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Refresh my memory. Didn't EU horde all the pandemic supplies and kits and vaccines and causing third world without any tools and vaccines to fight the pandemic. As for climate change, EU is still generating more pollution than most other nations. And many of them are turning back on coal. Talk about hypocrite.
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"Who was here during the pandemic? Who offers financing to help the climate transition? Not those who are coming to you today with the idea of a new world order. Not those who didn't a have a vaccine that worked and offer nothing in the face of climate change," he said.

Europeans are combating climate change this winter though by exclusively using renewable resources or shivering.


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President Joe Biden’s speech to the UN general assembly is reportedly being hastily rewritten in the wake of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement of a partial mobilisation and nuclear threats aimed at the West.

The upcoming address was getting last minute re-writes after Mr Putin’s “ominous” speech, White House aides told Politico.

Mr Putin earlier said he was “not bluffing” on nuclear weapons and warned Russia would use all the means at its disposal to protect territory it plans to annex in Ukraine through sham referendums.


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You see this shit, this is why you don't take the bloody bus and keep your mask on all the time like Wang Qishan.
The stupidity of acting as though Covid is done and over with just because you've got your jabs or tested negative.

Doubly stupid for acting as though the person sitting next to you has already got their jabs or tested negative.

Triply stupid for acting as though the jabs give you "full immunity" because you somehow forgot all about their efficacy rates.


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Refresh my memory. Didn't EU horde all the pandemic supplies and kits and vaccines and causing third world without any tools and vaccines to fight the pandemic. As for climate change, EU is still generating more pollution than most other nations. And many of them are turning back on coal. Talk about hypocrite.
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"Who was here during the pandemic? Who offers financing to help the climate transition? Not those who are coming to you today with the idea of a new world order. Not those who didn't a have a vaccine that worked and offer nothing in the face of climate change," he said.
Who was here during the pandemic? China and India
Who offers financing to help the climate transition? China is already building them green infra all over ME, Latam and Africa.
"Not those who are coming to you today with the idea of a new world order." The Global South is all for a multi polar world order.
Not those who didn't a have a vaccine that worked and offer nothing in the face of climate change," he said. Yeap, western powers precisely.


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“I'm very irritated about this development,” Scholz told journalists in New York following his meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. The chancellor said he believed the SCO was “not an organization delivering an important contribution to a good global coexistence.”
Scholz's trip to China either got rejected, or he wants to get a spanking. Insulting China's multilateral organization is a terrible idea right now for Germany.


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The West is getting desperate with Russia recent announcement lmao.

I think they may try sanctioning anyone who imports Russian goods at some point to. Tho I wonder how long before the west is forced to stop buying Russian energy.

US in talks with India about rethinking reliance on Russian arms and energy​

The United States is in “deep” talks with India over its reliance on Russian arms and energy, a US State Department official said Tuesday, in a development that could further isolate Moscow on the international stage.

Russia “is no longer a reliable weapons supplier” and Indian representatives are “coming to understand that there could be real benefits for them (in finding other markets),” the official told reporters in New York.

“India is heavily, heavily dependent on Russia, and that’s something that they did to themselves over some 40 years: first their military and then their energy dependence,” the official said. “So we have been in deep conversation with India about the fact that we want to help them have options to diversify here.”

CNN has contacted India’s Ministry of External Affairs, but did not receive a response.

The State Department official’s comments came hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin announced an escalation of Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine, calling for the immediate “partial mobilization” of Russian citizens.

“In order to protect our homeland, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, to ensure the security of our people and people in the liberated territories, I consider it necessary to support the proposal of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff to conduct partial mobilization in the Russian Federation,” Putin said in a highly anticipated speech to the nation Wednesday.

Efforts to begin partial mobilization will begin on Wednesday and the decree was already signed, Putin said. The mobilization would mean citizens who are in the reserve and those with military experience would be subject to conscription, he added.

Putin framed the fighting as part of a larger struggle for Russian survival against a West whose goal is it is to “weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our country.”

It is unclear what impact Putin’s comments will have on India’s position on the war.

Since the start of Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, India has sought to carve a middle path between Moscow and its Western critics, largely steering clear of condemning a country that remains its biggest arms supplier and with which it has ties dating back to the Cold War.

It has so far largely resisted Western pressure to cut its economic ties with the Kremlin, instead increasing its purchases of Russian oil, coal and fertilizer, and has repeatedly abstained from a United Nations vote on suspending Russia from the Human Rights Council, instead calling for “dialogue and diplomacy.”

However, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared to indicate a potential change in tone last week, telling Russian President Vladimir Putin that now is not the time for war.

The comments from Modi came during a face-to-face meeting on the sidelines of the the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Uzbekistan.

“I know that today’s era is not of war and we have talked to you many times over the phone on the subject that democracy and diplomacy and dialogue are all these things that touch the world,” Modi told Putin.

While India’s relationship with Russia goes back decades, New Delhi’s ties with the West have been growing ever closer since Modi’s election in 2014. Annual India-US trade is more than $110 billion, compared to about $8 billion for India’s trade with Russia. In recent years, India has also become a major customer for US military equipment.
India is also a member of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue alongside the US, Japan and Australia.

Modi’s apparent criticism of Russia is the latest setback for Putin, whose forces have suffered a series of major defeats on the battlefield in recent weeks. Ukraine claims to have recaptured some 8,000 square kilometers (3,000 square miles) of territory.

On Tuesday, the State Department official suggested that atrocities such as the mass burial site uncovered in the city of Izyum were driving countries away from tacitly supporting Russia.

“I think the horrendous behavior of Russian forces, the atrocities that we’re seeing, the fact that in Izyum, again, some 500 bodies in a mass grave, women, children, soldiers shot in the head, is again horrifying the world and people don’t want to be too close,” the official said.
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Essentially an unequal treaty to have absolute military hegemony over those huge swaths of Pacific Ocean and the think tanker and Phelim Kine (a huge China Hawk writing for Politico) are enjoying themselves over the coming renewal. Compact of Free Association. Yeah, indeed.

"The renewal of those agreements, called Compacts of Free Association, will effectively firewall those three countries from a relentless drive by Beijing to displace the U.S. as the region’s dominant ssuperpower.
Yun is uncertain if the COFA model is replicable with other Pacific Island."


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