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Senior Member
Yeah, I only really go on YT for game info and some food shows and shows like the Duran and Gonzalo lira but many of them have alternatives and really at least the Chinese cook shows dont get flittered away due to having different languages so I will be on YT for food and games but for serious news, I have other avenues so really I am prepared for the day when YT does do the unthinkable. To be honest, I really do have that Chaos/civil war eventually comes home to roost in The USA, then those people that do the flittering will be Sorry. I have to admit, being recommended to Mike Chen pisses the hell out of me because I really hate the guy. One of my friends thinks he is ok but that Mike bastard is a FLG worshipper. So one of these days, I home is buffet eating habits leads him to the hospital because I really hate that guy. And I really hate that freaks like Serpentaza still gets views but I guess sooner or later, they will be sorry
Alot of good anti western imperialist channels still on YouTube. Multiporista, breakthrough news, grayzone, I watched them before they will eventually get cancelled.


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Registered Member
Russians joke about "inferior" Chinese quality all the time, seems like there is a need for some self-reflection.

Again you exaggerate!

The Russians' comments are a drop in the ocean, Westerners are unrivalled at belittling anything Chinese.

I have long noticed that every comment you make is laced with Russophobia and you exaggerate everything bad about Russia.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Again you exaggerate!

The Russians' comments are a drop in the ocean, Westerners are unrivalled at belittling anything Chinese.

I have long noticed that every comment you make is laced with Russophobia and you exaggerate everything bad about Russia.
Lol, go to any Russian site - topwar, habr, pikabu, vc, vk groups, tt videos, etc. type in "Chinese quality" (in Russian ofc) or something in similar vein and watch the results. You will likely also read shitton of upvoted racist posts at the same time. I also did not say that Westerners are not guilty of the same thing, everyone here knows that they are. It is you who is pretending that the classic white supremacism and arrogance are not problems in Russia just because you only read English internet, lol.

I also noticed that in every comment you exaggerate everything good about Russia, talk about some 5D plans, and now try to paint me as Russophobic because I don't conform to your "Jai Russia" narratives.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Lol, go to any Russian site - topwar, habr, pikabu, vc, vk groups, tt videos, etc. type in "Chinese quality" (in Russian ofc) and watch the results. You will likely also read shitton of upvoted racist posts at the same time. I also did not say that Westerners are not guilty of the same thing, everyone here knows that they are. It is you who is pretending that the classic white supremacism and arrogance are not problems in Russia just because you only read English internet, lol.

I also noticed that in every comment you exaggerate everything good about Russia, talk about some 5D plans, and now try to paint me as Russophobic because I don't conform to your "Jai Russia" narratives.

Reading your comments I get the impression that the biggest enemies of China and the Chinese people are the Russians.

It's in every comment of yours, in every thread in this forum. These are my personal impressions!


Registered Member
Again you exaggerate!

The Russians' comments are a drop in the ocean, Westerners are unrivalled at belittling anything Chinese.

I have long noticed that every comment you make is laced with Russophobia and you exaggerate everything bad about Russia.
Westerners are expected to lie and to be exposed to a ton of government activity as well.

Russians as allies are not expected to at all, that is why it is alarming that even some level of white/western nationalism exists in Russia.

Keep in mind, these may not always be real Russian people, they could be foreign bots meant to spread fake narratives about China to the Russians. But because Russia has until now not claimed full internet sovereignty, such infiltrations can succeed.

If there are no major west friendly faction within Russia, then how did the tragedy of Gorbachev happen?

I don't know if the other poster is russophobic or not, but what I do know is that many Russians have misgivings about what China is and what China does. Whether these are born out of malice or by public manipulation, I'll not speculate into. But either way, current war is doing miracles to dispel such illusions.