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In line with US framing of war against china as a race war, the pentagon is actively recruiting its own Right Sector neo nazi divisions
Well looks like the US army will grow old before China grows old o_O

Isn't natural gas supply one of the long term contracts signed in the Trump trade deal? This is a comical level of paranoia
I was told the same thing hydrocarbons and agri products were Trump era trade deals.


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- BASF shifting some production to Guangdong
- BMW moving production of Minis from UK to China
- China allowed to buy stake in Hamburg port
- China to buy German chip factory
- BYD, NIO Chinese EVs have entered Germany

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Those German elites with a normal brain naturally know that China is Germany's natural ally. There are no mutual threats whatsoever, only commercial competition. As RCEP is becoming the largest and the richest region, Germany has an enviable jump station in China to expand lucrative business interests. To a lesser degree, France would eventually fall into that category. On the opposite side, UK is losing in the RCEP region as it does not have much to offer. While US is holding its position in high tech and finance, its weight in the RCEP region is decreasing vis-a-vis China. Therefore, Germany and France will not align with US and UK to contain China in any meaningful ways. Noises coming from small EU countries are loud and annoying. But Europe still is the play ground that belongs to Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain. With UK so immersed in the war that wrecks havoc in the European economy, I think UK has effectively lost Europe. So I see a silver lining in Europe and expect Europe to wake up somewhat in the next 6 months or so.


Lieutenant General
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Saudi Arabia ‘duped’ Washington on secret oil deal – media​

President Biden’s administration reportedly thought it had a pledge from Riyadh to boost oil output, but supplies were instead cut

President Joe Biden reportedly made his controversial July visit to Saudi Arabia, breaking a campaign promise to shun the kingdom, because his administration thought it had secured a secret deal for Riyadh to boost oil supplies. Instead, Riyadh did the opposite, leading OPEC in cutting output targets.

The production increase was supposed to come from September through the end of this year, helping to ease inflation and justify Biden’s trip to Riyadh, the
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reported on Wednesday, citing interviews with unidentified US and Middle East government officials. Earlier this month, OPEC announced plans to cut production by two million barrels a day, creating more upward pressure on prices and potentially increasing the risk that the Biden-led Democratic Party will lose control of Congress in November’s US midterm elections.

Several US lawmakers responded by suggesting that Washington should punish Saudi Arabia by cutting off arms sales or removing its military support for the kingdom. Biden accused Riyadh of siding with Russia in the Ukraine conflict and warned of retribution, saying, “There will be consequences.”

Members of Congress who had received classified briefings about the secret oil deal “have been left fuming that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman duped the administration,” the Times said. US officials told the newspaper that even days before the OPEC announcement, they had been assured by bin Salman that there would be no output cuts. When they later heard that Saudi Arabia had reversed its position on the issue, administration officials made a failed effort to “change minds in the royal court.”

Saudi officials said earlier this month that OPEC’s decision was based solely on economic considerations, not politics, and that Washington tried to delay the move for several weeks. Such a delay might have pushed the announcement past November 8, the date of the midterms. US inflation remains near a 40-year high and ranks as the top concern of American voters, according to polling.

Biden said while campaigning for president in 2019 that he would treat Saudi Arabia as a “pariah” and would make them “pay the price” for the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The Times said that even some of his strongest supporters have argued that Biden’s decision to meet with bin Salman anyway, after his administration thought it had a secret oil deal in May, was the latest example of “sacrificing principles for political expediency – and having little to show for it.”

“There’s now a level of embarrassment as the Saudis merrily go on their way,”
said US Representative Gerald Connolly, a Virginia Democrat.

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in June that he would ask Saudi officials to boost oil supplies. “What happened over the last half-year is a story of handshake agreements, wishful thinking, missed signals and finger-pointing over broken promises,” the Times said.

Are we sure it’s actually the Saudis duping him and not just Biden getting confused again?


