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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Since when does defending one's integrity equals to being a thin skin? My point is NOBODY gets to point fingers at anybody's problems period. The world doesn't need a self righteous referee to be simply pointing finger and nation shaming.
When a commissioner is appointed at the UN...it's his job to gather info and make a determination. This comes with being a member nation.

Just because we do not like his determination does not mean that it should be either ignored, cast aside without comment, or immediately proclaimed as either bullying, propaganda, or false.

My point is that China, as it rises to super power status has to learn how to handle this type of thing with a lot of maturity and a lot of statesmanship that allows other nations to see it being serious about looking at itself.

As Blackstone indicated, and as you know, the US has had to do this for decades. It is not an easy thing to do particularly when you are singled out because of your status.

But the UN is really incapable of bullying a nation like the US or China. Or Russia for that matter. Their veto power makes that plain as does their relative strength.

What is important here is to react in something other than a kneejerk while the other nations of the world are watching.

I believe China has knee jerked in this instance. My own feeling is that they would be much better served by seriously considering the accusations, asking for and reviewing the data, and then responding. If the UN will not share the data...then it becomes easy to indicate this to the world. If the UN does share the data, then China can put into context.

IMHO, this is a much more effective way of countering such reports.


Lieutenant General
When a commissioner is appointed at the UN...it's his job to gather info and make a determination. This comes with being a member nation.

Just because we do not like his determination does not mean that it should be either ignored, cast aside without comment, or immediately proclaimed as either bullying, propaganda, or false.

My point is that China, as it rises to super power status has to learn how to handle this type of thing with a lot of maturity and a lot of statesmanship that allows other nations to see it being serious about looking at itself.

As Blackstone indicated, and as you know, the US has had to do this for decades. It is not an easy thing to do particularly when you are singled out because of your status.

But the UN is really incapable of bullying a nation like the US or China. Or Russia for that matter. Their veto power makes that plain as does their relative strength.

What is important here is to react in something other than a kneejerk while the other nations of the world are watching.

I believe China has knee jerked in this instance. My own feeling is that they would be much better served by seriously considering the accusations, asking for and reviewing the data, and then responding. If the UN will not share the data...then it becomes easy to indicate this to the world. If the UN does share the data, then China can put into context.

IMHO, this is a much more effective way of countering such reports.

IMHO the best reaction by China is perfect for NOT giving into those UN idiots any credit what so ever. They don't get to point fingers at anybody either at the US or China for that matter. Self righteous appointee doesn't make it right...period is my point.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
IMHO the best reaction by China is perfect for NOT giving into those UN idiots any credit what so ever. They don't get to point fingers at anybody either at the US or China for that matter.
Oh, but they do.

The UN is a creation of the member nations and the US and China are both members in high standing and on the Security Council.

China (and the US) cannot have it both ways and use (or appear to use) the UN only when it suits their fancy, or only when it says positive things about them.

Otherwise, other smaller member nations will rightfully presume that the UN means nothing to them, and is only for the "big boys," and furthering their agendas and interests.

This is why I say it is far better for nations like China and the US to handle it maturely. The other nations are watching and their perception is important to what both nations want to try and accomplish.

Treating it seriously shows that the super powers are willing to look at themselves in the mirror...or in the reflection cast by the rest of the world through the UN...even if it is wrong...and maturely respond and show the world when it is wrong, or accept good criticism and set an example..

IMHO, a knee jerk does not accomplish those goals.

Quite frankly, if the powerful nations are not willing to do this...or if the vast majority of the UN members are so jaundiced that there is no measure of respect and truth at it...then it might as well be disbanded. I do not think we are at that stage...and I do not think it would be politically expedient to do so unless it was obvious to a nation and all of its allies that it was.
the article says
2 minutes ago
Greece debt crisis: Eurozone summit reaches agreement
Eurozone leaders have reached a "unanimous" agreement over a third Greek bailout after marathon talks.

EU chairman Donald Tusk said leaders agreed "in principle" on negotiations for the bailout, "which in other words means continued support for Greece".

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that after a "tough battle", Greece had secured a "growth package" of €35bn (£25bn), and won debt restructuring.

Greece will now have to pass reforms demanded by the eurozone by Wednesday.

"There will not be a 'Grexit'," said European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker, referring to the fear that Greece would have to leave the euro.

"The deal is difficult but we averted the pursuit to move state assets abroad," Mr Tsipras said. "We averted the plan for a financial strangulation and for the collapse of the banking system."

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the head of the eurozone group of finance ministers, said the agreement included a €50bn Greece-based fund that will privatise or manage Greek assets. Out of that €50bn, €25bn would be used to recapitalise Greek banks, he said.

