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Some people call me hysterical when I say this but if you are Asian and you are living in the USA, it is probably good for you to have contingency plans to leave the country fast.

Same thing applies, although to a lesser extent for european born ethnic chinese (east asians in general tho)

The Millenial generation of overseas born ethnic chinese had basically the zenith of possibilities, with the Timeframe 2000-2015 being a golden age kinda. Everything before was undermined thru massive racism, everything post 2015 is also again undermined by even more massive racism.

Kinda like the jews in 20th century, Weimarer Republic was the only real emancipated epoch were Jews were just German citizens and not seen as Jews (for majority of people), everything before that was shit for the jewish germans mostly and the thing after weimar was, you know.

I dont expect the same conditions again to be happening in europe but given the fact that there are open calls to lynch russians in germany it does give me chills. Russians can hide from the mob by not speaking russian and thus blending into the white majority, east asians will always visually stand out. We kinda got a taste during the Covid prime in 2020, like a lite version of things that ought to come.

Same story for all darker skinned people during ISIS prime between 2013-2015, although this was not actively encouraged by the establishement. Meanwhile all the anti Chima googoo comes mainly from the establishement (CIA Green Party, SPD, FDP) and through years long indoctrination, the overall masses get a negative view on any east asian and chinese in particular.

There was a time were asians were seen as "model" minority too here in germany, being reliable and smart was always the stereotype. This has been replaced by the usual yellow scare parroting courtesy US mingling in EU foreign policy.
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A great Quora post:

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For Quorans here who remember the yesteryears,
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used to be a big name. A while back, he became one of the major editors at
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, a sort of podcast-turned-site-turned-news-company that has always sought to be a critical voice of China, but one that wanted to get the facts straight. It has generally served in that role, with most of its articles being China-critical but with insight that makes an attempt to dispel myths on both sides.

Or in Quora terms, it’s what
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tries to be. Except now, it has earned the ire of the American government (by virtue of its Republican attack dogs, Sen. Rubio and Rep. Smith), and is likely to go “under investigation” for being “agents of the Chinese government,” as this is the tactic that Shannon Van Sant’s lawyers are taking for a most expeditious and likely legal win.

This is, in a nutshell, the facade of “free debate” peeling away to reveal a blatant propaganda state — and no, I don’t mean China here. That this has become the legal best-choice action should send ice down anyone’s spines. SupChina’s frontline articles as of this writing are:

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This is supposedly the output of a Chinese government agent.


“Democracy dies in darkness” has been WaPo’s motto ever since Trump took office. But really, I think I would use a slightly different motto there: “Critical thinking dies in darkness.”

Welcome to the new thought control state. It’s only a race to the bottom at this point. You are witnessing the cannibalization of former allies who don’t completely toe the party line:

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I have a past message on this forum on how American hawkish think tanks had gone so extreme that usual anti-China voices were the moderates in 2022. This incident is just another example but this time the extremist is the US Government itself. Welcome to the red scare 2. Some people call me hysterical when I say this but if you are Asian and you are living in the USA, it is probably good for you to have contingency plans to leave the country fast.
I will bet you a Xi buck that one of them got more of the 500 million dollars congress funding than the other.


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ooh shit will the spicy booming doritos fly to US bases in Syria?

As much as we maybe wish a Power move by Iran, they are certainly not ready to meet USA, not even in asymmetrical combat. I really dont want to have a Ukraine moment for Iran, given that they have lots of usefu(e)l items that China would like to aquire with RMB.

Also they have protests ongoing, could really escalate if they decide to start foreign capriccios. Basically they need to get their shit together before they start fucking around.

Given that Iran has lots of theocratic elements of rule, and religion being always the source for problems, I dont see any improvement near term.


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Adidas losses are mainly because they lost the public support of the largest economy in the world. Just making some collaborations and silently trying to restock them into unwilling local Chinese stores will not help them, it would be just a token gesture.

Instead it would be time for Adidas to earn back consumer confidence by marketing themselves as a mixture of foreign design and home grown quality materiel. Embrace and widely market Adidas's suppliers, their diversity in local design and workforce. Emphasize that it is a German - not generic western - brand, hiring local talent, local workers, using responsibly farmed and respected local material instead of cheap and dubious third world cotton.

During a period of increasing skepticism against the west caused by America's actions, Adidas, and the German government overall, can market themselves with great success if they lean into the fact that most Chinese appreciate some degree of exotic foreign work, but also want to be seen as supporting local industry and taking a consumers' stand against an aggressive west.
I think it has more to do with losing Kanye. He was their number one collaboration for ages and without him they will fade into irrelevance outside eastern Europe. They've already cut themselves off from Europe's biggest market so good look with that.


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Netanyahu poised for comeback in Israeli election, exit polls show​

JERUSALEM, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared well placed to return to power as exit polls following Tuesday's election showed his right-wing bloc heading for a narrow majority lifted by a strong showing from his far-right allies.