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"A European diplomat", 'Some Chinese official"
You can stop posting copium articles. We got your message a long time ago.

Sometimes there are some interesting nuggets of information in this series of anti China propaganda articles in the economist

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China has another goal: to ensure that America is blamed for the turmoil of a Taiwan crisis. The 170km-wide Taiwan Strait is the main route for container ships from China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to the world. A single Taiwanese company, tsmc, makes over 80% of the world’s most advanced semiconductors. China has been polishing anti-American talking points. A Western diplomat reports that around Asia, Chinese envoys call America a provocateur that once accepted Taiwan’s status as a part of China, but now encourages its separatist fantasies. China is succeeding, the diplomat says. In a crisis, many Asian neighbours would blame America and its ally Japan for stirring tensions.
Even some officials in the west are realising that Asia will be on China's side if ROC/US start a conflict


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Sigh you really want to make me do like an university assignment on overtime?


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Now please post your science article, so we can read it and check if it's another of those quackery studies where a preconceived goal is set ("proving" covid came from China) rather than an honest study being done. You're a smart person I'm sure, you know the most foundational part of research is that you resaearch to get data and interpret data, you do not start out with a presumption and then twist data until it fits your starting presumption. Example, that quack article from Cambridge talking about Weibo searches of diarrhea to claim that China had covid in July but covered it up.

And of course quackery exists in the west. It was supported by John Hopkins University's global health Index that US is number 1 in the world at defending against pandemics. This turned out to be an American lie. When there is a big monetary incentive and a big incentive of face, people abandon principles. John Hopkins is an esteemed university that produces many highly talented doctors, but when your universities and governments are so closely tied, then your unscientific government can easily exploit good names to push their unscientific agenda.

I'm like those MAGAs? It ain't me who told WHO you're not allowed to come to our country, you're not allowed to go to Fort Derrick to look for covid. The world, including China, asked for access and was denied.

If there was nothing to hide why not let investigators come?

Sure? Chinese FM made a mistake spreading those "conspiracy theories"? Then America can humiliate China by opening Fort Derrick and showing us: there is nothing. Or at least let international scientists come and take IGG tests in December/January in America, prove there is no covid or past covid among the population.

There shouldn't be a single person with covid IGG pos in early January USA right?
I have already posted that article and you are going to call it a paper to"push their unscientific agenda" aren't you?

Also, November and December 2019? Wuhan is a very well-connected international city with direct flights to the entire planet on a daily basis. So if it was circulating in Wuhan, it could easily have been brought to other parts of the world through travellers, undetected in different regions. What's your points here? Where's the follow-up of that " Coronavirus traces found in March 2019 sewage sample" thing?

It ain't me who told WHO you're not allowed to come to our country, you're not allowed to go to Fort Derrick to look for covid. The world, including China, asked for access and was denied.
The globla south look up to China because they believe China can bring a truly "rule based order". And when Putin is calling America "Empire of Lies" publicly, you are suggesting China should keep yelling "Open Fort Derrick"?

This is so dumb. I'm done on this topic. I'm even more glad that China is run by brutly pragmatists and chinese officials don't need to "win" on media.


Registered Member
Sigh you really want to make me do like an university assignment on overtime?


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Now please post your science article, so we can read it and check if it's another of those quackery studies where a preconceived goal is set ("proving" covid came from China) rather than an honest study being done. You're a smart person I'm sure, you know the most foundational part of research is that you resaearch to get data and interpret data, you do not start out with a presumption and then twist data until it fits your starting presumption. Example, that quack article from Cambridge talking about Weibo searches of diarrhea to claim that China had covid in July but covered it up.

And of course quackery exists in the west. It was supported by John Hopkins University's global health Index that US is number 1 in the world at defending against pandemics. This turned out to be an American lie. When there is a big monetary incentive and a big incentive of face, people abandon principles. John Hopkins is an esteemed university that produces many highly talented doctors, but when your universities and governments are so closely tied, then your unscientific government can easily exploit good names to push their unscientific agenda.

I'm like those MAGAs? It ain't me who told WHO you're not allowed to come to our country, you're not allowed to go to Fort Derrick to look for covid. The world, including China, asked for access and was denied.

If there was nothing to hide why not let investigators come?

Sure? Chinese FM made a mistake spreading those "conspiracy theories"? Then America can humiliate China by opening Fort Derrick and showing us: there is nothing. Or at least let international scientists come and take IGG tests in December/January in America, prove there is no covid or past covid among the population.

There shouldn't be a single person with covid IGG pos in early January USA right?
Anyone who still believes Covid wasnt a CIA biovirus and American biowarfare as part of the opening salvos of WWIII under the guise and pretext of plausible denialability and intentionally obfuscated by the ostensible "inadvertent" Detricks leak and all to convinent US "partnership" with Wuhan labs are like those that believe 4 pipelines spontaneously blew themselves up due to quantum fluctations.... theoritically possible if one waited 100^10000 times longer than the current age of the universe but otherwise impossible for all intents and purposes...

Chinese gov better not still be naive about this, its never been more clear that out of sheer desperation like a rabid moribund animal the US is lashing out, full gloves off and All In to the end, adopting a figurative and literal scortched earth policy that would rather sacrifice the entire world than to "allow" its hegemony to wane, especially to be surpassed and displaced by a challenger and true worthy competitor like China...


Registered Member
I agree with most of he said in his book ... quite deep and easy to understand .. excellent book, highly recommended, interested to read?

And he is not pro nor anti China
Read the book last year and it made me even more pro-China than ever before, not to mention pro-CPC especially when stating the fact that China has never been more prosperous in it's entire 5,000 years history than under the current political system and party/dynasty. So why would the Chinese destroy or collapse the very party responsible for their prosperity...