Greek banks have been closed for two weeks, with withdrawals at cash machines limited to €60 per day. The economy has been put under increasing strain, with some businesses closing and other struggling to pay suppliers.

Parliaments in several eurozone states have to approve any new bailout.

"The road will be long, and judging by the negotiations tonight, difficult," German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday morning.

French President Francois Hollande said the agreement had allowed Europe to "preserve integrity and solidarity".

"We also had to show that Europe is capable of solving a crisis that has menaced the eurozone for several years," he said.

Eurozone leaders had been meeting in Brussels for about 17 hours, with talks continuing through the night.

During the night, reports emerged that Greece was holding out over the proposed role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a new programme, and over the fund to hold Greek assets.
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Oh, but they do.

The UN is a creation of the member nations and the US and China are both members in high standing and on the Security Council.

China (and the US) cannot have it both ways and use (or appear to use) the UN only when it suits their fancy, or only when it says positive things about them.

Otherwise, other smaller member nations will rightfully presume that the UN means nothing to them, and is only for the "big boys," and furthering their agendas and interests.

This is why I say it is far better for nations like China and the US to handle it maturely. The other nations are watching and their perception is important to what both nations want to try and accomplish.

Treating it seriously shows that the super powers are willing to look at themselves in the mirror...or in the reflection cast by the rest of the world through the UN...even if it is wrong...and maturely respond and show the world when it is wrong, or accept good criticism and set an example..

IMHO, a knee jerk does not accomplish those goals.

Quite frankly, if the powerful nations are not willing to do this...or if the vast majority of the UN members are so jaundiced that there is no measure of respect and truth at it...then it might as well be disbanded. I do not think we are at that stage...and I do not think it would be politically expedient to do so unless it was obvious to a nation and all of its allies that it was.
US often acts against the UN for example when it attacked Serbia and, using NATO, occupied Kosovo, continuing to found it as a failed state.


the article says
2 minutes ago
Greece debt crisis: Eurozone summit reaches agreement

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) said that Greece doesn't have possessions to the amount of EUR 50b, so the amount was said to be EUR 37b. And then, it isn't sold yet. We'll have to wait until it is sold and, long before that, whether all EU parliaments will agree.
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SUE Sevastopol Airport should have hosted its first flight by the end of the year, the director of the Government of Sevastopol’s Municipal Service Department Oleg Kazurin reported.

It is planned that the airport will host regular flights all year round, taking into account peak seasonal loadings. Capital structures, corresponding engineering communications, introduction of all airport services and fitting them with special equipment are necessary for this purpose. The volume of investment will total more than 1.5 billion rubles.

The available landing strip is almost ready to accept planes. It is 3 thousand meters long. Over one thousand jobs would be created at the airport. The airport director Vadim Bazykin stated there is an opportunity to prepare the existing infrastructure for hosting business aircraft this year: about 3 flights of charters daily, the SRG-200 (50 passengers).

By April-March, 2016 it will be possible to provide hosting and servicing regular flights of Sukhoy Superjet-100 planes (108 passengers) and others.

Sukhoy Superjet-100

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Interesting development. How will this effect simferopol airport? Are they looking to use both airports or are they going to sideline simf in favour of sevastopol?

It seems silly to have two international airports within an hours drive of each other, though with simf being the capital you can hardly deprive it of its air transport hub.

Back to bottling my Grenache
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) said that Greece doesn't have possessions to the amount of EUR 50b, so the amount was said to be EUR 37b. And then, it isn't sold yet. We'll have to wait until it is sold and, long before that, whether all EU parliaments will agree.

don't forget about Greeks themselves :) today's afternoon article:
Tsipras faces SYRIZA mutiny after Greece capitulates to demands
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will return to face a mutiny within his coalition after he surrendered to European demands for action to qualify for up to 86 billion euros ($95 billion) of aid Greece needs to stay in the euro.

Tsipras is due back in Athens on Monday to confront lawmakers from his SYRIZA led bloc who rebelled when he sought their endorsement two days ago for spending cuts, pensions savings and tax increases. The Greek parliament has until Wednesday to pass into law key creditor demands including streamlining value-added taxes, broadening the tax base to increase revenue and curbing pension costs.

With the threat of defections rippling through his bloc, Tsipras will “have to change his administration and clear out hardliners and radicals from his party,” as well as rely on opposition support to pass the necessary measures, said Eurasia Group analysts Mujtaba Rahman and Federico Santi. “But it is a tough call to determine how Tsipras will go about doing this.”

Attention is shifting to the parliamentary hurdles ahead before Greece can even begin negotiations with creditors to access a third international bailout in five years. The euro fell and Spanish and Italian bonds declined as the scale of the remaining challenges sank in.