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Another scoop from our favourite Establishment's mouthpiece, Demetri Sevastopulo
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US to withdraw permanent F-15 fighter force from Okinawa​

Shift to rotational model criticised as sending wrong message to China
The US air force plans to replace its entire fleet of F-15 fighter jets based in Okinawa, Japan, with a “rotational” force, a shift that some American and Japanese officials worry will send a dangerous signal to China about deterrence.
The air force intends to retire two squadrons of ageing F-15 Eagles that have been permanently based in Okinawa, according to six people familiar with the situation. The decision has triggered alarm in some parts of the Japanese government and the Pentagon because the air force does not intend to replace them with a permanent presence in the near term.
“The message to China is the US is not serious about reversing the decline in its military forces,” said David Deptula, a retired F-15 pilot and former vice-commander of US Pacific Air Forces who blamed years of under-investment for a lack of aircraft. “This will encourage the Chinese to take more dramatic action.”
The air force plans to send fifth-generation F-22 fighters from Alaska to Okinawa’s Kadena, a critical air base in the region, for a six-month rotation after the F-15s’ departure from the base next year. But several people said the force had not worked out future rotations, which raised concerns about possible gaps.
Christopher Johnstone, a former Pentagon official focused on Japan at the CSIS think-tank, said the move came at a bad time. “It sends a concerning signal to Tokyo about US commitment when everyone is focused on Taiwan,” he said.


I should start off by saying your definition of hard power soft power changes on a whim. For example, when America makes movies you claim it's an extension of hard power (economy). But, when Japan makes anime you don't claim that is an extension of hard power (economy). You claim this is begging.
Correct. When a starving child in rags asks you for money, it is called begging. When a mafia boss with 8 people behind him holding guns asks you for money, it is called robbing. See, the same actions can be very different depending on who does it.
Regarding your claim quoted above, I disagree. It's very effective. Modern mass media is weaponized by western imperialists as a mind control/brainwashing weapon. And, it works.
It only works when the host country allows it to work. Anything you made can be banned and the host's media can totally overwhelm you in an instant with hostile coverage. You think it's effective because you're seeing "like-minded" countries "convince" each other. It's like thinking you're a master debater getting everyone to agree with you that the earth is flat when you did so at a Flat Earth Convention.
Notice that the media consumed are largely for escapism. Escapism is the best way to spread/weaponize soft power.
It's the best way to attract socially weak and rejected people. There is no power there and no such thing as "soft power" in general.
First fact. People spend a huge amount of time consuming media.
How Fantasy Becomes Reality - 2nd ed, updated revised expanded, 289 p [2016]
Second fact. We are heavily influenced by the media we consume.
The Psychology of Entertainment Media - Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion [2003]
The Oxford Handbook of Media Psychology [2012]
Most people only consume and are influenced by the media that their government allows them to.
I disagree. You don't only attract those types.

Videos games make money than all sports and movies combined and it's growing.
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As of 2022, video game buyers in usa are split 48/52 - female/male respectively.
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I never said the video games don't make money; that is a completely separate issue. But the fact is that I have never heard of any politician or decision-maker who is attracted to anime and has swayed the country to make Japan-leaning decisions before. Rather, the typical scenerio is that people either casually play a few games without being mentally-controlled by them, or they become addicted and fall down a rabbit hole of gaming/anime at which point most of these people are socially rejected and often even have trouble getting dates. They are those types I mentioned and have no influence on how a country's government behaves.
You already see the west weaponizing this with propaganda in video games like Call of Duty. This will only increase just like how they weaponized hollywood and tv shows for western imperialist propaganda.
Yes, no problem, they can. And China has made military games too. American entertainment is successful at spreading its propaganda because 1. American is rich enough to make good ones, and 2. American hard power makes these things make sense. Everything rests on a foundation of hard power. But even then, the citizens of nations hostile to the US are still hostile to the US, because their governments protect them from this propaganda, either through bans or by overwhelming their effects with far more anti-US propaganda. Hence we've come full circle for why it's useless to try to spread "soft power" through media as it only works on friendly nations.
That's what you want. I think it is too narrow. I want China to be as strong as possible which means hard power and soft power. You want China to abandon an entire weapon class. I think that is foolish. In fact, I want China to possess and master every weapon.
You're imagining weapons that don't exist and that's foolish. There is no soft power, only an extension of hard power, as I have demonstrated time and time again. What you think is soft power is only an extension of hard power; it will naturally and effortlessly come to China when our hard power has matured to a dominant stage.

