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McCarthyism is back. And you wouldn't be safe even if you were not living in the US.
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Do they really think these pilots will be hired to train PLAAF?
These people are too stupid. If it were me, I would take this opportunity. It would be a good information channel to understand the enemy's strength.

But I appreciate this point of the Five Eyes, they can always remind you of the original need to guard against enemies so tightly.


Registered Member
You do realise that Singapore broadsheets don't really report? They barely have any reporters on staff.
What they do is just regurgitate news feeds - In this case, from Reuters (it's in the tag line)

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What can China do to make their pov better carried? f.o.c feeds? less stiffly written editorials?
Yes actually I know Singapore news sources just reproduce from AFP, AP, Reuters. In my honest opinion, they can consider reproducing pieces from CGTN, Xinhua News Agency or Global Times, maybe RT. Although I suppose Singaporeans won't be able to accept seeing CGTN or RT as the source for a news article. Roflmao.

I mean I've seen Singapore media reproducing Yonhap News Agency of Korea, but I haven't seen them reproducing Japan Times or NHK World or CGTN.

Dat South Korean soft power tho.

Nikkei Asia the English-language newspaper writes at a very native English level even with their Japanese reporters, and can be considered, but their political stances are of course you know. Nevertheless worthwhile of consideration just for being a non-Western source.

You'll have to replace the whole media landscape with something new. It's a bit like you can't beat them in making ICE cars because they are too entrenched, but with EVs everyone now start from the same starting line and you have a chance for overtake.

Media is a weapon they control and there's nothing you can do to turn that into your weapon because why would they let you.

Well I say nothing but actually there is one thing: you need a Sputnik Moment - something so self evident that no spin can cover it up. Once it happens then people will start questioning the conventional narrative. When Sputnik was going beep beep beep no amount of trash talking USSR was a backwards country could cover up the fact that the world sleeps under a Soviet moon. Similarly in 10 years time if a Chinese person steps onto the moon while NASA is still not able to replicate 1969 then that would be such a moment.

You can actually see this happens sometime already on small scale. When Fujian was launched all the news reporting it was suddenly very straight and matter of fact. There's no "at what cost" or mistranslating 头破血流 or anything like that. They just reported all the facts including those slogans on the covers and what they meant. That 80,000 tons of diplomacy is unfortunately the only language they understand.

Yes you said it better than me. Often people don't believe anything about China, even with Fujian they'll take digs and say its Made in China quality or something, but the fact remains that it is a dangerous weapon. Indeed.

There's no point for Chinese media to punt on the same level as Western media. Be stiff like Lee Kuan Yew, and spit out the facts as they are.

RT's strategy is to be more sarcastic than Western media, but whether that works I can't say for sure.
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Junior Member
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I mean I've seen Singapore media reproducing Yonhap News Agency of Korea, but I haven't seen them reproducing Japan Times or NHK World or CGTN.

Dat South Korean soft power tho.

Right ...

So lay the blame totally on Singapore, Singaporean Press and/or Singaporean Citizens?
We do know that SG govt will never truly go all-in on the China side, let alone the Western side. We're out and out fence sitters and will sit where the cool wind blows. Right now, it's probably blowing a little too strongly to the western side but that's just the realities of the political environment Singapore is in.

Or take some self-reflection on what CGTN, Xinhua News Agency or Global Times, et al can do better to get their POV out there? After, what exactly is stopping SG broadsheets from taking the mentioned sources (I have seen it happen though not often)


Registered Member
Lol beating a dead horse must be anglos hobby, they keep saying for years that China gonna take over siberia lmao, the desperation are unreal, logically speaking why in the hell would China choose to invade eastern russia over taiwan? Taiwan is a magnitidue easier to conquer that invading russia, who has nuclear weapons
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I see it as classic psychological transference. For long, the west whether it was the French, Germans or anglos have long lusted for the land and mineral wealth of Russia and Siberia.
A culture based on religious puritanism always needs to find scapegoats to excuse their own sins and impurities away.


Registered Member
Yes actually I know Singapore news sources just reproduce from AFP, AP, Reuters. In my honest opinion, they can consider reproducing pieces from CGTN, Xinhua News Agency or Global Times, maybe RT. Although I suppose Singaporeans won't be able to accept seeing CGTN or RT as the source for a news article. Roflmao.

I mean I've seen Singapore media reproducing Yonhap News Agency of Korea, but I haven't seen them reproducing Japan Times or NHK World or CGTN.

Dat South Korean soft power tho.

Nikkei Asia the English-language newspaper writes at a very native English level even with their Japanese reporters, and can be considered, but their political stances are of course you know. Nevertheless worthwhile of consideration just for being a non-Western source.

Yes you said it better than me. Often people don't believe anything about China, even with Fujian they'll take digs and say its Made in China quality or something, but the fact remains that it is a dangerous weapon. Indeed.

There's no point for Chinese media to punt on the same level as Western media. Be stiff like Lee Kuan Yew, and spit out the facts as they are.

RT's strategy is to be more sarcastic than Western media, but whether that works I can't say for sure.
South Korea is the most westernized of the 5 East Asian countries (CN/JP/SK/NK/VN). Japan on the other hand hasn't changed much from Imperial Japanese days no matter how much the US has tried to change them. It is no wonder that culturally half western Singapore gravitates towards SK.

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. China and Japan are
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Hollywood and the 1 Hollywood movie they like is F-9 which is Asian American. Even Jpop is somewhat unique due to deviating from western pop music in the 80's, and now is separate, but Kpop keeps copying the R&B, rap, etc. evolution of western music.

Basically, CN/JP are culturally alien from the west, KR/SG are not.


Registered Member
Nguyen "silver head" Phu Trong is 78 year old but do better job to steer country than Joe Dementia Biden. But as him get too old the future is wild. Especially when we have lot of banana sh*t head think Vietnam just need simple single phone call to someone in White House then woala Vietnam and US became bestie. Then US will gift Vietnam squadron of F16. With F16 Vietnam will defeat entire China Southern Fleet show world who is king of ASEAN block! Lol
Well brother we have the same problem with a lot of local American Kool Aid drinkers ;) maybe due to sugar high as the wokeness is addictive...lol Well @NiuBiDaRen mentioned about the Chinese Minority backlash in ASEAN, well I'm happy to announces that my adopted country the Philippine had graduated and has moved on to successfully integrated its minority to the Philippine society, compare with the other members of the bloc she can give a lesson or two.;)


Registered Member
You do realise that Singapore broadsheets don't really report? They barely have any reporters on staff.
What they do is just regurgitate news feeds - In this case, from Reuters (it's in the tag line)

Likewise with the HK media, for anything non-local, HK reporters/editors are on zombie mode regurgitating news feed, their work is a pain to read, though once in a while some independent critical articles do see the light of day.


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Well brother we have the same problem with a lot of local American Kool Aid drinkers ;) maybe due to sugar high as the wokeness is addictive...lol Well @NiuBiDaRen mentioned about the Chinese Minority backlash in ASEAN, well I'm happy to announces that my adopted country the Philippine had graduated and has moved on to successfully integrated its minority to the Philippine society, compare with the other members of the bloc she can give a lesson or two.;)
I wouldnt give that glowing of a statement about the integration of Chinoys even though it is true that they're more integrated than the Chinese in Malaysia or Indonesia because there is still unfortunately underlying sinophobia due to outdated beliefs and the relentless anti-China narrative from the media.