Default averted

“There’s a vista of division within the party, part of SYRZA officials and lawmakers do not accept the tactics followed by our prime minister,” Yanis Balafas, a SYRIZA lawmaker close to Tsipras, said in an interview. “What matters now is that the worst case scenario of a default has been averted.”

After a six-month offensive against German-inspired austerity succeeded only in deepening his country’s economic mess and antagonizing his European counterparts, there was little for Tsipras to tout as evidence of a face-saving compromise following a rancorous summit in Brussels that ran for more than 17 hours.

“Trust has to be rebuilt, the Greek authorities have to take on responsibility for what they agreed to,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said after the meeting ended just before 9 a.m. in Brussels on Monday. “It now hinges on step-by- step implementation of what we agreed.”

‘Successful evaluation’

The conditions that Tsipras swallowed comprised a laundry list of unfinished business from Greece’s two previous bailouts and a new demand for the government to transfer 50 billion euros of state assets to a holding company that will seek to either sell or generate cash from them.

Tsipras hailed the fact the fund would be based in Greece, not Luxembourg as had been suggested. He also latched onto the prospect of debt relief, albeit distant, after creditors rejected his pleas for a cut in the face value of Greek debt of about 310 billion euros. Merkel said interest-payment grace periods and longer maturities will “be discussed once there is a successful evaluation of the new Greek program.”

While the summit agreement averted a worst-case outcome for Greece, it only established the basis for negotiations on an aid package, which would also include 25 billion euros to recapitalize its weakened financial system.

The Stoxx Europe 600 Index climbed 1.6 percent at 1:39 p.m. in Frankfurt, while the euro dropped 0.9 percent.

As the summit approached its climax in the early hours of Monday, the main session broke at least four times to allow Tsipras to confer with associates in Athens, according to one official with knowledge of the talks.

Threats to leave

Some leaders threatened to leave between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. when a deal looked very unlikely given the late hour. By 6 a.m., both the German and Greek delegations said that a deal was impossible and prepared to leave, before being urged to give it one last push, according to a separate EU official.

The terms are significantly tougher than those Tsipras labelled “blackmail” when he persuaded Greek voters to reject them in a referendum a week ago. In addition to requirements on pensions and sales taxes, measures that Tsipras accepted last week, the leaders demanded that creditor representatives return to Athens with full access to ministers and a veto over relevant legislation, intrusions that he has long rejected.

“We had to succeed,” said French President Francois Hollande. “If Greece had left the eurozone what would the world have said?”

The banks are expected to stay closed on Monday, so the ECB won’t need to adjust its now-frozen emergency credit line to the banks right away, an EU official said as leaders met. The ECB’s Governing Council is slated to review the banks’ situation again on Monday when the Greek government is set to renew a bank holiday and capital controls decree.

Tsipras said that the deal had prevented the banking system from collapsing but will inevitably harm the economy.

“We put up a hard fight for the past six months and we fought to the end in order to get the best out of it, to get a deal which will allow the country to stand on its feet and the Greek people to keep fighting,” Tsipras said in Brussels.
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Lieutenant General
Oh, but they do.

The UN is a creation of the member nations and the US and China are both members in high standing and on the Security Council.

China (and the US) cannot have it both ways and use (or appear to use) the UN only when it suits their fancy, or only when it says positive things about them.

Otherwise, other smaller member nations will rightfully presume that the UN means nothing to them, and is only for the "big boys," and furthering their agendas and interests.

This is why I say it is far better for nations like China and the US to handle it maturely. The other nations are watching and their perception is important to what both nations want to try and accomplish.

Treating it seriously shows that the super powers are willing to look at themselves in the mirror...or in the reflection cast by the rest of the world through the UN...even if it is wrong...and maturely respond and show the world when it is wrong, or accept good criticism and set an example..

IMHO, a knee jerk does not accomplish those goals.

Quite frankly, if the powerful nations are not willing to do this...or if the vast majority of the UN members are so jaundiced that there is no measure of respect and truth at it...then it might as well be disbanded. I do not think we are at that stage...and I do not think it would be politically expedient to do so unless it was obvious to a nation and all of its allies that it was.

Now I do respect your opinion my friend, but the UN has not resolved anything major. We still have conflicts and such, the UN might as well be disbanded if it can't be consistent with its ability to resolve differences and issues. The US and China has done a lot to help their own people and other's around the world. China especially IMHO had uplifted more than 600 - 800 million of its own people out of poverty. I mean (no offense to anyone) that accomplishment is NOT easy to do, that is far better than any country, god, or general world assembly could ever do in the entire history of man kind. To have a small country dictating by bringing down the bigger country to it's level all just to feel more equal is just a bad joke when they know inside their minds and heart that they have a far serious issues to deal at home. The level of hypocrisy and pretentious self righteousness at such a level is hard to tolerate.