I wouldnt give that glowing of a statement about the integration of Chinoys even though it is true that they're more integrated than the Chinese in Malaysia or Indonesia
Well bro, I've lived through it and I can happily announced there is a huge improvement.

When I was growing up there is a stigma of dirty Chinese influence by the Spaniards, the Tagalog term of " Intsik beho tulo laway" translated as "old and decrepit Chinese, drooling saliva", said without verbal conjugation to imitate a stereotypical Chinese accent in Tagalog. Seen as a childhood rhyme, this expression probably originated in the late 1800s during the
of the Philippines, when opium dens were common and many Chinese immigrants would be left decrepit and drooling saliva from opium.
The problem are the Chinese mestizo haciendero , the landed gentry who sold their soul to any foreign occupier to maintain their wealth, instead of uplifting their Chinese ancestry and helping their fellow kababayan they become their enforcer as they enter politics to safeguard their wealth, you can see it thru our history, the backstabbing, they are the one who initiated the killing of Bonifacio and General Luna. Families like the Cojuangco, the Aquinos and Lopez are an example, they enact law that forbade Chinese to buy land, thus the emergence of the Taipans which industrialized the Philippines and the Taipans are a positive contributor to the society because of them they give us Hua Qiao the respect we deserved.
because there is still unfortunately underlying sinophobia due to outdated beliefs and the relentless anti-China narrative from the media.
Well brother as China rise in prominence, will they follow the American sample and coopted the Oligarchy elites? IF they do the media and political landscape will change automatically

. They the oligarchs are afraid cause the Chinese came from an egalitarian system, so they have to double down the anti China rhetoric to maintain their status quo, they are a potent tool of US imperialism and the American are known expert in this kind of work as they can identify and nurture a possible candidate, send them to Harvard to learn CRT and become a politician.