winning over them.
One of the real reasons why the U.S. wants to ban TikTok:

It is quiet simple actually. Xi found out that officials in the US government had a F**k China week and went “oh crap, we need to protect our motherland from sexual assault”.
Thomas L. Friedman liked Globalism so much he even wrote a book about it: "The World is Flat". Now he no longer likes it because the U.S. can't compete with China on the world stage anymore. He is just another hypocritical sore loser who can be safely disregarded.

A war is the only way possible to check China's rise. Some commentators in the U.S. can't wait for it obviously.


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IDK man, perhaps, just perhaps, instead of trying to spark a World War 3, English Vegetable and her DPP Wanwanese frogs should focus more on resolving the more pressing matters, like, IDK, mass kidnappings by scam gangs across Taiwan?

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This is insane! Between this and Cambodia, it is confirmed hundreds and maybe even thousands!

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That is crazy. Also note that they are all job seekers, so how bad is the economy?


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IDK man, perhaps, just perhaps, instead of trying to spark a World War 3, English Vegetable and her DPP Wanwanese frogs should focus more on resolving the more pressing matters, like, IDK, mass kidnappings by scam gangs across Taiwan?

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She have to say it Bro to deflect criticism on how she manage to destroy the Taiwan economy....lol It's all about Chyna, Chyna and Chynnnnaaaa! ;)

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22 hours ago — Taiwan likely recorded its worst export growth in nearly three years as the global slowdown intensifies and demand from China continues to ...

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13 hours ago — ... intensifying global slowdown and dropping demand from China. bloomberg.com. Taiwan Exports Fall Slightly as Trade Weathers Cooled Demand.

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12 hours ago — Taiwan's export orders totalled US$39.93 billion in October, down by 0.5 per cent year on year, but 6.4 per cent better than in September, ...


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IDK man, perhaps, just perhaps, instead of trying to spark a World War 3, English Vegetable and her DPP Wanwanese frogs should focus more on resolving the more pressing matters, like, IDK, mass kidnappings by scam gangs across Taiwan?

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WTF hundred victims with casualties on a small island like TW? If you extrapolate it to the mainland or US, it's as if a small town is occupied, Far Cry 5 style.


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Here's a classic sample of the so called "freedom-and-liberty-lovers" and "I-only-hate-SeeSeePee-but-love-Chinese-people" a$$h0les, whose careers are to purposefully spread misinformation and lies just to deface and smear China. Western-based Abduweli Ayup, Australia-based Drew Pavlov and India-based Ashik Jain are just three of the many prominent examples out there.

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Go cry about it...

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American pundits have got it backwards about China​

Writers opining about China’s fault in the deterioration of relations with the US are confusing cause and effect

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In recent years, but notably in the wake of the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) 20th National Congress that just concluded at the end of October, Western writers have rushed to accuse Beijing of becoming anti-Western. This is seen in several examples by Western writers, such as
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or a quintessential China-blaming piece recently published by the
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In his article, titled “How China Lost America,” Friedman says that there are four trends in China that have soured the US-China relationship: market manipulation, hyper-nationalism, aggressive foreign policy and Beijing’s “zero-Covid” policy. But he does not elaborate these points to any convincible degree and fails to acknowledge the extent to which Washington’s own policies are to blame for China’s perceived turn from the West.

First of all, a lot of what is called intellectual property theft (which Friedman mentions in his piece) is just ordinary intellectual diffusion. The FBI started an entire ‘China Initiative’ to investigate such instances in top US universities and companies – and it came up almost completely empty-handed to the point that it had to be shut down for devolving into a vehicle for anti-Asian racism.

This also doesn’t even acknowledge the extent of the US’ own market manipulation, namely through the sheer influence that its multinationals have in creating trade and economic policy, or its promiscuous use of unilateral sanctions. The US also routinely violates its World Trade Organization (WTO) duties in its trade war against Beijing. The organization even
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China to impose duties on $645 million worth of imports over US trade malpractice in January.

For an American to call China hyper-nationalist is laughable. The US is the most cartoonishly nationalistic country in the history of our species: children in most public schools are required to swear a ‘pledge of allegiance’ to the flag every morning, Americans only know one language on average and the American flag is draped everywhere in the country. Chinese people are, on balance, much less chauvinistic and more open-minded.

Likewise, it’s hard to take insinuations of Beijing’s supposed “aggressive” foreign policy seriously either. The People’s Republic of China has never started a war since its inception and has not been involved in a proxy war in decades. Compare that to the fact that the US has been at war for nearly every single year of its existence since 1776. It is actually America’s aggressive foreign policy that is prompting resistance from Beijing.

Finally, on the zero-Covid point, this is just sensible policy. Virtually every country in the world has caved into public pressure to relax Covid-related restrictions. That’s fairly understandable because of how ineffective they were in most countries. But that doesn’t change the fact that Covid-19 is an extremely deadly and debilitating disease that is continuing to kill many people and leave many more disabled. If one could choose to eliminate Covid-19 from society, then why wouldn’t they? Thankfully, China has effectively used its technology to do just this – and it works.

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, based on three surveys conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce China, the EU Chamber of Commerce China and the Japan External Trade Organization, found that China is their favorite investment destination. Among the top reasons listed was the country’s supply-chain resilience and the effectiveness of its Covid-19 controls.

Here’s the real story of why Friedman and others are bashing China: when Beijing began its reform and opening-up policies, it was hoped that this explosion of American capital into the country would be hand-in-hand with regime change. This did not happen. In fact, China’s leaders anticipated this and made moves to ensure that this didn’t happen. And top American intellectuals are mad about it. That’s the sparknotes version.

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during the beginning of the opening-up and reform period, Deng Xiaoping: “No matter to what degree China opens up to the outside world and admits foreign capital, its relative magnitude will be small and it can’t affect our system of socialist public ownership of the means of production.”

There’s been a lot said about Chinese President Xi Jinping’s supposed anti-West sentiment and hardcore communist ideology, but that does not acknowledge that the People’s Republic of China has always been a single-party socialist state – and a fiercely independent one at that – since its inception. And, just as the US has spent decades doing, it will do everything in its power to make independent nations acquiesce to its way of doing things, e.g., what is now called the ‘rules-based international order.’

Friedman and others who are blaming Beijing for initiating the deterioration of the US-China relationship do not live in the world of facts and causation. They live in a world clouded and distorted beyond repair by US exceptionalism. It’s not anything China did or didn’t that’s to blame for Americans’ deteriorating view of Beijing; rather, it’s these same people spinning their agenda and misinforming the public.


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Here's a classic sample of the so called "freedom-and-liberty-lovers" and "I-only-hate-SeeSeePee-but-love-Chinese-people" a$$h0les, whose careers are to purposefully spread misinformation and lies just to deface and smear China. Western-based Abduweli Ayup, Australia-based Drew Pavlov and India-based Ashik Jain are just three of the many prominent examples out there.

Drew sounds like the type of guy who would fap to the fake Uighur torture (actua bdsm) video.


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Can confirm. China haters all look angry, bitter, and jealous - see Serpentza, Melissa Chan, Drew Pavlou

China lovers all be handsome, beautiful beasts.



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