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I wanted to put this post with my previous post but unfortunately it took a little longer to find:

The US seems determined to fight a war on two fronts, the Russian front and the Chinese front.

If only the Iranians hated the west more, they could've been a third front. Africa taking revenge for colonialism a fourth. South America a fifth. An internal civil war a sixth. Natural disasters a seventh.

Things were trending those directions but unfortunately not enough time and not enough hatred for the west in the former colonies. Not enough fight in them.

So, Iran, Africa, South America, Civil War, Natural Disaster.

Africa - hmm, well lets call it a work in progress
South America☑ Ok ok I know Haiti is in North America but its basically South America,
Civil War - well, no.
Natural Disaster - we'll see how winter lasts. I think they're sacrificing Europe to nature to avoid it happening to themselves.


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I wanted to put this post with my previous post but unfortunately it took a little longer to find:

So, Iran, Africa, South America, Civil War, Natural Disaster.

Africa - hmm, well lets call it a work in progress
South America☑ Ok ok I know Haiti is in North America but its basically South America,
Civil War - well, no.
Natural Disaster - we'll see how winter lasts. I think they're sacrificing Europe to nature to avoid it happening to themselves.
The US no longer has the military strength to enter two regional wars, in the case of Russia and China, if the US enters a war against either of them, the transfer of resources will only sustain a campaign and will not be able to gather military forces for a second war at the same time, Heritage's own report makes clear this inability to do so and even indicates the strengths they need to have in order to be able to enter two regional wars.

As much as they invoke the Gulf War, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Kosovo or any other war the US has been involved in in the last 30 years, they fought enemies without the ability to retaliate strategically, in addition to having absolute technological superiority, which is no the case today.

Just to use as an example, in 2003, when the US invaded Iraq, on April 5, 2003, on the 16th day of the war, there were already Pentagon officials in the press saying that the Tomahawk stock was running out, a huge ammunition resupply operation in the Gulf to end the war, but the frequency of the attacks has decreased and become smaller and smaller, some analysts say the attack on Iraq has caused the US supply of Tomahawks to spread precariously across the rest of the world - without quick means of replacement.

When I see arguments that a war between the USA x China or against Russia would be a version of “shock and awe” as happened with Iraq, I am even ashamed to have to read this, on March 21, when the occurred shock and awe, in one night the navy launched 320 TLAMs from 30 different ships and submarines, the US Navy had only brought about 1,000 Tomahawk missiles into the region in preparation for war, about half of the entire nation's stockpile across the world. Still, Pentagon officials say the supply is adequate. More missiles were moved into the area, and the Tomahawk's long-range strike role has become less important as the US Army and Marine Corps advance towards Baghdad with tanks and artillery, US officials said. I wonder if it would be the same occurrence against a China and a Russia, probably the US would have to do 30 times in a row the shock and awe against either of them before starting an air and ground offensive and if the US goes to war with either, the accumulation of forces would have to be sustained by greatly reducing the footprint worldwide, it would be the end of Washington's empire.


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Ban, ban, and ban. It won't be long that the US would declare a ban on Chinese from breathing oxygen.
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1. Given the US track record, yea. Sounds like US is going all-in on banning everything.

2. The difference between China and the US in these fields is actually in favor of China, in my opinion. The US is behind, so if they do ban Quantum Computing and AI, China will find themselves even further ahead.

The overall gist of the US actions right now is to completely split the world in two, one US-focused and one China-focused. The US is trying (hoping?) the rest of the world will fall into the US camp and they're doing it through threats and violence, but I think they're finding the rest of the world would rather leave the US camp.


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I remember someone saying why do all the central banks around the world follow in lockstep when the US raises interest rates. There is your answer. You don’t raise rates = your currency loses value because it’s not worth holding your currency if the other has better rates. Dollar is up against the Yen by ~44% since 2021.
I took a look at CNY to JPY exchange rates. It was 1 CNY = 14.8 JPY in AUG 2019. Now it is 1 CNY = 20.7 JPY.