It goes to show once again, do not waste your time coveting others; make yourself strong and they will covet you. It is true in personal life and in international relations.
I disagree.

You claim soft power is totally wrong; only hard power is real; anything that is not hard power (technology, economy, military) is begging. Let's test your claims.
Let's do it.
America deceives the world saying it is making the world safe for democracy while overthrowing democracies. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying it has a "responsibility to protect"/"humanitarian intervention" to mask its invasion and military occupation of a nation. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying it has the American dream where everyone can get rich if they work hard so suckers get brain drained to America's benefit (while the immigrant sucker suffers anti Asian racism and a glass ceiling while their children are preyed upon). Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying socialism is "anti freedom, totalitarian, where everything sucks" to make people distrust the only viable alternative to capitalist exploitation. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying Huawei has backdoors and is a national security threat to kill it. Is it "begging"?
America deceives the world saying the CIA coronavirus/covid 19 was released by China.
Is it "begging"? Despite using no hard power (technology, economy, and military), none of this was begging. Yet they were often very effective uses of soft power.
None of your questions made any sense. Nothing done here was begging and none of it was soft power. That's America threatening people that if they don't take the ecuses as given and do as told, they're going to get f'ed up by American hard power, whether it be physical or through bans, etc... The exact same things can be done by a lesser nation with no hard power and everyone would just laugh, but when done by America, its hard power makes these things real. That is evidence that there is no soft power but only non-violent extensions of hard power. You need to understand that because right now, it feels like you are stuck at the level of "talking = soft power; beating up= hard power." It's childish and you need to move past it. Threats are all hard power.
Why was all this possible? It's possible because their media is filled with lies (we are pro democracy, we have noble intentions, American dream, socialism is bad, China bad, etc) that get absorbed by viewers (I provided a bunch of citations at the top of the post).
No, it was all possible because America possesses the largest nominal GDP and military in the world and is known to totally abuse it when it doesn't get its way. Nothing is possible without hard power.
Soft power is a potential weapon. Your excessive focus on hard power means ignoring an entire class of weapons while your enemies perfect it and attack you with it.
Soft power doesn't even exist. It's all making threats and backing it up with hard power. Without hard power, it is begging; with hard power, it is a threat. Threats work; begging doesn't.
Note: For all the nitpickers. No, I'm not saying China should lie. I'm just illustrating examples of how this stuff can work.
You've perfectly illustrated how there is no soft power and everything depends on hard power.
I haven't watched an anime for years so maybe things changed. From my memory, the problem was not anime itself. It's Japan's execution - cute, effeminate, inoffensive, white worshipping, etc. If Hollywood lost their mind and made only films pandering to cross dressers, would that mean movies were useless for soft power. Of course not.
No. The problem is that Japan has no hard power so it's just a cute little joke.
No, life lessons for you.
China is already the world's largest economy. Some Chinese movies have a budget near 100 million usd over 10 years ago (Flowers of War 2011). Numerous super successful Hollywood blockbusters were made for far less. The Matrix from 1999 would cost $85 in 2011 after adjusting for inflation.

Tiny HK had movies doing well around the world at a fraction of the economic heft and population size.

China doesn't need more money. They need better quality control.
Chinese people love to watch Chinese movies. I said that the US can afford to do so but that doesn't mean that China can't; I meant that American movies are outstanding in the world because most countries can't afford it. But compared to American movies, Chinese movies will always take a far back seat competing in countries that are pro-US and anti-China and it doesn't matter a darn thing how well you made it because every government has near total control over its domestic media.
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