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A railway is not as vulnerable as a NordStream pipeline. Fixing the leaks undersea can take months, maybe years; if a length of railway is blown up, it can be fixed in hours. The trains might not even notice the brief interruption.

Furthermore, right now, there are two options for China - Either China manage to secure her western borders and made them into an impenetratable fortress wall, or China gets surrounded by her enemies from (virtually) all sides.
Your paranoia is showing. Even if all the 'stans became enemies of China, they would not be much threat. Furthermore, they'd have little reason to turn against the Middle Kingdom. That would be extremely expensive for them, and they would get few benefits in return; the people in Afghanistan, for example, know what U.S. promises of "help" are worth. In contrast, the Belt and Road will really raise their living standards. So if I were China I wouldn't worry much.

A second thought. If China loaded up militarily against the 'stans, that would scare them -- and that is precisely what the US propagandists want. So if I were China, I wouldn't fall into their trap.

Of course, terrorism will always be possible. But it will be in the interest of the 'stans to stop the jihadists. Again, not much of a problem for China.


Registered Member
It looks like the pipelines could be done for.

Nord Stream damage might be irreparable – media​

What is being touted as potential sabotage on the Russian Nord Stream gas pipelines might have dealt them irreparable damage, Germany’s Tagesspiegel reported on Wednesday, citing “government circles.” The two pipelines were seriously damaged earlier this week.

If the damage is not repaired quickly enough, too much salty sea water could run into the pipes lying at the bottom of the Baltic Sea and irreversibly corrode them, German officials have warned, according to the news media outlet. Denmark said on Wednesday that its authorities would be able to launch a probe into the issue no sooner than in a week or two due to “safety concerns,” Tagesspiegel added.

The media outlet does not mention any plans for repair work by either Russia or Germany.
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Also. I wouldn’t eat any fish that comes from the Baltic Sea for a while.

Both lines of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline were pumped full of gas and were prepared to deliver it to Europe at the time of the alleged explosion, said Peskov, adding that “this gas is very expensive and now it is all going up in the air.”
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A very good, timely reminder.

With Pakistan now being bought by Washington after the ousting of Imran Khan, there is never the chance to be "too careful" with regards to China's Xinjiang region, and her Central Asian neighbours to the west in general. Coupled with Kazakhstan's failed coup attempt early this year plus the attempted approachement of the US into the Central Asian countries, China's position and security around her and on the world stage are getting more challenging than ever.

That means China must be able to properly safeguard her BRI projects not just in Central Asia, but also across the rest of the world, in terms of both tactical (i.e. deploying armed personnel to guard those BRI facilities against terrorists and saboteurs) and strategical (i.e. winning more hearts and minds of the developing world and decisively sway them away from the US - that is, even with open, direct threats from DC).

Furthermore, right now, there are two options for China - Either China manage to secure her western borders and made them into an impenetratable fortress wall, or China gets surrounded by her enemies from (virtually) all sides.

That would mean either China will survive and truimph further into the 21st century, or repeat the Century of Humiliation with even more disasterous results awaiting her 1.4 billion populace.

Beijing must be diligent and steadfast in her actions.
where is Arab in this whole analysis? without Arab support change of government cannot happen in many countries. Turkey manage millions of refugees so it is allowed to stay afloat. when Erdogan had coup. his first call was to Qatar not some other Turkic country/Nato country. These stans have little chance to stay afloat. They will have to submit to primacy of Arab interests.
Since these stans are not helping in Ukraine. Russia will withdraw in favor of Arabs at some point than these stans will remember Arabs more than any one else.

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