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Firing your diplomats? That sounds like position of weakness to me
Sounds like the strongly Christian “diplomats“ and Mormon CIA NOCs enjoyed the Covid anal swabs a little too much and started questioning their own sexuality, truly these men doth protest too much.
Israel still has the vote bank but that vote bank is not strong enough to converge interests and values at global level. It will be very hard for Israel to stay real neutral long term as Israel dependence on West increase.
Jews have very important contribution to Russia but now it is ignored as if they not reside there.
The way Israel‘s conducting her foreign policy with an entente brewing between Iran and the arabs with the prospect of turkey as a major gas and oil hub, there’s a real possibility of Israeli Jews turning horde this century.
maybe we’ll finally get the return of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the far off distant future.


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As Putin said, the Anglo-Judeo led West have no principles; they will even fund, aid and train NeoNazis and even ISIS if it will further their geopolitical goals. Let me repeat that, the descendants of the jewish Holocaust will give money, aid and training to outright NeoNazis if it will help them achieve their geopolitical objectives, in this case, weakening Russia.

This painful history is really striking: it was the Ukrainians who were the main actors of the massacres suffered by the Yiddish people; but among the Pharisee-Americans the visceral hatred of Russia is much greater. On the other hand, the Sadducees see Russia as an important player, the Sadducees hate Persia more than Russia. But the Pharisees hate Russia more than Persia.


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Chomsky said that "Donald Trump is a Russian asset" is a "bad joke", to me it seems a magnificent joke because "Our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) was founded by Russian, Ukrainian and Polish emigrants.

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Jabotinsky was a Russian-Ukrainian and his right-hand man was Polish, people of Italian and Syro-Greek-Turkish-Persian descent, of what was once in Greek-Roman times was a religion that spread like wildfire among women.


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Anglo Empire 2.0

Anglo Empire 2.0 is predictable: when imperial power is held by the Pharisees, aggression against Russia intensifies, and when imperial power is held by the Sadducees, aggression against Persia intensifies.

(I am aware that I am using an archaic terminology, from the 1st century Mediterranean world, but I think it is useful as a tool for the analysis of the West Empire)


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(Reuters) - President Xi Jinping said China is willing to work with the United States to find ways to get along to the benefit of both, Chinese state television reported on Thursday, ahead of a possible meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden in Indonesia.

As major powers, China and the United States should strengthen communication and cooperation to help provide stability to the world, Xi said in a message to an event of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations on Wednesday.

The two countries have been at odds over China's policy towards Taiwan, China's relationship with Russia and more recently, U.S. efforts to prevent its semiconductor companies selling technology to Chinese companies.

China was recently infuriated by a string of visits by U.S. lawmakers to Taiwan. China said the United States was sending "dangerous signals" on the democratically governed island, which China claims as its own.

Xi, who has just secured a ground-breaking third term as leader of the ruling Communist Party overseeing the world's second-largest economy, has denounced foreign interference over Taiwan and recently said China would never renounce the right to use force over it.

Biden on Wednesday said "the United State does not seek conflict with China".

The U.S. administration, following Xi's securing of his third term over the weekend, has stressed the importance of keeping lines of communication open with China.

Xi and Biden are expected to attend a G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, in November, but no information has been officially released on the possibility of a meeting between them.


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Saudi Arabia ‘duped’ Washington on secret oil deal – media​

President Biden’s administration reportedly thought it had a pledge from Riyadh to boost oil output, but supplies were instead cut

President Joe Biden reportedly made his controversial July visit to Saudi Arabia, breaking a campaign promise to shun the kingdom, because his administration thought it had secured a secret deal for Riyadh to boost oil supplies. Instead, Riyadh did the opposite, leading OPEC in cutting output targets.

The production increase was supposed to come from September through the end of this year, helping to ease inflation and justify Biden’s trip to Riyadh, the
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reported on Wednesday, citing interviews with unidentified US and Middle East government officials. Earlier this month, OPEC announced plans to cut production by two million barrels a day, creating more upward pressure on prices and potentially increasing the risk that the Biden-led Democratic Party will lose control of Congress in November’s US midterm elections.

Several US lawmakers responded by suggesting that Washington should punish Saudi Arabia by cutting off arms sales or removing its military support for the kingdom. Biden accused Riyadh of siding with Russia in the Ukraine conflict and warned of retribution, saying, “There will be consequences.”

Members of Congress who had received classified briefings about the secret oil deal “have been left fuming that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman duped the administration,” the Times said. US officials told the newspaper that even days before the OPEC announcement, they had been assured by bin Salman that there would be no output cuts. When they later heard that Saudi Arabia had reversed its position on the issue, administration officials made a failed effort to “change minds in the royal court.”

Saudi officials said earlier this month that OPEC’s decision was based solely on economic considerations, not politics, and that Washington tried to delay the move for several weeks. Such a delay might have pushed the announcement past November 8, the date of the midterms. US inflation remains near a 40-year high and ranks as the top concern of American voters, according to polling.

Biden said while campaigning for president in 2019 that he would treat Saudi Arabia as a “pariah” and would make them “pay the price” for the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The Times said that even some of his strongest supporters have argued that Biden’s decision to meet with bin Salman anyway, after his administration thought it had a secret oil deal in May, was the latest example of “sacrificing principles for political expediency – and having little to show for it.”

“There’s now a level of embarrassment as the Saudis merrily go on their way,”
said US Representative Gerald Connolly, a Virginia Democrat.

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in June that he would ask Saudi officials to boost oil supplies. “What happened over the last half-year is a story of handshake agreements, wishful thinking, missed signals and finger-pointing over broken promises,” the Times said.