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Let's see if this is real. Another attempt at killing Imran Khan
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Reminds me of attempted coup against China-friendly Kazakhstan president this year.

Smells of some foreign intervention

After Kazakhstan said good things about China

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Unprecedented Dynamism, High Level of Trust and Good Neighborliness: Tokayev on Kazakhstan’s Ties with China

CIA attempting to destabilize China from Kazakhstan to Mongolia to Pakistan to Vietnam to Hong Kong to Taiwan to South Korea and Japan and everywhere, but China is still sailing smoothly

All this fearmongering about how Mongolia is being a dependent state on China. And all the claims that China is committing cultural genocide in Inner Mongolia province. The hypocrisy is some God-level stuff man. Incredible.

This whole CIA encirclement of China strategy is highly devious and malevolent.

And America squeaks and cowls when Russia does something in Cuba... Just pure, unbridled hypocrisy.

Thankfully Ministry of State Security etc are 4D chess masters... they've got some geniuses in Chinese intelligence.
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The Indians are getting more factory orders from western brands like Gap, Adidas and Nike. The yankees are now trying to have these other Asian countries nibble away at China's industries, while they themselves restrict China's high tech industries, Huawei and chips sanctions etc. China should retaliate by banning nike and starbucks.

Some iPhones assembly are moving to India and iPads to vietnam. Covid policies are allowing these countries to steal jobs from China.
Starbucks, McDonald in China has been owned by China for a long time


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a good article about China’s increasing influence in the Middle East. surprisingly objective for an article written by an American think tank
Just read (skimmed through the article) and wasn't particularly impressed or surprised to learn any new revelation that was not known to most people observing American-security-intelligence-defense-military industrial complex obsession on maintaining their grip/hegemony to the regions which means frankly the world.

My read on the article was just a laundry list of making Iran the permanent bogeyman as the prime and sole middle eastern existential threat not just for the U.S. and Israel but also to the existence of many Arab Gulf states that are becoming weary (supposedly) of Iran's increasing military sophistication and "overmatch" against their respective countries which I find hilarious and an indictment of U.S. middle eastern policy as a freaking failure.

How is it that for a country on the sanction list for over forty years resulting weak economic growth, costing the Iranian government more attention to quelling domestic malcontents from many political enemies, some of which are ardent supporter of the Shah and other groups. While countries like the K.S.A. has been able to benefit from the revenues it made from oil gaining the ability to procure massive U.S. military armaments plus the security assistance of the mighty U.S. military yet miraculously the country is even weaker against IRAN?

Like every geopolitical article that's produced by every western or American led publications it would always be prefaced and laced with commentaries from the supposed Supreme experts a.k.a. the Merchants of Death a.k.a. military retired prostitutes like the one profiled on this article, a recently retired 4 star General officer fresh off his duty as the commandant of Central Command.

Overall, the authors thesis and arguments are to prevent Iran from being allowed to reopen the JCPOA, to sow the seed and conspiracy that China's intention in the middle east isn't just about win win cooperation but to supplant America as the Mafia boss of the Middle East therefore America and it's sheeps a.k.a. public citizens must endure paying for the increase in defense spending to ensure that Iran doesn't become the King of middle east and China as the new overlord/Emperor of the entire region.

I have no idea what makes this blatant propaganda objective in any way shape or form. After all, the authors are not exactly coming from a place of objectivity. The Hudson Institute? What's the difference between this right wing think tank hack vs the Hoover Institute or the Institute for the Study of War headed by war whore Gen. Jack Keane and co-headed by yet another Kagan.