Miscellaneous News


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This "Huawei or China abandoning Russia" story is becoming another "China collapsing" story. We will probably keep hearing it in the next decade, very month out of some "well known" all-knowing monkeys.
This is a philosophy known as "Will To Power", that is, if you want something to happen desperately enough it will happen. It was invented by German imperialist philosopher Nietzsche and later adopted by Nazi Germany.

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"The world is the will to power—and nothing besides!" - Frederich Nietzsche
It is basically, at it's most fundamental form, state sanctioned wishful thinking.


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The exchange of goods portion of the tributary system is still in place today though, instead of goods it is trade deals. Like before, these trade deals often give fewer benefits to China compared to the other side, e.g., Scholz coming to Beijing to beg.

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Those Indonesians better pay reparations for Chinese genocide some day.


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I'm surprised the headline didn't read like this:

Prosecutors blame renovation firm China for India bridge collapse

The details are even more interesting:
Nine people linked to the Oreva group, a watch and e-bike manufacturing firm that had a contract to manage the bridge, have been arrested on manslaughter charges.

Oreva "hired contractors who were not qualified enough", public prosecutor Harshendu Panchal told reporters after a remand hearing late Tuesday.

"The main cable of the bridge was not changed during renovation," he said.

"The police also believe that the weight of the bridge increased due to the four-layer aluminium flooring done by the contractors, which may have resulted in the bridge collapse," he added.
Oreva had been awarded a 15-year contract by local authorities to operate and maintain the bridge but investigations have since found it had no prior experience on such projects.

However, Oreva group manager Deepak Parekh reportedly told the court: "It was the will of God that such an unfortunate incident happened."

He and another Oreva manager, along with two contractors, were remanded in police custody, while five ticket sellers and security guards for the bridge were sent to prison awaiting trial.

So in Gujarat India, a 15-year contract to maintain a bridge is awarded to Oreva group, watch and e-bike maker. So far they are only going after some Oreva managers, 2 contractors, 5 ticket sellers, and security guards. These are just scapegoats. What about the top management of Oreva group? What about the BJP state government of Gujarat who awarded that maintenance contract? Are they even being questioned? I don't think so. This is literally a scandal. Bigger heads will roll for this in more developed countries.

Imagine if this kinda crap happened in China. The Western media and even CNA would be calling this a CCP corruption scandal. They would be interviewing grieving families expressing their anger at the government. Then they would surely interview anti-China activists to further justify their 'evil CCP' narrative.


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Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of CPV apparently managed to do his best take of "we are comrades AND brothers" while in Beijing, the result was no less than 13 memorandums signed between China and Vietnam:

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Plus a shit load of understandings between the two governments including this big one:

Both sides agree to go ahead with policies that implement Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.

So basically you can forget about roping in Vietnam when it comes to stirring up trouble in SCS.
WOW, after more than 40 years, we are comrades and brothers again. It feels complicated. BTW, it was 阮富仲 Nguyễn Phú Trọng revived this phrase in 2021 when he met Wang Yi
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. Now China is "officially" confirming this special status.


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Not that I doubt China's importance in world affairs, but what does the US expect China can or will to do about Haiti? Surely very much USA's backyard and therefore their problem?
Haiti has "diplomatic" relationship with ROC. China can make its life miserable by vetoing any UN involvement. China did that in 2005 when Haiti switched to ROC. China can do it again. Blinken raise Haiti matter with Wang Yi indicates that US wants the UN cover.


Registered Member
WOW, after more than 40 years, we are comrades and brothers again. It feels complicated. BTW, it was 阮富仲 Nguyễn Phú Trọng revived this phrase in 2021 when he met Wang Yi
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. Now China is "officially" confirming this special status.
Jai Vietnams on suicide watch

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